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    Mar 1st, 2010 at 16:00:49     -    Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)

    I have never been one to play video games, but I do remember that at one point I did try to play GTA-San Andreas. I have two younger brothers that used to spend hours playing this game, after hearing all the controversy with the game my mom no longer wanted them to play this game. At first I did not know how to play the game, so I would walk around but within the first 30 seconds someone was hit by a car. There was shootings and lots of cursing. There were also women walking around in skimpy outfits and the language was very derogative. I also thought it was interesting to how within the game there were short movie clips in which characters would interact with CJ the main guy and they would speak of crimes they were going to commit or things they wanted to do. The setting seemed very realistic and there was heavy detail that made it seem like you were actually there. I tried to fight someone and when i finally killed the person blood spilled in a very realistic manner. The gun shoots also sounded fairly realistic and the music played a heavy role in the scene playout.

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    Mar 1st, 2010 at 15:56:17     -    Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)

    In this second time I played the game I tried to be more interactive, in order to win I had to continue to kill and steal cars and money. I did feel that the game played off a lot on stereotypes the gang bangers were dressed in clothes that stereotypically shown on movies for gang bangers to wear. When I got a fight into one of them the curse words kept being said. Since I had begun to fight others, I started fighting and cars tried to run over me. There was also a several shootings from car to cars, when these would happen people would scream and run. CJ was able to anything he wanted, if he wanted to get a car all he had to do was hurt the person who was driving. He constantly moved from getting one car to another. The same went with money he would get the money by hurting others. Whenever he wanted anything or need anything he would fight to get it. I did think it was strange that for the most part when there was a person of color involved.

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