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    Aug 9th, 2024 at 15:18:34     -    ULTRAKILL (PC)

    Retiring this. Another surprise freebie from my wishlist on Amazon Luna, and the third game I've played on that cloud gaming platform. This was more stable than Devil May Cry 5, no crashes at all. Though I didn't play for too, too long. ULTRAKILL is really freaking hard. It's a boomer shooter with new Doom vibes because, as with new Doom, you regain health by getting close to an enemy and getting their blood on you (aka attacking them at point blank). So you have to be aggressive.

    I made it to what, I learned, is considered the boss that forces you to get good at the game, V2. It's challenging up to that point, but you learn each enemy and you can methodically get through the levels. V2...killed me like 100 times. I got him pretty close to death two or three times, but man, he was frustrating! He's hard to hit, super fast, flies and slides around like crazy. He's actually an upgraded version of your character (so I imagine how annoying I am to the enemies!). I was trying to blame this on Amazon Luna, but honestly it's my fault. I couldn't learn him well enough. I mean, I learned his attacks, and I kind of figured out how he choreographs them. But then once you do that, you need to be able to dodge the attacks that need to be dodged, parry the attacks that need to be parried (the shotgun blasts), and do all that while constantly zipping around yourself and shooting at him. It's so fast, and I am having the horrifying thought, "Am I too old for this?!", like are my reflexes just not what they used to be?! Oh no...

    The guns are fun and the movement is tight. Each gun (that I got) has two special attacks. For example, the pistol has a charge attack and a neat one where you toss a coin in the air, then shoot the coin, which ricochets with a 100% chance to hit an enemy. The shotgun has a grenade launcher and a charged shot that you have to be careful with lest you blow yourself up. The machine gun can deploy mines and has some sort of exploding scattershot. The whole thing is wrapped up in that low-fi boomer shooter aesthetic where it looks like Quake. The music was great, lots of pounding industrial/metal music, with other moments of classical and whatnot.

    I would have liked to play more of this, see what other guns, enemies, and bosses there are, but V2 is kicking my butt, and there wasn't all that much compelling me forward anyway, despite it being a tight game and obviously at the top of the boomer shooter genre.

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    Aug 9th, 2024 at 15:03:10     -    Cocoon (PC)

    Oooh, I forgot to write an entry for this one. This was a really cool adventure puzzle game, sort of like a Limbo or Inside (because apparently same lead designer). It gets better as it goes on, as it becomes more complex. I didn't know what exactly I was doing for most of the time (like, the story is...??...until you start to make some educated guesses about why you are doing what you're doing later).

    But the gist of it is that you're this bug guy and you solve puzzles in the world by using these orbs/spheres/moons that you pick up and carry around. The gimmick is that you can go inside of each sphere, and inside of each sphere is another world, with its own puzzles. When you get a second colored sphere, you'll realize that you can take it inside of the first one. Like, whenever you enter or exit a sphere, you take what you are holding, which could be a sphere, or later, a sphere within a sphere within a sphere. It gets pretty mind-bending later on, as you are figuring out how to get spheres inside spheres to solve this or that puzzle.

    There are also some boss fights, which were fun. The whole aesthetic of the game is mysterious and otherworldly. All the other creatures, the environments, the music, it's very like bio-mechanical sci-fi type stuff. I thought I would like this, and sure enough, it landed. Really creative, super well designed, never played anything quite like it. Highly recommend.

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    Aug 2nd, 2024 at 13:18:29     -    Freud's Bones (PC)

    I bought this for the interesting premise. You get inside Freud’s head and help him dig into his crisis, as well as help him conduct psychotherapy on his patients. It's a point-and-click with a lot of reading and listening to Freud unraveling. Most of the game takes place in his office, where you can click on things (ooh, aah!), solve the same frustrating Egyptian hieroglyphics puzzle over and over (ooh, aah!), treat patients, and watch Freud spiral. As such, the game is quite small and quickly becomes repetitive. The puzzle, for example, is an artifact that Freud acquired during his travels. It spins like a slot machine, and you have to use a legend to decipher the hieroglyphics that appear on its face. Easy enough, but they are out of order, and to put them in order, you just have to guess at what the hell it wants you to do. The words will form a sentence, but sometimes it's a question, sometimes the independent clause is first, sometimes it's second, sometimes it's just worded in a strange way. You have no way of knowing any of this, so you will assemble the four images in all possible configurations until you happen to get the correct order. Super annoying. So far, the resulting sentences have just been Freud posing existential questions to himself.

    I thought the most interesting part would be conducting psychoanalysis. Well, when this game says that's what you're going to do, by god, that's what you're going to do! You get some excerpts/summaries of Freud's writing, an encyclopedia of psychoanalysis terminology, a breakdown of mental diseases, types of patients, dream symbolism, and so on. As your patients lay on the couch, you are sort of cross-referencing what they are saying with all this information to get to the root of their problem and diagnose them. This is interesting for sure, but I think the problem is, well, most psychologists don't do this anymore. This isn't what clinical mental health counseling or social work is. So, trying to play this, I could not help but constantly be like, "No, don't ask that!" or "He should do this..." or "But that's not what the patient said..." This is a case where my prior knowledge and experience probably got in the way of "becoming" Freud.

    He's a hard person to become as it is, considering the smoking, cocaine addiction, obsession with sex, and so on. In addition to treating patients and posing existential questions to yourself, you also need to manage Freud's finances. To do this, you go out to fancy places and schmooze rich people, trying to get patrons to fund your research because your books are selling poorly and the newspapers are calling you a fraud. In all the game's social interactions, you have to choose dialogue options that will appeal to the other person, or get them to do what you want. For potential patrons, this might mean sucking up to them, appealing to their desires. For patients, this might mean taking an approach that aligns with their sickness (e.g., don't be direct if they are suffering from anxiety because it will make it worse). Characters make facial expressions and you can see patients' hearts beat, so you can read them.

    The game also visualizes the id, superego, and ego as layers in the head. As you're appealing to characters, or digging around during treatment trying to find causes of their problems, you identify topics and "move them" from the id to the level of conscious awareness. Pretty neat. Anyway, at this point I might have written as long as I played, and I don't feel like finishing. The cases "solve" themselves as you scrutinize case files for a magnifying glass icon to click on important words, and I've gotten bored of listening to Freud. The marketing material for this game heralds the "visionary game designer" who made it and goes on about how this is the pinnacle of Italian game design. I should have been wary of that. It's a neat idea for sure, and obviously a lot of knowledge and passion is on display here, but it is not a good time in practice.

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    Aug 1st, 2024 at 06:03:10     -    As Dusk Falls (PC)

    This is a narrative "your choices matter" game with a unique art style and a really compelling story. However, it made me realize that Detroit: Become Human will overshadow any of these types of games. I have been thinking about that one forever, and have even gone out of my way to read some research on it and talk to someone who studied it. Anyway, trying not to make constant comparisons because As Dusk Falls is great on its own.

    This is a NARRATIVE game, strong emphasis. It tells the story of two families whose paths cross during a motel hold-up and ensuing hostage situation. There are a variety of main characters, several of whom you "control" over the course of six chapters. Some are more central than others, including the father and daughter of the family that is held hostage in the motel and the youngest brother of the family who is holding up the motel. You'll learn about events leading up to the hostage situation from both sides, about relationships and hard decisions and whatnot affecting each family and their motivations. That is, it's easy to just say "hostage takers bad," but as that younger brother says, their family was dealt a bad hand. It raises all sorts of ethical questions and made me think about how people handle inter- and intra-personal conflict and process trauma. You'll also fast-forward years later and see what happened to the main characters.

    Your narrative choices do matter, do change the outcome of characters' trajectories. Most of the main characters have a variety of different outcomes, and most of them can die. As Dusk Falls pulls a card from Detroit and shows you the choices you made and their outcomes for each chapter in a narrative chart, along with what percentage of players made the same choice as you. It also encourages you to go back and replay sections to see alternate outcomes. It's all really well done. Another interesting feature, which I didn't get to try out, is that you can play co-op or online, and everyone gets a "vote" in the dialogue choices. I would have played this with a friend and done that, but Game Pass expires in a few days and there wasn't time.

    When I said that you "control" characters, I am referring to the fact that the only inputs required from players are selecting occasional dialogue options and pressing a button during QTEs. This isn't Detroit or The Walking Dead where you actually move your characters through the world. That's fine, as the art style was this cool blend of realistic/comic-bookish/stop-motion animation. I could watch it all day long! But I do wish that the QTEs were more engaging. When I say that you press a button, I mean that literally: you press ONE button, the same one, every time, with no variation. It doesn't challenge you in changing which button, there are no "up with the left stick and down with the right stick" prompts, no button mashing. This is great for accessibility, but I wonder why they didn't have an option to make it more engaging. I played the game reclining with a controller or mouse held lazily in one hand, finger on A or LMB.

    I really enjoyed the ending(s) that I got. You would probably call it the good ending. And there is something that happens at the end that is open to interpretation and sets up for a sequel, which I hope it gets.

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    296Gwent: The Witcher Card Game (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
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    312Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (PC)Finished playing
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    334In Sound Mind (PC)Finished playing
    335Incredipede (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    336Infamous (PS3)Finished playing
    337Infamous 2 (PS3)Finished playing
    338Infamous Second Son (PS4)Finished playing
    339Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (PC)Finished playing
    340Inscryption (PS5)Finished playing
    341Inside (PC)Finished playing
    342Into the Breach (PC)Finished playing
    343Intrusion 2 (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    344INVERSUS Deluxe (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    345Invisible, Inc. (PC)Finished playing
    346It Takes Two (PC)Finished playing
    347Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony (PC)Finished playing
    348Jazzpunk (PC)Finished playing
    349Jet Set Radio (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    350Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    351Journey (PS4)Finished playing
    352Jusant (PC)Finished playing
    353Just Cause 2 (PC)Finished playing
    354KAMI (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    355Katamari Forever (PS3)Finished playing
    356Katana Zero (PC)Finished playing
    357Kentucky Route Zero (Switch)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    358Kerbal Space Program (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    359Killer Frequency (PC)Finished playing
    360Killing Floor 2 (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    361KillZone 2 (PS3)Finished playing
    362Killzone 3 (PS3)Finished playing
    363Killzone HD (PS3)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    364Kinect Adventures! (360)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    365King's Bounty: The Legend (PC)Finished playing
    366Kingdoms of Amalur (360)Finished playing
    367Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii)Finished playing
    368Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    369L.A. Noire (PC)Finished playing
    370Layers of Fear (PC)Finished playing
    371Lead and Gold (PC)Finished playing
    372League of Legends (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    373Left 4 Dead 2 (PC)Finished playing
    374Legend of Grimrock (PC)Finished playing
    375Legend of Grimrock II (PC)Finished playing
    376Legends of Runeterra (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    377Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (PS2)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    378Life is Strange (PC)Finished playing
    379Lifeless Planet (PC)Finished playing
    380Lil Gator Game (PC)Finished playing
    381Limbo (PC)Finished playing
    382Lisa "The First" (PC)Finished playing
    383Lisa: The Painful RPG (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    384Little Big Planet 2 (PS3)Finished playing
    385Little Inferno (PC)Finished playing
    386Little Misfortune (PC)Finished playing
    387Little Nightmares (PC)Finished playing
    388Lobotomy Corporation (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    389Lone Survivor (PC)Finished playing
    390Loop Hero (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    391Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    392Lost Odyssey (360)Finished playing
    393Lovely Planet (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    394Luigi's Mansion 3 (Switch)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    395Lurking (PC)Finished playing
    396Machinarium (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    397Madworld (Wii)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    398Magicka (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    399Maneater (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    400Manhunt 2 (PS2)Finished playing
    401Manifold Garden (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    402Mario Kart 8 (Switch)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    403Mark of the Ninja (PC)Finished playing
    404Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4)Finished playing
    405Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5)Playing
    406MASQ (Web)Finished playing
    407Mass Effect (PC)Finished playing
    408Mass Effect 2 (PC)Finished playing
    409Mass Effect 3 (360)Finished playing
    410Max Payne (PS2)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    411Max Payne (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    412Max Payne 2 (PC)Finished playing
    413Max Payne 3 (360)Finished playing
    414Medal of Honor (2010) (PC)Finished playing
    415Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (360)Finished playing
    416Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3)Finished playing
    417Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PC)Finished playing
    418Metal: Hellsinger (PC)Finished playing
    419Metro 2033 (PC)Finished playing
    420Metro Exodus (PC)Finished playing
    421Metro: Last Light (PC)Finished playing
    422Metroid Prime (Wii)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    423Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (PC)Finished playing
    424Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PC)Finished playing
    425Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes (PC)Finished playing
    426Minecraft (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    427Mirror's Edge (PC)Finished playing
    428Mirror's Edge Catalyst (PC)Finished playing
    429Monaco: What's Yours is Mine (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    430Monkey Island 2: Special Edition (PC)Finished playing
    431Monster Train (PC)Finished playing
    432Monstrum (XBONE)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    433Monument Valley (PC)Finished playing
    434Monument Valley 2 (PC)Finished playing
    435Mount & Blade (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    436Mountain (PC)Finished playing
    437My Friend Pedro (PC)Finished playing
    438N++ (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    439Nancy Drew: The Secret of Shadow Ranch (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    440Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit (360)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    441Neon White (PC)Finished playing
    442Never Alone (PC)Finished playing
    443Neverwinter Nights 2 (PC)Finished playing
    444Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (PC)Finished playing
    445Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir (PC)Finished playing
    446Nex Machina (PC)Finished playing
    447Nexuiz (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    448Nier Automata (PC)Finished playing
    449Night in the Woods (Switch)Finished playing
    450NightSky (PC)Finished playing
    451Nioh (PS4)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    452No Man's Sky (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    453No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle (Wii)Finished playing
    454Nobody Saves the World (PC)Finished playing
    455Norco (PC)Finished playing
    456Nuclear Throne (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    457Observation (PC)Finished playing
    458Observer (PC)Finished playing
    459Octodad (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    460Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    461Odin Sphere (PS2)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    462Off-Peak (PC)Finished playing
    463Okami (PS2)Finished playing
    464One Hand Clapping (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    465One Leaves (XBX X/S)Finished playing
    466Opus Magnum (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    467Orcs Must Die! (PC)Finished playing
    468Ori and the Blind Forest (PC)Finished playing
    469Ori and the Will of the Wisps (PC)Finished playing
    470Orwell (PC)Finished playing
    471Osmos (PC)Finished playing
    472Outer Wilds (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    473Outland (PC)Finished playing
    474Outlast (PC)Finished playing
    475Outlast 2 (PC)Finished playing
    476Overcooked! (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    477Overlord (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    478Overwatch (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    479Oxenfree (PC)Finished playing
    480PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+ (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    481Paper Sorcerer (PC)Finished playing
    482Papers, Please (PC)Finished playing
    483Papo & Yo (PC)Finished playing
    484Paradise Killer (PC)Finished playing
    485Path of Exile (PC)Finished playing
    486Payday 2 (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    487Pentiment (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    488Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie (360)Finished playing
    489Pikuniku (Switch)Finished playing
    490Pilgrims (PC)Finished playing
    491Pillars of Eternity (PC)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    492PixelJunk Eden (PC)Finished playing
    493PixelJunk Shooter (PC)Finished playing
    494Planescape: Torment (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    495Planetside 2 (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    496Plants vs. Zombies (PC)Finished playing
    497Plants War (Other)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    498Pony Island (PC)Finished playing
    499Portal (PC)Finished playing
    500Portal 2 (PC)Finished playing
    501Portal Reloaded (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    502Portal Stories: Mel (PC)Finished playing
    503Portal: Revolution (PC)Finished playing
    504Post Void (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    505Prey (PC)Finished playing
    506Prey (2017) (PC)Finished playing
    507Prison Architect (PC)Finished playing
    508Proteus (PC)Finished playing
    509Psychonauts 2 (PC)Finished playing
    510Pyre (PC)Finished playing
    511Q.U.B.E. 2 (PC)Finished playing
    512Quantum Conundrum (XBONE)Playing
    513QuizCross (Other)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    514Race the Sun (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    515Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (PS3)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    516Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (PS3)Finished playing
    517Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (PS5)Finished playing
    518Rayman Legends (PC)Finished playing
    519Really Big Sky (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    520Red Dead Redemption (360)Finished playing
    521Red Faction: Guerrilla (PC)Finished playing
    522Red Steel 2 (Wii)Finished playing
    523Remnant II (PC)Finished playing
    524Resident Evil 2 (2019) (PC)Finished playing
    525Resident Evil 5 (PC)Finished playing
    526Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (PC)Finished playing
    527Resident Evil Village (PC)Finished playing
    528Resistance 2 (PS3)Finished playing
    529Resistance 3 (PS3)Finished playing
    530Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3)Finished playing
    531Resogun (PC)Finished playing
    532Return to Castle Wolfenstein (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    533Returnal (PS5)Playing
    534Rez Infinite (PS4)Finished playing
    535Rift (PC)Finished playing
    536Ring of Pain (PC)Finished playing
    537Rise of the Tomb Raider (PC)Finished playing
    538Risk of Rain (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    539Road 96 (PC)Finished playing
    540Rocket League (PC)Finished playing
    541Rogue Galaxy (PS2)Finished playing
    542Rogue Legacy 2 (PS5)Finished playing
    543Rollerdrome (PC)Finished playing
    544Ruiner (PC)Finished playing
    545Rumu (PC)Finished playing
    546Ruzzle (Other)Finished playing
    547S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    548S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (PC)Finished playing
    549Saint's Row: The Third (PC)Finished playing
    550Saints Row IV (PC)Finished playing
    551Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love (PS2)Finished playing
    552Sanctum (PC)Finished playing
    553Sanctum 2 (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    554Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves (PC)Finished playing
    555Sanitarium (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    556Sayonara Wild Hearts (PS5)Finished playing
    557Scanner Sombre (PC)Finished playing
    558Senua's Saga: Hellblade II (PC)Finished playing
    559Shadow Complex (PC)Finished playing
    560Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PC)Finished playing
    561Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice (PC)Finished playing
    562Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (PC)Finished playing
    563Shadowrun: Dragonfall (PC)Finished playing
    564Shatter (PC)Finished playing
    565Shattered Horizon (PC)Finished playing
    566Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon (PS2)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    567Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 (PS2)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    568Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (PS2)Finished playing
    569Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (PS2)Finished playing
    570Shining Force EXA (PS2)Finished playing
    571Signalis (PC)Finished playing
    572Silent Hill (PS)Finished playing
    573Simulacra (PC)Finished playing
    574Sin & Punishment: Star Successor (Wii)Finished playing
    575Slay the Spire (PC)Finished playing
    576Slender (PC)Finished playing
    577SMITE (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    578Solar 2 (PC)Finished playing
    579Solar Ash (PC)Finished playing
    580SOMA (PC)Finished playing
    581Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (PC)Finished playing
    582Sonic Adventure DX (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    583Sonic the Hedgehog (PC)Finished playing
    584South Park: The Stick of Truth (PS3)Finished playing
    585Space Channel 5: Part 2 (PC)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    586Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    587Spacechem (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    588Spec Ops: The Line (PC)Finished playing
    589Spelunky (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    590Spelunky 2 (PC)Playing
    591Spiritfarer (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    592Splice (PC)Finished playing
    593Spore (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    594Stacking (PC)Finished playing
    595Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (PC)Finished playing
    596Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (PC)Finished playing
    597Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    598Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm (PC)Finished playing
    599Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void (PC)Finished playing
    600Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (PC)Finished playing
    601SteamWorld Dig 2 (PC)Finished playing
    602SteamWorld Heist (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    603SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    604Stephen's Sausage Roll (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    605Stick Fight: The Game (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    606Still Wakes the Deep (PC)Finished playing
    607Stories Untold (PC)Finished playing
    608Stray (PC)Finished playing
    609Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    610Subnautica (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    611Subsurface Circular (PC)Finished playing
    612Suikoden Tactics (PS2)Finished playing
    613Suikoden V (PS2)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    614Sunless Sea (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    615Sunlight (PC)Finished playing
    616Super Columbine Massacre RPG (PC)Finished playing
    617Super Hexagon (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    618Super Mario 3D World (WiiU)Finished playing
    619Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)Finished playing
    620Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)Finished playing
    621Super Meat Boy (PC)Finished playing
    622Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    623SUPERHOT (PC)Finished playing
    624SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE (PC)Finished playing
    625Superliminal (PC)Finished playing
    626Supreme Commander 2 (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    627Suzerain (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    628Swords & Soldiers (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    629Syberia (PC)Finished playing
    630Syberia II (PC)Finished playing
    631System Shock 2 (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    632Tacoma (PC)Finished playing
    633Tales From Off-Peak City Vol. 1 (PC)Finished playing
    634Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (PC)Finished playing
    635Tales from the Borderlands (PC)Finished playing
    636Tales of Vesperia (360)Finished playing
    637Team Fortress 2 (PC)Finished playing
    638Telling Lies (PC)Finished playing
    639Terraria (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    640That Dragon, Cancer (PC)Finished playing
    641The 7th Guest (PC)Finished playing
    642The Artful Escape (PC)Finished playing
    643The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (PC)Finished playing
    644The Ball (PC)Finished playing
    645The Banner Saga (PC)Finished playing
    646The Banner Saga 2 (PC)Finished playing
    647The Banner Saga 3 (PC)Finished playing
    648The Beginner's Guide (PC)Finished playing
    649The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (PC)Finished playing
    650The Blue Flamingo (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    651The Book of Unwritten Tales (PC)Finished playing
    652The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    653The Bridge (PC)Finished playing
    654The Case of the Golden Idol (PC)Finished playing
    655The Cat and the Coup (PC)Finished playing
    656The Cat Lady (PC)Finished playing
    657The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (PC)Finished playing
    658The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (PC)Finished playing
    659The Dark Pictures: Little Hope (PC)Finished playing
    660The Darkness II (PC)Finished playing
    661The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    662The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC)Finished playing
    663The Eternal Cylinder (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    664The Evil Within (PS3)Finished playing
    665The Evil Within 2 (PC)Finished playing
    666The First Tree (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    667The Forest (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    668The Forgotten City (PC)Finished playing
    669The Last Campfire (PC)Finished playing
    670The Last Guardian (PS4)Finished playing
    671The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)Finished playing
    672The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    673The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (WiiU)Finished playing
    674The Longest Journey (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    675The Medium (PC)Finished playing
    676The Norwood Suite (PC)Finished playing
    677The Novelist (PC)Finished playing
    678The Pale Beyond (PC)Finished playing
    679The Pedestrian (PC)Finished playing
    680The Polynomial (PC)Finished playing
    681The Red Strings Club (PC)Finished playing
    682The Riftbreaker (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    683The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (PC)Finished playing
    684The Sims 3 (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    685The Stanley Parable (PC)Finished playing
    686The Swapper (PC)Finished playing
    687The Talos Principle (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    688The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia (PC)Finished playing
    689The Typing of the Dead: Overkill (PC)Finished playing
    690The Unfinished Swan (PS4)Finished playing
    691The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (PC)Finished playing
    692The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (XBX X/S)Finished playing
    693The Walking Dead: Season One (PC)Finished playing
    694The Walking Dead: Season Two (PC)Finished playing
    695The Witcher (PC)Finished playing
    696The Witcher 2 (PC)Finished playing
    697The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PC)Finished playing
    698The Witness (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    699The Wolf Among Us (PC)Finished playing
    700Thief: Deadly Shadows (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    701Thirty Flights of Loving (PC)Finished playing
    702This war of mine (PC)Finished playing
    703Thomas Was Alone (PC)Finished playing
    704THOTH (PC)Finished playing
    705Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales (PC)Finished playing
    706Thumper (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    707Titanfall 2 (PC)Finished playing
    708To the Moon (PC)Finished playing
    709Toki Tori (PC)Finished playing
    710Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (360)Finished playing
    711Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas (360)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    712Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist (360)Finished playing
    713Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (360)Finished playing
    714Tomb Raider (2013) (PS3)Finished playing
    715Torchlight II (PC)Finished playing
    716Total War: Shogun 2 (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    717Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    718Tower Defense: Lost Earth (Other)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    719Transistor (PC)Finished playing
    720Trials Evolution: Gold Edition (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    721Trials of Fire (PC)Finished playing
    722Tribes: Ascend (PC)Stopped playing - Something better came along
    723Trine 2 (PC)Finished playing
    724Trolley Problem, Inc. (PC)Finished playing
    725Trombone Champ (PC)Playing
    726Tunic (PC)Finished playing
    727Twelve Minutes (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    728Tyranny (PC)Finished playing
    729Ultima VII: The Black Gate (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    730ULTRAKILL (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    731Unblock Me (Other)Finished playing
    732Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)Finished playing
    733Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS3)Finished playing
    734Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)Finished playing
    735Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3)Finished playing
    736Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)Finished playing
    737Undertale (PC)Finished playing
    738Universe Sandbox (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    739Unravel (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    740Untitled Goose Game (Switch)Finished playing
    741Valiant Hearts: The Great War (PC)Finished playing
    742Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    743Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (PS2)Finished playing
    744Vampire Survivors (PC)Finished playing
    745Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (PC)Stopped playing - Technical problems
    746Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    747Vanquish (360)Finished playing
    748Velocity 2X (PS4)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    749Vessel (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    750Viewtiful Joe 2 (PS2)Finished playing
    751VVVVVV (PC)Finished playing
    752Waking Mars (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    753Wandersong (PC)Finished playing
    754Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II (PC)Finished playing
    755Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Chaos Rising (PC)Finished playing
    756Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution (PC)Finished playing
    757Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (PC)Finished playing
    758Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (PC)Finished playing
    759Watch Dogs 2 (PC)Finished playing
    760We Love Katamari (PS2)Finished playing
    761Webbed (PC)Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    762Weird West (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    763What Remains of Edith Finch (PC)Finished playing
    764Who's Your Daddy (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    765Wildermyth (PC)Finished playing
    766Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (PC)Finished playing
    767Wolfenstein: The New Order (PC)Finished playing
    768Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (PC)Finished playing
    769Words With Friends (PC)Finished playing
    770World of Goo (PC)Finished playing
    771World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (PC)Finished playing
    772World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria (PC)Finished playing
    773World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (PC)Finished playing
    774Worms Crazy Golf (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    775Wreckfest (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    776Wuppo (PC)Finished playing
    777XCOM 2 (PC)Finished playing
    778XCOM: Enemy Unknown (PC)Finished playing
    779Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)Finished playing
    780Xenoblade Chronicles X (WiiU)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    781Xenosaga (PS2)Finished playing
    782Xenosaga Episode II (PS2)Finished playing
    783Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra (PS2)Finished playing
    784Yakuza 0 (PS4)Finished playing
    785Year Walk (PC)Finished playing
    786Ynglet (PC)Finished playing
    787Yoku's Island Express (PC)Finished playing
    788Zen Bound 2 (PC)Stopped playing - Got Bored
    789Zeno Clash (PC)Finished playing
    790Zombie Gunship (Other)Stopped playing - Got Bored


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