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    Sep 28th, 2009 at 17:53:54     -    Batman: Arkham Asylum (360)

    Game Play:
    During the second session I kept playing through the story. The game progressed and just got better as it went along. With the ultimate goal of defeating The Joker, you faced a few other opponents as well. One of these villains was Poison Ivy. You had to defeat her to get to The Joker. With the fighting style of kicking, punching, and throwing your opponents, this game was very fun. In the third person view you were able to take out many opponents at one time. Not only did you have to fight your opponents, but sometimes you had to out smart them as well.

    Batman: Arkham Asylum was very fun and exciting to play. With each task you complete, the game leaves you wanting more. Each character was unique and very well designed. The levels were challenging and sometimes made you think of how to progress from one room to the next. With it all put together, it made for a fun and interesting game play.
    The design of the game was very interesting, especially the graphics. Each character looked like they were standing right next to you. This made for a very real game play experience. Each level was designed fantastically as well. With each room there was great detail in everything, from the paintings on the wall to the chairs and other objects in the rooms. There weren’t any real levels, but to progress through the game you had to go down a specific path, and defeat bosses. The bosses were unique in that they were different villains and had different fighting styles.

    The game provided boss challenges as well as puzzle challenges. I distinctly remember in one room you had to figure out how to get out of it, and it ended up needing to pull down a wall. The boss challenges were the most fun because I loved the combat design. I believe that the bosses kept the game interesting. The game also created a conflict between good and evil. Batman, who represents good, has to go through and defeat all of the villains that The Joker let out of the asylum. The Joker ultimately represents evil in this game.

    The game makes use of the space in the game world very well by making you progress through the game room by room. The game world is very dark and dreary. You are inside an asylum so it only makes sense that this place wouldn’t be a happy one. The game does help create social interaction because it is fun to play with someone else, even though it is just a one player game. I honestly wouldn’t change too much about this game, because it was really fun to play and not too hard to figure out. This game gives me a feel for spatial challenges that I might be able to use in my own game. The game really doesn’t show emergent complexity, it was not very hard. The games reward structure was nice. When you were rewarded, you were able to upgrade Batman with better skills and weapons. The story of the game was told very well through the cut scenes making this an enjoyable game to play.

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    Sep 28th, 2009 at 17:53:24     -    Batman: Arkham Asylum (360)

    In Batman: Arkham Asylum you control Batman on his quest to defeat The Joker. The Joker has let loose all of the criminals in the asylum so as you go on you search for him, you must also take down the rest of his gang as well. In this game you see Batman in a third person fighting style as you move through the shadows to take down your opponents. You must utilize all of Batman’s skills and gadgets to accomplish your goals and defeat the enemies.

    Game Play:
    Even though this game is made up of characters that are not real, the game gives you a feel that it is real. With every take down, and every challenge you take Batman through, the graphics gives you a sense that you are right there beside him. The game is very exciting and suspenseful putting you on the edge of your seat with every task you complete and every villain you take down. With some tasks you have to figure out how to move from one room to the next, and then others you are just fighting off waves of villains. Both of these challenges keep your attention.

    The characters in the game are fantastic, along with the graphics. Batman himself looks like the epitome of a superhero and The Joker is very frightening. Each character looks very real as if you were standing right beside of them. Even the regular villains look very realistic. There are a couple of other big villains in the game as well like Harley Quinn and Killer Croc, both having been let out of the asylum by The Joker. The story line was very well put together and made the game fun and exciting to play. You play for a while and complete some tasks and then a cut scene would start and tell some more to the story. The progression of the game flowed very well and you went from one task to the next without a problem.

    Batman: Arkham Asylum was very fun to play. Not only was it fun, but it also kept me interested. Throughout the whole game, the game play was so fun and exciting that I did not want to quit playing. Every time I got to beat up on some villains I wanted to keep playing all day. I did play this game with a friend, even though it is a one player game. We took turns playing the game, so we got to interact with each other as the game progressed. In the end, this was a fun and challenging game play experience.

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    Aug 23rd, 2009 at 17:23:46     -    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (360)

    Game Play:
    In the second session, we continued playing the co-op realistic mode. In this mode you navigate through each level trying to take out any opponents you might encounter. We played this game on split screen so both players needed to interact with each other to be able to accomplish the task of clearing the level of opponents. Again, it was very exciting and entertaining. We set the difficulty to its highest so it was pretty challenging, and when we cleared a level we would go to a different one. We had a lot of fun playing Vegas 2.

    I love first person shooters, so I enjoyed the fact that in the co-op mode all you did was shoot. Even though we did not play the story mode, we had a lot of fun accomplishing the tasks at hand. The characters were awesome because you can pick your own gear. And the game play was both fun and interesting.

    The design of Vegas 2 is pretty awesome. The game is very realistic in the way you shoot, and move around in each level. It gives you the feel that your really there. Each level is vastly different, with scenarios ranging from inside a casino to a train station. Each level has its own unique look and no two have the same props.

    This game is very interesting because the AI creates a challenge in every scenario. I like to play on the realistic level which makes the AI harder to beat. Even though each time we play the co-op mode, it never gets old because the AI changes. The conflict in the game is between this special team of rogue agents and terrorists.

    Space is used wisely in this game because some of the levels are small, but they have a lot of detail to them. The game uses scenery from Las Vegas to evoke a sense of war upon the player. And it works very well because through the entire game the player has no doubt that there is a war going on. This game helps foster social interaction very well by having an elaborate multiplayer system. This is really the only way we played; we never actually got to the story mode because the game does a good job of drawing the player to the multiplayer split screen side.

    Vegas 2 is a very good game, however there are a couple of things I would like to see different. On hard mode, I would like to see an option to change the number of re-spawns. I would also like to know that when I pause the game, the opponent is not going to walk around the corner and attack you. Another thing I would like to see in this game, is that for the AI, shotgun accuracy should not be as high as rifle accuracy. Again, this game is amazing; it could just use tweaking a little.

    I love first person shooters, so for my own game I might like to see the same sort of action. I believe this game exhibit complexity in the way that the levels are design in detail. Sometimes, you don’t know where you have been and where you haven’t. I enjoy the games reward structure in that the more you play the more stuff you unlock. It is actually a ranking system like the army, so I like that as well. No cut scenes were exhibited in the co-op mode. Even though we did not play the story mode, this game was very interesting, and had us playing for hours.

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    Aug 23rd, 2009 at 17:23:04     -    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (360)

    In Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2, you are a soldier in Team Rainbow, a team joined together to battle terrorism. In this first person shooter, you must fight to keep terrorism out of Las Vegas Nevada for the second time. In each level you must go through taking out enemies while trying to stay alive.

    Game Play:
    This game is realistic and requires a lot of attention. Therefore, this game is very intense and makes for very exciting game play. I played Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on co-op realistic mode with a friend. In this mode you play as a team and go through the level and clear out the terrorists. However, the story line is not followed in this mode. When going through the level you never know where an opponent might be so when you run up on one you get surprised.

    The characters in Vegas 2 are very realistic. You can choose your clothing, armor and weapons to use. The main character’s name is Bishop, but since we played the co-op realistic mode, the story line of the game was not followed. Even though we did not play the story mode, the game had very good game play, especially with the challenging AI, and was very fun to play.

    The game was very interesting because it kept you on the seat of your pants. Not knowing where your opponents are located makes game play harder, but more fun. Because we did play co-op mode, we had a lot of interaction during the game. For example, trying to strategize on how to take down your opponents in each level required interaction between me and the other player. Flow was also experienced in that while taking out each opponent you seemed to flow right into the next, sometimes quicker than expected. Overall, this was a very exciting and challenging game.

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    Entries written to date: 8
      Game Status / Read GameLog
    1Batman: Arkham Asylum (360)Playing
    2Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2)Playing
    3Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (360)Playing
    4Wii Sports (Wii)Playing


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