Duke of Darkness's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplayhttps://www.gamelog.cl/gamers/GamerPage.php?idgamer=2011A Mortician's Tale (PC) - Wed, 07 Nov 2018 14:14:38https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6899Today I played through, "Mortician's Tale again". This time I wanted to push the boundaries and see what I could do. I looked at the steam achievements, and realized there were 2 out of the 3 I hadn't gotten. I decided I would get those, because the game is so short. I didn't talk to everyone the last time I played through, with the second option. One achievement was to talk to everyone, so I did this on my 3rd play through. I noticed at the end of the second time playing that the computer had different tabs. This 3rd time I read through all of those as well. I read every email. I noticed there was a mini game which is just a more difficult mine sweeper. It randomizes/cycles through different symbols to mark the amount of ghosts, (mines) are near, so you have to figure it out each time you start it. I spent about 30 minutes trying to beat it, and I finally did! I got the last achievement for the game, which made me happy. I also tried to explore and disobey the prompts. I found out that the game doesn't allow you to mess up. You can't disrespect the bodies if you wanted to. Which was actually a good thing, in my opinion. This helped the message of the game be the most important focus.Wed, 07 Nov 2018 14:14:38 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6899&iddiary=12260A Mortician's Tale (PC) - Wed, 07 Nov 2018 14:09:05https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6899Monday, I played through the game again. This time I rushed through it, and chose the one other option you are given the entire game, to see if it had any consequences. It didn't. I probably beat the game in 15 minutes this time. It was nice that the game gave you an option to avoid the sensitivity of suicide. I was able to perform all the functions without needing the hand-holding of the prompts.Wed, 07 Nov 2018 14:09:05 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6899&iddiary=12259A Mortician's Tale (PC) - Wed, 07 Nov 2018 14:04:12https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6899On Sunday I played, "Mortician's Tale" for the first time. I played the whole game in about 40 minutes. It's not a long game. It's not a difficult game. But it is a good game. At first it seemed a bit strange to be playing as a mortician and preparing bodies for burial, but the game is very educational and respectful. You learn a lot about what morticians do, and go through. I liked, that the game had you pay respects to each person whose' body you prepared. The game was definitely about being against corporate mortuaries, and trying to teach about more environmentally friendly options. It ended nicely. Interesting change in the music to reflect the good of having your own, small business, and being very environmentally friendly. I made sure that I read everything, and talked with everyone. The creators did a good job of showing different perspectives on death. (This entry has been edited1 time. It was last edited on Wed, 07 Nov 2018 14:15:13.)Wed, 07 Nov 2018 14:04:12 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6899&iddiary=12258Four Last Things (PC) - Thu, 27 Sep 2018 17:00:05https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6814I played for about 40 minutes today. I was able to find how to commit the sin of lust, but that took me most of my play time. It took me forever to figure out that you can trade your crappy painting of the lady with the legit painting of the lady in the art gallery. After that, things were pretty straight forward. I brought the painting to the poet, and He made a sexy poem. You steal the sexy poem after he finishes, and it was fairly obvious what to do with that. I wooed the lady through the window and accomplished the sin of lust. The ending of the game was very interesting. I went back to the church and I was allowed in to confess. You pass a beggar that you can give stuff to. I gave her everything and got an achievement for it. After confession you are on a cliff with a crowd behind you, and the 2 bishops from the beginning keeping you on this plank, that is hanging off the cliff. They say you must take the leap of faith in order to be truly forgiven. After you are forced to jump, you end up in hell. So after all this work to be "forgiven", you still end up in hell to suffer for all your wrong doing. Therefore, the game is framed as if it is utilitarian, but it is really kantian in the end. An entertaining game with an interesting play on morality and christianity.Thu, 27 Sep 2018 17:00:05 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6814&iddiary=12151Four Last Things (PC) - Wed, 26 Sep 2018 19:02:02https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6814I played for about 30 more minutes. I was lost for a long time. I was trying to find everything I could click on. I was able to figure out that you could grab this empty jug and fill it with beer. I tried drinking it and got an achievement for alcoholism. This game is great at displaying unethical behavior in a funny way. It is still seen as negative, but your goal at the same time, is to be unethical. I finally figured out I could give the beer to the drunk dude and continue the story. I was able to commit the sins of wrath and gluttony. Now for the elusive sin of lust. That sounds weird. I still can't play without constantly thinking of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.Wed, 26 Sep 2018 19:02:02 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6814&iddiary=12106Four Last Things (PC) - Tue, 25 Sep 2018 17:13:14https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6814I started playing Four Last Things. It is definitely reminiscent of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It creatively uses popular art from the renaissance era for all characters, and backgrounds. This game is full of an irreverent humor. You are trying to be absolved of all your sins, and apparently you've committed all of them. As a crack at old catholic parishes and forgiving sins for money and as a business, you have to commit a sin of each of the seven deadly sins, so that you can be absolved of all sins related to such. The interactions that I've seen so far tend to be whimsical, and an interesting clash of modern humor trying to fit into a renaissance narrative. I'm not sure how long the gameplay really goes, but I feel like I played through a large amount of it already. I have been able to fill all but 2 parts of my inventory, and I have already committed sloth, envy, and greed. With the items I have, and the NPCs I've ran into, I know I am close to figuring out Lust gluttony, and pride. Which means wrath is the only real mystery I have left to solve. This may be the only game I complete for these game logs. I played the game for about an hour and thirty minutes.Tue, 25 Sep 2018 17:13:14 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6814&iddiary=12073Nier Automata (PS4) - Thu, 30 Aug 2018 18:52:27https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6753Today I played for a little over an hour. I was attempting to catch up on all my side quests, or sub quests as this game likes to call them. I wasn't able to finish a couple, because I am a little low on levels. So I decided to continue with the main story. I found out that my earlier guesses weren't accurate. I still get the feeling something fishy is happening with YoRHa and the humans. But I saw some dead aliens, and the machines that killed them. It's interesting how the machines have basically duplicated the androids. War seems to go in an eternal circle.Thu, 30 Aug 2018 18:52:27 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6753&iddiary=11990Nier Automata (PS4) - Wed, 29 Aug 2018 22:50:16https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6753Today I spent a lot more time exploring the game. I often feel like a completionist, because I want to do everything I possibly can. I try to find all the items, and do everything I can. I spent a lot of time trying to find all the save points, I tried some fishing, I did a lot of sub quests, and a bit more of the story. During all this I found a couple new weapons, which I thought were pretty cool. Through some of the quests I did, I ran into some more interesting moral issues. The theme park full of neutral machines, and then the village of friendly machines. So obviously not all the machines are evil. Maybe they were programmed to be violent, but also to learn. Well now they are learning and some are deciding to take to being peaceful. Were the robots really made by evil aliens? Or was it a human plan that backfired? Are the machines just an early creation that lead to the creation of androids? These are the questions I'm currently having. Some of this is based off of my experience playing the game, and the little tidbits and clues given. The rest is just me being quizzical and through experience with other stories. I played for about 2 hours today. Still loving my experience so far!Wed, 29 Aug 2018 22:50:16 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6753&iddiary=11958Nier Automata (PS4) - Tue, 28 Aug 2018 22:33:00https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6753Today I started playing Nier Automata. I had seen a friend play the beginning bit, and some random parts in the middle, before playing today. First off this is a very fun game! They make sure that things switch up a lot, which continues to keep it interesting. Sometimes you are playing a shooter type game, sometimes an action rpg, etc. The camera also switches views a lot. This was annoying at first, but I didn't mind after about 20 minutes. I find the context to be extremely interesting. You play as an android that is being sent to Earth to clear out some machines, so that humans can once again inhabit earth. Androids sentience and memories can be saved, so that if they "die" their bodies can be made anew, and their memories placed into the new body. I think this is intriguing. It makes one ask, what is life? To further press this question into the heart, the machines you are sent to kill show signs of intelligence. The NPCs remark that this is unheard of. So are the machines sentient beings as well? You do see them learning, and acting/speaking in a child-like manner. You really are unsure what is right and wrong as you move forward. I played for almost 3 hours, because I wanted to know how the narrative moved forward. I was also having a blast.Tue, 28 Aug 2018 22:33:00 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6753&iddiary=11925