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    Jan 10th, 2007 at 19:35:47     -    The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii)

    Now I am around the village in the sky. I am extremely happy with the game play in zelda. For the most part, the puzzles are great and rooted in logic. I feel like one of the most important things is the creativity of the puzzles in Zelda and that is what makes each Zelda game great. This is were it stops and I feel like this particular Zelda game is bases more on puzzles rather than epic boss fights. At times in the game you feel as though the wii-mote is more of a hindrance than useful. Cause I at times in the game play I just wanted to push the button A rather than swinging the wii-mote around. The wii-mote at times was very frustrating to use when I played Zelda. There's no finesse to the way the Wii Remote is used. All in all I felt that the temples in twilight princess were very well designed that despite the downfall of the wii-mote it is an awesome game. This game will probably take around 35-40 hours of game play to complete.

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    Jan 9th, 2007 at 17:20:59     -    The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii)

    The legend of zelda twilight princess doesn't stray to far away from previous zelda games such as orcarina of time which was my favorite zelda game of all time. Like most other zelda games I sensed that twilight princess was retelling the same basic tale. You start off as Link in his home town village. Here the game primes you by showing you how to use the wii-mote to do different things like herding in cattle or shooting your slingshot. In this game you have something similiar to the dark world but instead its called the twilight. Uou become friends with an imp looking like creature called mina who basically guides you through the game. Using mina you are able to transform into a wolf and teleport around the map. I saw in the beginning of the game the structure of the game was kept simlilar almost kinda identical to orcarina of time in the sense that there are the 3 temples forst, fire and water and then after those you tackle even bigger badder dungeons. Though what I realized about twilight princess right off the bat was that i feel like the conrols were rushed and that the wii-mote doesn't work as well as it could with the nintendo wii and that if you are looking for a game that shows off the nintendo wii's graphics you are barking up the wrong tree. In fact the twlight princess has gamecube graphics with the idea of the wii-mote behind it.

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    1Gradius (NES)Playing
    2Kirby's Adventure (NES)Playing
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    4The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii)Playing
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