Sep 14th, 2009 at 12:37:40 - bad company battlefield (360) |
Bad Company Battle field quickly became one of Xbox’s platinum hit so it had a lot to live up to. As for game play style it has all the familiar symptoms of a first person war shooter but with some new innovations thrown in to add excitement.
The game starts more like a movie than a video game, credits role first thing showing game developers and designers and so on. This turns out to be a cool feature because as this is happening there is commentary on the games story from the character you’re going to be playing. At the main game screen old music plays representing the time you are in.
Introduction to members of your platoon is a cool feature because the way it is done is much more like how real people meet and greet one another. The introductions given by the platoon members give a little background on each of them and help to develop their character more realistically.
I was impressed by the realism of things like the steps your character does to reload his gun. It is realistic in the way that he has to put a new clip in the gun; bullets just don’t magically appear loaded in the gun like in other games.
Sound effects are really impressive in this game. Gunfire sounds different depending on your surroundings. If you are surrounded by rock it echoes and different guns all have unique firing sounds. Another example of innovative sound effects would be when you run your footsteps become much louder and your breathing gets a lot heavier the further you run.
As far as vehicles go in the game so far you are the driver. This is a nice change from the typical military game when you are just sitting in the back along for the ride. I was not at all impressed by the driving controls. The controls are not even close to your typical driving standard. They are hard to remember and very clumsy to use. Having to think about what button does what when you are driving has caused more than a few accidents for me.
Overall after my first hour of game play I did enjoy the game. The game defiantly has some cool aspects that make you want to come back and find out more.
My second hour of game play is where I got to see a lot more what the game is capable of. There was a lot more action in my second hour of playing and here are some more things that I noticed.
A destroyable environment is one of the coolest game innovations I have seen in the past year. What I mean by this is you can shoot at any building and damage it. If you shoot an RPG or throw a grenade at a random building it will blow a huge hole in that building. This is a great change from the games where you grenade a building and nothing what so ever happens. This is also very handy for when enemies are trying to hide in a building you can simply blow a massive hole in it and expose them.
Enemy AI can be extremely hard to see in this game especially if you are at a distance from them. You seem to come under fire very quickly in this game and a lot of the times you die it is from an enemy you can’t see. This can become very frustrating being in the middle of a battlefield and being shot at by an enemy you can’t really shoot back at because they aren’t visible.
As for goals in the game so far I have gone from area to area taking out enemies. They change things up a little bit by making each group of enemies different. One group will have heavy artillery used to shoot down our helicopters and you will have to destroy those weapons and another group will just be gathered in a town and you need to clear that town.
Overall my game play experience with this game has been good. It has the basics of a first person shooter but with new twists and some really cool new features. It is not surprising that this became a platinum hit as quickly a it did, so from my experience it has lived up to its title.
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