adubster's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplay Smash Brothers (N64) - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 15:56:29 the differences between the characters you can figure out an essential of this game is the different characters hops. it is very important to master the jumping in this game. there are two differnt jumps. One is the basic jump like any other game. THe character jumps up and then if the player understands the secondary jump, up B, then he gets and additional jump to recover from a toss or fall off the edge. the game is based on the premise of trying to stay on the platform while other players try to knok you off, like a videogame version of king of the hill we used to play with our chums. Once a player masters the jumps a player can potentialy be unstoppable in this game. With the right application of jumps and superior timing one can be un-smashable.Wed, 31 Jan 2007 15:56:29 CST Smash Brothers (N64) - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 14:41:51 have not played Super Smash Bros since i was a little kid until recently. I enjoyed the game as a young buck but the appeal is the same. The multiplayer greatness transcends time and space, not just in gameplay but in the actual levels of the game also. i enjoyed playing single and multiplayer as a child and as a young adult. The game is based upon impeciable timing. A player does not need to have a peticular character to defeat the other players. the timing of the "smash" hit is really all it takes. the timing of everything in this game is essential.Wed, 31 Jan 2007 14:41:51 CST of the Colossus (PS2) - Fri, 19 Jan 2007 17:26:14 finishing up with my journey with the bike. I got bored. the design of the gameplay is so that when one gets bored doing one thing, then he can instantly switch into another part of the game that is appealing to him. there are plenty of minigames and side missions, in addition to the regular mission for finishing the game, to keep the player occupied. I spend most of my time roaming freely through the different parts of the city. Once i became bored of driving around i slipped into the weight room. I started working out on different machines. Doing free weights to build muscle and then the treadmill to build stamina. then i had a realization of how utterly ridiculous this is. I am working out on a videogame. that made me angry. I was sitting on the couch, working out in the virtual world. It is good to work out and be fit in the videogame but i cant do it. on basic principles. Then i wandered into the horse racing place. I went up to a video arcade type of machine and played a video poker type of horse racing. The basic tactic of the gambling is to put the mostmoney on the horse with the worst odds of winning. I am pretty sure it is all random, but my roomate and i have a theory the funiest or most offensive name of the horse is the big winner. We made 100000 dollars putting 10000 on peeble dasher, pearl's necklace, and another inuendo names. It is extremly entertaining to sit in your living room and scream for pearl necklace with alot of passion. A friend came by and we had alot of fun and made alot of money gambling on obscene horses.Fri, 19 Jan 2007 17:26:14 CST of the Colossus (PS2) - Fri, 19 Jan 2007 16:22:21 have had San Andreas, or atleast some copy of it since it came out. I have had two copies of this game stolen. I guess it is ironic that i have had this game stolen. i have been a lover of the gta games since the bird eyes view versions. San Andreas is a great game. it has a universality unlike many games out right now. Even other games with basiclly the same design, in terms of a character wandering through the world, do not accomplish the superior game play of San Andreas. I have played the other GTA's, Scarface, Saints row and other similiar designed games but they fail to achieve the goodness of San Andreas. In this particular session of GTA i started in San Fierro. Killed a cop for his bike and then high tailed it on the freeway. The way the game is designed you can take off and just drive or do nothing if you feel so inclined. I was outrunning the cops when i hit a car. I flew off th bike, a typical thing if you speed on a bike, and realized the difficulty in designing a body to fly off a bike. The way the body flys and falls, skipping across the ground like a rock on water. The realitivity of the falls are great but then the loss occurs in the none loss of most life to your character. To a gamer who smashes through town as much as possible this is not a bad thing but it is unrealistic. (This entry has been edited1 time. It was last edited on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 17:07:33.)Fri, 19 Jan 2007 16:22:21 CST 2 : Silent Assassin (PS2) - Wed, 10 Jan 2007 22:28:20 Torpedo the next mission requires alot more finesse then the last mission Again i have to sneak around and try to assassinate a general without being noticed. You start in the sewer and have to immediate kill and take the clothes of a solider in the midst of all his buddies. then you have to take his clothes and jump into the back of an ammunition truck headed to the military compound, where the general is located. i die in the same spot alot of times. It is very hard not to be noticed when you are in confined areas. i finally got to the spot where you are supposed to blow a whole in the wall to get to the second level of the basement but i forgot to pick up my bomb kit. so i got killed. all in all. it was fun. hard but fun. and its not a game for idiots. one must think and plan to beat any of these levelsWed, 10 Jan 2007 22:28:20 CST 2 : Silent Assassin (PS2) - Wed, 10 Jan 2007 21:44:27 the beginning of my second session i was still waiting for the men to get into the limo so i could blow it up while they were inside. i spent about fifteen minutes waiting for them to get back in the car, still wishing i had a sniper rifle when i decided they were not going to get into the limo. I left my sniper vantage point and tryed just approaching them as a soilder and trying to sneak past the guards. i suceeded in that and decided to no longer be stealthy and just shot them with an AK 47, alarming all the guards and shooting my way out like i said i wasnt going to. it worked i almost died but i escaped in the boat and finished the level. I got a pyschopath rathing on the level, with maximimum agression and about 30 percent stealth. obviously not the most conventional way to be the level but it worked. The graphics are really good. The handling of the player is excellent. Ascending and descending into the sewer system is not that great and can be troublesome when you are trying to act fast. It helps to read the mission statements before hand and actually pay attention to what they are saying. I usually have it on mute and listen to music but i helps to listen to the game for various reasons. Oh yeah the level is Kirov Park Meeting.Wed, 10 Jan 2007 21:44:27 CST 2 : Silent Assassin (PS2) - Wed, 10 Jan 2007 21:31:51 off on the fifth mission, entitled ..... the object of the level is to assassinate two men in a stealthy-like fashion. It took me twenty minutes just to figure out how to go about the mission without alarming the guards or getting killed. One has to navigate the map to avoid guards or others that might alarm others. If the alarm is sounded not only do you get bumrushed but you also fail the mission because your targets have vacated the premise. I had to kill a guard take his clothes and then drag the body and then do that again to a limo driver so i could plant a car bomb. However, at the beginning of this level you get a drop box with weapons and ammo.I chose the carbomb instead of the sniper rifle for less exposure. I planted the car bomb and then switched back to guard uniform only to discover i probably should have kept the sniper rifle. I am not sure what to do. The game, or atleast this level is challenging and requires strategic planning. It is not a run in the room guns blazing type of game. Precision and patience are required. Hopefully in my next session i will be able to beat the level.Wed, 10 Jan 2007 21:31:51 CST 2 : Silent Assassin (PS2) - Wed, 10 Jan 2007 21:31:41 off on the fifth mission, entitled ..... the object of the level is to assassinate two men in a stealthy-like fashion. It took me twenty minutes just to figure out how to go about the mission without alarming the guards or getting killed. One has to navigate the map to avoid guards or others that might alarm others. If the alarm is sounded not only do you get bumrushed but you also fail the mission because your targets have vacated the premise. I had to kill a guard take his clothes and then drag the body and then do that again to a limo driver so i could plant a car bomb. However, at the beginning of this level you get a drop box with weapons and ammo.I chose the carbomb instead of the sniper rifle for less exposure. I planted the car bomb and then switched back to guard uniform only to discover i probably should have kept the sniper rifle. I am not sure what to do. The game, or atleast this level is challenging and requires strategic planning. It is not a run in the room guns blazing type of game. Precision and patience are required. Hopefully in my next session i will be able to beat the level.Wed, 10 Jan 2007 21:31:41 CST