FirstNameBasis's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplay Smash Brothers (N64) - Sat, 24 Feb 2007 02:00:28 Super Smash Brothers it has both an extensive multiplayer and single player experiences. The single player is extremely engaging because of the variety of battles and chracters that you encounter. One level that I found particularly interesting was the one where fifteen small Kirby characters start attacking you three at a time. Their lives are drastically reduced from the single foes that you previously encounter in the game which make them easier to take out. The challenege exist in their sheer numbers. I believe that this little change in the gameplay increases the value of the game ten fold. Another intesresting factor of the single player is the option of playing mini games in between the actual battle fights. These mini games offer the gamer a new twist after the numerous fighting levels. Some mini games require you to navigate through the level and destroy all the targets, others require you to run against a time limit to reach the eventual goal. These mini games allow the gamer to escape the common fighting levels and compete in a completely different game which requires a completely different objective to be completed. -EricSat, 24 Feb 2007 02:00:28 CST Smash Brothers (N64) - Fri, 23 Feb 2007 14:14:15 game that I chose from the classic list this week was Super Smash Brothers for the Nintendo 64. When this game was originally released it was practically owned by every teenager who owned a Nintedo 64 console. One of the reasons for the success of Super Smash Brothers was the fact that you could play the game with four of your freinds at the same time. The competition factor of the game makes it extremely exciting. Another key reason for the success was the fact that no two games that you played were alike. Every match had factors such as items, player skills, and levels that made each game completely random. The randomness of the matches was one of the huge reasosn for the success of Smash Brothers, because this lead to a great re-play value. This re-play value is probably the biggest reason why Smash Brothers is on the classic list today. People can play this game 10 years later and still have as much fun as they did when first played it during its release. -EricFri, 23 Feb 2007 14:14:15 CST Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360) - Fri, 09 Feb 2007 13:46:21 my intitial gameplay of Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion for the xbox 360, I was excited to show my friends how detailed and visually gorgeous this game is. One factor that I found intriguing was how fascinated my girlfriend was when watching me play the game. She was so intrigued by Oblivion that she made me let her make a new character. I thought the game had a limitless options for the male character. Although that might be true, the female characters in this game have even more options from their hair styles to the color of their lips. In this overally masculine gamer world, I was fascinated to see a female getting into Oblivion the same way that I was. I believe that it is partly due to the gameplay that makes this game so addicting and fun to play. When searching the different realms with your character you can either scroll around in a over the shoulder third person cam, or go into first person mode where it makes you actually feel like you are holding a shield or sword or casting a magic spell. The magic aspect of this game is also fascinating. Already in the beginning of my game I have an array of skills and abilities. For example, I can cast a light spell that projects a green aura around me that lets me see and I can also cast a conjuration spell that summons a skeleton to fight for me. This varied skills I have to help me proceed through my journies make the gameplay extremely exciting. I look forward to the new and different skills I will be acquiring as I progress through this game. -EricFri, 09 Feb 2007 13:46:21 CST Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360) - Fri, 09 Feb 2007 13:37:07 game I decided to play for my gamelog was Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion for the xbox 360 console. Before buying this game, I heard nothing but postive things about it and I even read that it was said to be quite possibly the best RPG game ever made. When I began the game I was immediately aware of how detailed this game was going to be. Right when you start off the game you start inside a jail cell where you are prompted to choose your kind of character. The options you have when creating your character are so detailed and specific that it is virtually impossible to create the same character as another gamer playing the game. For example, you could change everything about your character from his skill class, his hair, and even the dimensons of every aspect of your face; nose, mouth, lips, etc. I was originally very impressed with how detailed the game was, I dont think that I have ever seen a game that lets you contol as many aspects of your character and journey as Oblivion does. It seems that no matter where you travel in this game you will encounter different character that either need your help with something or will give you advice where to go for your next mission. Even right now in the game I just began it seems that I am already on like five different quests, each leading my in a different direction and path. This was my initial recation and thoughts when playing Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion. -EricFri, 09 Feb 2007 13:37:07 CST 007 (N64) - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:57:07 James Bond Goldeneye 007 there is plenty of single player excitement. With all the high tech weapons and gadgets it is difficult to see where a person could get bored with all the level and events in the game. But just in case a player manages to beat all aspects of the single player game, Goldeneye introduced one of the most addicting and exciting multiplayer games. One feature that made the the multiplayer game so exciting was the fact that you could strafe and shoot at the same time. This ability to strafe and dodge enemy fire added a challenging and exciting element of the game. The game was no longer a simple game of shooting a still or hardly moving target, the game now required you to hit a fast moving target that was also shooting back at you. The multiplayer game in Goldeneye provided thousand of hours of excitment for my friends and I when we first bought the game. Also with the Nintendo 64 we were able to play four players at a time which created many different and unique challenges. Each player has their own different strategies when it comes to a shooting game. Some players would camp, which means they woulndt leave their position and would wait for you to come to them. Other players are more aggressive and barge in spraying their machine guns. I definately enjoyed how much variety there was in multiplayer aspect of the game. \ -EricWed, 31 Jan 2007 11:57:07 CST 007 (N64) - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:40:29 Bond Goldeneye 007 on the Nintendo 64 platform was probably the most genre defining shooter of its time. I still remember the first day I played the game, I was with my friends and we could not get over all the cool weapons the game had. When you start off the game all you have at your possession is a 9 milimeter pistol and a laser watch. As you proceed through the game you acquire an array of high tech weapons and gadgets. One of the most intriguing gadgets was the remote mine. With this mine you could throw it anywhere, and then James Bond pulls out his watch and it has a detonating button on it and you can make them explode whenever. This introduction of such a unique gadget redefined what players could do with explosives. Besides the weapons and gadget another fascinating feature of Goldeneye was its intricate cutscenes at the beginning and end of levels. Before Goldeneye I believe that cutscenes and movies in video games were very simple and little thought was put into them. These cutscenes in Goldeneye added a brand new twish and element of the game. It was almost as though the cutscene at the end of the level was a reward for your hardwork during the level. I believe cutscenes like the ones found in Goldeneye are one of the reasons video games have become more similar to movies by the drama and excitement they have.Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:40:29 CST Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) - Fri, 19 Jan 2007 14:04:09 taking a break from Ocarina of Time I went back to play it to see if there was any huge aspects of the game that i missed. One very interesting quality of the game that I noticed was the use of Link's Ocarina. I can't remember a game before Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time that used a musical intstrument in such a variety and cool ways. For instance, one song you acquire actually lets you control the sun and switch between day and night while you are traveling through the landscapes. I felt this feature really added to the theme found in the Ocarina of Time. Another intrugiuing asppect of the Ocarine was a song used to call your horse Epona. There is a certain song called Epona's Song that when played your horse will come running to you no matter where you are. I thought this was a useful feature that allows you to seek your horse when you loose it, which saved a bunch of time that would have spent looking for it. The last and one of the most innovative use of the Ocarina was the abilitiy to travel from being a child version of Link to being a grown up adult version of Link. While being the old version of Link he is unable to use some of the equipment from the child version, but also has many items that he can use and the child version can not. This is why I believe Zelda use of the Ocarina was one of the most intruiging and innovative features of the game. -EricFri, 19 Jan 2007 14:04:09 CST Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) - Fri, 19 Jan 2007 13:55:50 more can be said about The Legend of Zelda's Ocarina of Time other than it is simply one of the best games ever made. This game's variety of missions and breathtaking landscapes makes each game playing experience unique and different each time you play it. I believe this game was on the first to use a combat system of its type. When fighting an enemy Link will focus on an enemy of your choice with the Z trigger. This made things a lot easier when trying to deal with a bunch of enemies at the same time. I believe this game was also an innovation due to your horse, Epony, that you get to ride around the beautiful lanscapes with. Besides reducing the amount of time for travel, the horse feature of this game was the first of a kind. Since Ocarina of time many games have added this pet feature for your hero to use, either to fight or to travel with. I also enjoyed in the very beginning of the game where you wake up in a forrest village with no weapons or a shield, very similair to the way you started out in the original Zelda on the NES. By not allowing the gamer to start out with weapons adds to the excitement that gamer will feel while he acquires new equipment Link can use. -EricFri, 19 Jan 2007 13:55:50 CST (360) - Thu, 11 Jan 2007 20:43:45 my name is Eric Anthony, and just recently I got a Xbox 360 for Chanukah. To no surprise i was thrilled to finally have one of the new cutting age systems, my previously most recent system being Playstation 2. The very first game I purchased was Kameo, an action adventure game in which you play as this fairie named Kameo in which her powers allow you to change to a variety of different creatures with different abilities. I am about half way through the game when I first started today's session. This game has very colorful exaggerated colors, and a multitude of environments of which you must cross. When I first turned on the game I was already in the middle of an itense boss fight which I was attemping to beat earlier. I was fighting a huge frozen ice monster which many green eyes. The eyes stood out in my eyes as something I needed to investigate. As I thought the eyes needed a direct hit with one my transformations Chilla, which is a large guerilla which attacks enemies by throwing large icicles at them. Once I hit the boss with the ice spear Hundreds of bouncy eyes came onto the arena in which I had to use another one of my transformations 40 below, which is a one footed creature who gets around by rolling ontop of a snowball. One of 40 Below's attacks is that he pulls out a snowball and begins spinning around, this spinning knocked off those bouncy eyes, and allowed me to attack the boss directly. Once I destroyed the boss it freed one of my captured family members and gave me a new character i could transform to. A creature name Snare, which is like a venus flytrap that can walk, has some pretty cool abilities like being able to swallow an enemy and send a thorn shockwave. With the addition of the new character it will make my journey much easier as well as more entertaining. -=First Name Basis=-Thu, 11 Jan 2007 20:43:45 CST (360) - Thu, 11 Jan 2007 20:41:53 again, well I started to play Kameo again after taking a little break to reflect on my first playing experience. While playing this time I realiezed how actually detailed the surroundings in this game are, all without the annoyance of having load time or choppy frames per second. After acquiring my new character Snare from the last time playing, I noticed that i only needed to acquire one more character to have all the transformations at my disposal. So I proceded to head to the black marsh as my talking wotnot book at recommended doing. When I got to the town I realized that everyone looked to be from the same family as my character snare. While being snare I was able to ask people advic on where to go and what to do, if I would happen to be another character they would dismiss me and tell me to leave. I thought this was an interesting tactic which made you feel like you had to belong to the town before they would help you on your travels. After going around the town and doing favors for people I was led in the direction the forrest in order to find my last transformaion. Right when I got outside I realized a huge battle going on involving catapults, dragons, and a massive amount of soldier. After dying a couple times and trying different strategies I realized this was a good place to leave off so that I could back to an awesome part when I ressume playing. -=First Name Basis=-Thu, 11 Jan 2007 20:41:53 CST