rslater's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplay is Strange (PC) - Thu, 09 Nov 2017 10:57:32 each session I finish, the game leaves me wondering what will happen next. The game does a great job of creating characters and events that many of us can relate to. The game manages to make the players care about the characters in the game and what happens to them. I like how the choices you make in the game matter later on as well. Unlike most games, there isn't a strict set story progression that doesn't change. The story is constantly altering a little bit based on what you do. Your choices matter.Thu, 09 Nov 2017 10:57:32 CST is Strange (PC) - Thu, 09 Nov 2017 01:01:22 played through a bit more and began to explore the rewind mechanic a bit more. I used it to examine as many possible dialog branches as possible, without forcing myself to stick to that outcome. I was able to choose what seemed like the best outcome based on the immediate response from the characters. I also spent a lot of time just exploring and examining as many interactables as I could. This gave me quite a bit of extra information about what is going on, as well as a lot of information that seemed useless. I'm definitely liking the game so far though.Thu, 09 Nov 2017 01:01:22 CST is Strange (PC) - Wed, 08 Nov 2017 00:36:35 started up a game of life is strange. The game quickly introduced me to a whole slew of characters at this high school. The characters felt very real and I quickly connected with some of them while beginning to detest others. They feel very real and relatable. The rewind mechanic is also very interesting. The game keeps on giving me choices that I know have an effect on the game's outcome, but it gives me to power to see the immediate outcome and choose which one I prefer.Wed, 08 Nov 2017 00:36:35 CST 2 (PC) - Thu, 28 Sep 2017 23:27:59 didn’t get very much farther into the game this time because I ended up spending all of my time doing side things in the game. A system of hidden objects was added to the game and I ended up prioritizing them over making progress in the story. Finding them enables you to get more abilities and power-ups that can further your specific play strategy. Certain upgrades can open up even more areas for you to go through and explore. Another interesting mechanic that was introduced was the chaos mechanic. The areas that you go to in the game can change based on your previous actions. If you killed less people and were detected less, then it rewards you with a calmer and safer area with less enemies. But if you killed everyone and everything you saw, then the area is full of enemies that will be very alert for you. It’s interesting that even though it leaves how you progress up to you, it still punishes you for playing certain ways.Thu, 28 Sep 2017 23:27:59 CST 2 (PC) - Thu, 28 Sep 2017 02:25:22 playing a bit more the games ability to let you play as you choose began to shine even more. I managed to go through a building and avoid a lot of the enemies that I would have otherwise had to fight. At the end of the level I was given a screen telling me things about how I went through that level. It told me how many people I killed, how many times I was detected, how many bodies were found, how much loot I found, and many other things. This is great for showing the player how well they did playing through the level. It also gives you an opportunity to replay the level and try to do even better or find what you missed. I was also introduced to new powers that can be used and upgraded to suite any playstyle. These abilities will definitely make gameplay more interesting and customizable.Thu, 28 Sep 2017 02:25:22 CST 2 (PC) - Wed, 27 Sep 2017 13:15:56 started playing Dishonored 2 and after a basic tutorial, it jumped into the story and things started going down almost immediately. The game quickly told me what was going on and explained that I had multiple ways to play the game. I chose to go through the first area by using a bit of stealth and avoiding killing anybody except my target. The game has a large selection of things to interact with and options for ways to progress, which I like. There were also a lot of items spread around that would give you more information about the setting and what’s going on in the world. You just have to look around a little bit to get that extra lore, but it’s not required in any way. The combat is fairly simple for now but it has potential to get a lot more interesting, which I’m sure it will later on.Wed, 27 Sep 2017 13:15:56 CST