July 6, 2020
UPDATE: Fixed some more pages to prevent SQLInjection attacks. Fingers crossed.
June 16, 2020
UPDATE: Fixed some pages to prevent SQLInjection attacks. Fingers crossed.
June 1, 2018
UPDATE: Now on SSL so Google stops calling us "unsafe" Yay for https!.
May 8, 2018
UPDATE: Now uses ReCaptcha 2, because the old one was disactivated.
Jan 26, 2017
BUGFIX: Fixed bug where you couldn't update/change your class if you're using GameLog for a class.
June 16, 2016
Sep 14, 2015
May 07, 2014
UPDATE: Migrated entire site to new server. Now runs with Pear MDB2 (since Pear DB was deprecated)
Feb 01, 2013
UPDATE: Simplified registration form (no longer requires DoB or gender).
UPDATE: Added reCAPTCHA's to the signup page (to prevent spam accounts).
Feb 07, 2011
BUGFIX: Fixed bug that resulted in a new Game Log being assigned the wrong platform when it was for a new game for which there was already an entry under a different platform.
Dec 10, 2009
BUGFIX: Fixed bug that prevented editing GameLog entries with special characters.
Dec 5, 2008
Feb 5, 2008
UPDATE: On the feedback page you can see the entry you just posted (or failed to post).
UPDATE: Added a character counter to the edit entry and entry pages.
BUGFIX: The edit entry page now uses POST instead of GET to allow longer entries as well as consistency with the rest of the site.
Jan 2, 2008
UPDATE: Streamlined some backend things related to dates and forms.
UPDATE: You can add/remove/change yourself from a class from the preferences page.
Dec 14, 2007
UPDATE: Added support for students using GameLog for a class.
Apr 16, 2007
UPDATE: You can now edit the information for a game. The link has been added from the game information page.
Apr 13, 2007
UPDATE: You can now add games without having to create a GameLog for them.
UPDATE: Added an icon to the "advanced search" link. I though it looked nice. :-)
Apr 12, 2007
BUGFIX: Release dates for games now include 2007.
Apr 11, 2007
UPDATE: Improved the help page with more questions and better formatting.
Apr 10, 2007
UPDATE: RSS feed added for the homepage.
Apr 9, 2007
UPDATE: RSS Feeds! Each user now has an RSS feed for all of his GameLogs.
Apr 6, 2007
UPDATE: Gamer page now has paged navigation (you can read older entries...all the way back to the first entry)
UPDATE: Improved usability of navigation on Games, Logs and Member pages. Also added a little arrow icon!
UPDATE: Added the bug and wrench icons.
Feb 2, 2007
BUGFIX: Fixed DB Syntax Error on LogPage when the game's name has an apostrophe.
Feb 1, 2007
UPDATE: Changed navigation scheme for games, logs and members. Now you can also browse by letter!
Jan 24, 2007
BUGFIX: Implemented workaround for IE bug where submission forms don't work if there is too much text in the text box.
Jan 17, 2007
BUGFIX: Added extra safeguards to avoid double posting when users reload page.
UPDATE: GameLog entries can now be edited by their authors!
Jan 12, 2007
BUGFIX: Fixed DB syntax error when creating GameLog for game with apostrophe in title
UPDATE: Added timestamp to entries on Gamerpage.
Jan 9, 2007
BUGFIX: Fixed the empty textbox on one of the add an entry pages. No longer has extra tab spaces.
BUGFIX: If you try to write an entry and you don't have any active GameLogs, you no longer get to see the "new entry" form.
UPDATE: The "Post New Entry" option no longer appears if you don't have any active GameLogs
BUGFIX: Fixed bug where new users creating a GameLog would could not write entries without logging out and back in again.
BUGFIX: Fixed lack of "2006" in years list when creating new GameLog.
UPDATE: Added a link to this page from the home page.
Nov 13, 2006
UPDATE: Added number of games by platform to the search box in the top-right corner.
Nov 9, 2006
BUGFIX: Fixed bug where GameLogs with no entries displayed an empty page instead of the basic stats for that GameLog.
UPDATE: Game Information Page now shows status of the different GameLogs for that game.
Nov 1, 2006
BUGFIX: Fixed error when updating a log (changing status together with changing comment)
Oct 12, 2006
BUGFIX: Fixed compatiblity issue with IE on the login form
Oct 9, 2006
BUGFIX: Now correctly displays how many years, months and days since you registered on GameLog.
BUGFIX: Fixed malformed URL on the members page.
Oct 1, 2006
BUGFIX: Fixed bugs in the Logs, Games and Gamer pages where if you hadn't logged in (or passed by the homepage) you wouldn't get the list of logs, games and gamers.
Sep 21, 2006
BUGFIX: Fixed bug in the edit GameLog page
Sep 18, 2006
UPDATE: Moved the entire site over to a new server. Everything seems to work ok....
BUGFIX: E-mail updates are now working for GameLog comments. (ie, you get an email if someone comments on a GameLog of yours)
BUGFIX: Forgot your password now works.
Sep 9, 2006
UPDATE: Continued work on new look-and-feel. This includes graphical headers for all pages.
UPDATE: Created advanced search page
UPDATE: Improved usability of the process of creating new GameLogs
BUGFIX: Fixed a few more problematic links
Sep 8, 2006
BUGFIX: Fixed multiple problems with links
UPDATE: Changing look and feel, including mini-icons for some site functionality
UPDATE: Moved search functionality to top-right corner, stats are now on the home page
Sep 7, 2006
BUGFIX: Fixed a bunch of dead links.
BUGFIX: Fixed bug on Game page for games with apostrophe in their name (displayed DB error)
Sep 6, 2006
BUGFIX: Little changes to the new entry page. Removed excess spaces and fixed the submission process.
Sep 1, 2006
BUGFIX: Various fixes to address PHP errors due to undeclared variables.
UPDATE: Various Improvements to the Sign up page.
UPDATE: Logging out now redirects back to home page. (avoids users seeing weird error messages).
UPDATE: Streamlined a lot of the authentication code across all pages.
UPDATE: Added field to sign up page that asks you to confirm your password.
May 8, 2006
BUGFIX: Added some javascript to prevent multiple form submits when replying to existing Gamelogs as well as when writing new entries.
UPDATE: Changed some of the info displayed in the stats page.
UPDATE: Added new members section which lists all current members (as well as the 5 most recent)
April 7, 2006
UPDATE: Added this page. :-)
UPDATE: Added per user rating to the Game Information Page. Now you can see the rating given by each user as well the the average.
BUGFIX: Log pages now link correctly to other GameLogs for the same game.
BUGFIX: Fixed average ratings for all the games in the DB. (some were messed up...)