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    Sep 20th, 2010 at 20:54:30     -    Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)

    After playing on Day 2, I have to say I have not noticed any improvements in the game. One of my missions today required me to drive my friends around so they could do drive-by’s on rival gang members. It prompts the question: why do we even need a video game about being in a gang?
    GTA: San Andreas doesn’t do much good to show that the gangs are actually the bad guys. It takes place in a town apparently run by dirty cops, and when you do something illegal, like stealing a car or killing someone, it’s fairly easy to outrun the police. They even stop looking after a while. The game shows thugs getting away with murder, doing drive-by’s, shouting profanities, and picking up hookers; it doesn’t show them getting put in prison or deciding to leave the gang life behind. Even after their friends are shot and killed, one would think a smart reaction to that would be to get out while you still have your life, but instead they take that as a means to get revenge.
    One major thing I did notice about the police though is that you do not want to get caught by them. I found this out the hard way as I was bludgeoned with a nightstick while I was on a bike. They shout profanities and racial slurs at you while you’re trying to get away, but if you go back to fight, they call for back-up. If that happens, you better be able to run/drive fast. I think the idea of dirty cops is used to help some players feel more at ease about playing as a gang member, as the protagonist. They are the obvious choice for the antagonist in that situation.
    Women have played an insignificant role in the game so far, but they have been around. I’ve noticed that the only women you ever see even walking around in the game are prostitutes and very old women, so they have a slightly skewed idea of women. I’m surprised to see the old women honestly, but I didn’t even see any of them until about forty-five minutes into the game. The prostitutes are (obviously) walking around the entire map at night mainly, and they don’t seem to be bothered by the police or anyone else.
    Now, after two days, I do still not like the game. I’m stuck on one mission toward the beginning, so maybe that’s why my patience is dwindling. Either way, it has one more day for it to redeem itself.

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    Sep 19th, 2010 at 15:43:54     -    Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)

    Having never played any GTA games but always hearing great things about them, I figured it would be an awesome game. Now that I’ve played it for a while, I must say, I’m not impressed. I think it’s one of those games/game series that gets hyped up too much, so there’s nothing to surprise you, just a lot to disappoint. The game is filled with menial tasks, like tagging the buildings. I don’t want to do that 100 times.
    I think it’s fairly easy to see that the main characters in the game have a Relativist mindset, seeing as their ethics seem quite specific to them and their gang. They may believe their morals can be right, but I think the line has to be drawn somewhere, like with murder. The main characters the player cannot control (Sweet, Ryder, and Big Smoke) will kill someone wanton if that person is in the way. This means that the player, too, can do this, but I tried to avoid it because it got the police chasing me.
    The police are introduced as the bad guys within the first five minutes of the game. They pick up the main character, CJ, and arrest him for “killing a cop” even though he had not done anything wrong. It was an obvious case of racial profiling, even though one of the cops was African American too. They weren’t only racist toward CJ though in the cutscene. One also shouted at the Hispanic cab driver then apologized and said “no offense” to his Hispanic partner. Once they threaten him to behave because they’ll be watching him, they throw him out of the police car in the neighborhood of his rival gang.
    The game portrays all gangs in a narrow, negative perspective; they never do anything legally. They can’t get a cab (and pay for it) or call for a ride. They have to carjack a car if they want to get somewhere in a hurry. They can’t talk to anyone unless the person is in the same gang. They’re always graffiti-ing buildings and fighting for territory and members. They also are out to kill all other members of other gangs, no matter what apparently.
    So far, I don’t see the point to the game, and I definitely don’t see what all the fuss is about.

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    1Columbine RPG (PC)Playing
    2Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)Stopped playing - Something better came along


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