jartist4's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplayhttps://www.gamelog.cl/gamers/GamerPage.php?idgamer=1444Columbine RPG (PC) - Mon, 08 Aug 2011 23:29:25https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=4714Hello, This is my third play through of the game. I have explored new rooms and saw more flashbacks. There is a scene where one of the shooters is on the phone and it sheds light on a possible love interest with the character. He was apparently rejected by the person he loved thus becoming bitter. It’s flash backs like these that make me wonder if information like that is factual to the real shooters accounts and life of more speculation. On the RPG website the creator said that they tried to be factual and not fall into the same speculative pitfalls as the media depictions. In the game I got to the library and there was the final scene where the shooters hold a shootout with the police. In the end they kill themselves if you choose to end it there or continue to kill more people in the school first. I wanted to get out of the shoes of the Columbine shooters ASAP so I choose not to shoot anymore people. The two main characters shoot themselves and the game ends with a montage of pictures from the media coverage of the incident. It made me think back on the incident more. I was young when the Columbine Massacre took place, about eleven years old, but I remember how horrible it was. Then two years later 9/11 takes place. The game makes reference to the 9/11 attacks and seems to make a reference link between the two in the mentality of those who would commit such crimes. After the montage the characters find themselves in hell! I was freaking out. I did not expect that the game would go this far! The characters find themselves shooting demons, imps, an demon soldiers in Hell. I did not understand why the creator went THIS far. But I supposed it was vital to show that the acts of atrocious massacre should and did not go unpunished. But I’m not sure if this was ethical to include in the game, because it’s basically saying that the shooters of the massacre went to hell for what they did. Is making statements about someone’s place of eternity ethically sound? After many battles in hell, you find your way to a pentagram that teleports you to an area where you run into many “familiar” characters. Among them, is Mario from the Mario Bros., Pikachu from Pokemon, Santa Claus, Jon Bonnett, Darth Vader, and many more. I was shocked to see this. They all spoke of God forsaking them to Hell for not believing in Christianity, or converting to Islam. Mega man was also there, and said that androids are not allowed in Heaven. I found this segment of the game to be horrible and unnecessary. This was totally anti-Christian, and anti-religious! This says that the game was not only intended to talk about the Columbine Massacre but it Bashes religion. Was this really needed to make people think about the killers perspectives? You fight Satan from the show South Park. Then several events happen. Finally there is a scene where a press conference is shown. The people discuss the possible motives behind the massacre. They blame violent media as a cause of the misguidance of the shooters. This game makes many statements about The shooters and their possible motives, society, religion, and violent media’s relation to child violence. I think this RPG went a bit too far in some areas. I am glad to be done with it. I thought the initial message was constructive at first but after the shooters go to hell, my positive feedback on the messages the creators wish to convey depletes.Mon, 08 Aug 2011 23:29:25 CSThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=4714&iddiary=8722Columbine RPG (PC) - Mon, 08 Aug 2011 03:43:58https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=4714Hello, This is my second play of the super columbine massacre game. I must say that all through the game I personally kept saying to myself “I can’t believe I am playing this…” I personally think that the game makes the player think about their morals and ethics a bit when they are running into random students. I felt that the stealth mission at the beginning of the game was difficult. I found it so frustrating that I wanted to hurt the little annoying hall monitors that you had to avoid. They would literally chase you down. So shooting them later in the game was less of an issue later, jokingly (if it’s ok to joke about that.) I while playing the game found that the titles of students you ran into were ridiculous! Some of them were Church boy, Openly gay man, Cheer leader girl, popular girl, catholic nun, black boy, the list of stereotypical titles went on and on. Once you ran into a character there was no running away from them. Thus you had to kill them. I somewhat had a problem with that. The website said that you can choose to spare as many as you like, but it’s hard not the run into people. So it is difficult to be morally correct and spare people. There are many cut scenes in the game that give the player insight into what the two main characters might have been thinking. There are many things that alluded to the possibility that the two main characters were picked on in the past. They were very angry with the world as a whole it seems. The commentary in the dialogue suggests such. The game is attempting to give the player insight on the perspectives of the shooters. Not all things were bad. There is a part in the game where you walk into a bathroom and save a little boy from being picked on by a group of jocks. You shoot the jocks dead and then they set the boy free. The boy even gives you a gift for freeing him. This act gives the characters a sense of having multiple dimensions to them. I will see what lies ahead in my next play through of the game. Hopefully I will beat the game in this next play through.Mon, 08 Aug 2011 03:43:58 CSThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=4714&iddiary=8715Columbine RPG (PC) - Fri, 05 Aug 2011 03:46:27https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=4714Hello, I just started playing the Columbine RPG. All during setting up the game I said to myself "I can't believe I am playing a game about this..." I was not looking forward to playing the game because it reenacted such a horrible event. I was surprised to see such cartoony graphics. I feel that the graphics somewhat desensitized the harshness of the subject matter. I found game play to be a bit difficult. They give you a bit of direction but it's still very much a trial and error game to me so far.I had difficulty getting to the cafeteria to plant the bombs. I planted a bomb and then I wasn't sure what to do next. The text of the game is also unclear. I found it somewhat disturbing when the character must go into the basement to gather their supplies and they record their farewell message. It was quite creepy to see the two real pictures of the shooters and the dialogue of the message. The characters are very angry at the world it seems. They also find random things like Mariyln Manson cds with negative lyrics as encouragement for the task to come. That somewhat seemed like a source of blaming the music for added influence toward violence and anger.Fri, 05 Aug 2011 03:46:27 CSThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=4714&iddiary=8700Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2) - Thu, 04 Aug 2011 03:59:02https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=4712Hello, This is my third play though of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, I unlocked more missions. CJ does missions for more people like the corrupt cops and the “up in coming” rapper OG- Loc. The missions go from petty theft and robbery crimes to bigger crimes like breaking and entry. CJ goes on missions to help OG- Loc who is a stereo-typical underachieving rap enthusiast. Loc works at a fast food restraint doing menial tasks. He has no real skill in rap so CJ does things to help him make up for that lack of skill. One of these missions features breaking into the mansion of Mad dog a famous rapper that resembles Will Smith. CJ must steal Mad dogs rhyme book and give it to OJ- Loc so he can improve his rhymes. This mission is a stealth style mission where the style of CJ’s assault was more sophisticated than the usual blatant shooting missions. OG- Loc seems to be a commentary on another type of black stereo type. African Americans are prevalent in the rap world. Loc represents the common belief that many Afican American males aspire to become famous rap stars. This aligns with the running theme of the game, Loc is a young black man wanting to make it as a rap star, CJ and his family are gangsters, Officer Tenpenny a corrupt black policemen, and Mad dog a successful black rapper. Each one of these focal black characters represents a negative stereo-typical black image. Mad dog being one of the successful positive blacks in the game is still a rapper. Therefore he still is trapped into the same stereo typical mold. I have also have gotten into the part of the game where CJ must engage in turf wars. This I found was a very interesting aspect of the game. It really factored into the games theme on CJ gaining respect for himself and for the Grove Street gang. The more territory you gain the more respect you earn. Respect is a important value to the characters in the game. The struggle for dominance and power is represented by events like the in game gang wars.Thu, 04 Aug 2011 03:59:02 CSThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=4712&iddiary=8699Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2) - Tue, 02 Aug 2011 04:16:22https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=4712Hello, This is my second entry regarding Grand Theft Auto San Andreas for the PS2. I played the game on my friends PS2 and his copy of the game with my memory card and saved data. I was actually surprised to find out that the copy of the game that I was using at home and the copy that my friend bought, were not compatible! The saved data on the copy that I used at home would not load with this game. The game I have at home is the Greatest Hits version of the game and the copy my friend owned was not the greatest hits version. Honestly I didn’t know that there were any differences between the two, but I suppose that there are. The game displayed a message saying that the game data on my memory card was not compatible with this version of the game. So the game just started me from the beginning. I thought that this was very interesting and I had never encountered this in a video game before. I had to play through some of the game over again, but alas I made it to some of the missions that I had not reached in my last play through. CJ does a few more missions including rescuing his brother sweet from a gang ambush. It seems that in this ambush, some of the grove street gang members are shooting at CJ! However, no one mentions anything about the fact that my own “homies” were shooting at CJ and sweet. I was confused as to what was really going on. Was the game glitching out or was that the way things should go? In another mission CJ must help the Grove Street gang kill off some drug dealers in the neighborhood. The drug dealers are selling drugs to the Grove street gang members. This is considered unacceptable by the grove street gang. CJ and Ryder set out to take out a random dealer and then a group of drug dealers in a drug house. I found it very interesting how the Grove street gang is ok with the unethical implications of robbery and killing but not drug use. I think that they have a very self-preserving moral code that is very deep and unique. In another mission, CJ goes to a Hispanic neighborhood and customizes a low rider vehicle. This is done so that he can compete in a hydraulics competition. Here a stereotypical association is made between a race/ ethnic group. Most of the Hispanic gang members in the game drive the low rider or Savanna vehicles. Cesar drives a Savanna vehicle. CJ’s sister Kendal is dating a Hispanic man by the name of Cesar who is the leader of the Hispanic Gang Varrios Los Aztecas. At the very beginning of the game Kendal mentions that she was going to see Cesar after she left the funeral. CJ and Kendal’s brother Sweet was very upset about the relationship between his sister and a Hispanic male/ Gang leader. CJ seemed to not mind the relationship as he stated, “I think It’s cool, as long as he treats her right. I don’t see the problem.” However upon meeting Cesar after the hydraulics contest, he seemed to react as negatively as Sweet did initially. But soon grew to like Cesar. This is the first or perhaps second presence of racial tension in the game not including the tension between CJ and the police officers. Is Sweets problem with Cesar about him being Hispanic, a Gang leader or both? It is hard to tell. So far CJ has been running errands for people left and right. I suppose that he must prove himself. This means he has no choice but to follow orders. He doesn’t seem to be in the mindset of thinking for himself and striking out on his own, as this seems to be much discouraged in the Johnson family. His going to liberty city was the equivalent of walking out on his family and CJ hold himself somewhat responsible for his mother’s death. The family value of staying together is very strong here. I am eager to see how this value gets tested later on in the game.Tue, 02 Aug 2011 04:16:22 CSThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=4712&iddiary=8695Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2) - Thu, 28 Jul 2011 04:05:02https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=4712Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is loaded with messages that bombard the player represented by the character Carl Johnson, also known as CJ. I start the game watching a scene where CJ returns to Los Santos from liberty city. He is soon afterward confronted by two officers. The game has just begun and it is established that CJ the main character is an African American gang member. This is a stereotype to African American males. CJ is dropped in to enemy gang territory by the officers and left to fend for himself and make his way back to Grove Street. CJ is given a bike to make it to his old home. The next observation I had was during the funeral scene for CJ’s mother. Some of the other main characters were introduced in this scene including. Carl’s sister Kendall is dressed in a mini-skirt and a tank top shirt. These clothes make her look quite provocative and stereotypically objectified. The game has already shown signs of the objectification of women. Why was it necessary to have his sister dressed in this manner? The other gang members of the Grove Street gang were also present. They are in much distress because things are not looking so good for the Grove Street gang. The other members of the Grove Street gang are upset with CJ for having left the gang and Grove Street to live in Liberty city for five years. They felt as if CJ walked out on his family and the grove street gang. They speak to CJ in a very brash and upset manner. When doing mission cut scenes when CJ visits the other members, one of them, Ryder, is almost always depicted with a cigarette or weed and this is also stereotypical. As I progressed through the game I as the player took on several missions. One of the missions I completed started as a simple trip to the local fast food restaurant then Ryder, one of the Grove Street gang members, comes into the store and tries to rob the store for money. Note that the fast food restaurant was very poorly kept up. That is also a bad stereo type regarding the management strength of fast food workers in less luxurious areas. I personally felt that there are many messages made about minorities in the few scenes I saw and played through. I don’t understand why the Grand Theft Auto series when having had a series full of non-African American protagonists treats the subject so stereotypically. However there is a message of the importance of family and staying true to ones roots within the Grove Street gang and more specifically the Johnson family. As stated earlier CJ is constantly being picked at for leaving Grove Street for Liberty City and thus leaving his family behind. The need to feel a bond is also displayed by the use of gang colors. In one of the earlier missions, CJ's brother Sweet tells CJ to go buy clothes that represent their Gang colors. CJ at this point has already risked his life several times just after getting back to Grove Street yet according to Sweet he has not been representing Grove because he has not been wearing his colors. I still must continue the game and see what other ethical nuggets GTA San Andreas has to offer. (This entry has been edited1 time. It was last edited on Thu, 28 Jul 2011 13:15:13.)Thu, 28 Jul 2011 04:05:02 CSThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=4712&iddiary=8686