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    Jan 31st, 2007 at 06:50:06     -    Super Smash Brothers (N64)

    Today I played Smash Bros again this time in 1P mode. I actually find 1P mode more boring than multiplayer. Once you get used to playing the game, the computer becomes less and less formidable as an opponent. The computer’s moves become predictable over time and the gameplay gets redundant. However, the game designers were smart to foresee this and put interesting twists on the levels such as Yoshi team or Giant Donkey Kong. The computer also gives you partners to fight along side with who are sometimes good but also sometimes bad and leave you to fight alone. A down side I see to the 1P mode is that some characters are virtually impossible to move. For instance, Metal Mario and the Master Hand, are two characters that move very little or not at all when hit like the other characters. This completely changes one’s strategy when fighting such opponents. For example, I personally use Fox’s moves in a sequence using the enemy’s ricochets against him but this strategy cannot be used against characters such as Metal Mario. I know these bosses are not supposed to be easy but the gameplay is simply annoying at this point and makes the game that much unenjoyable. Overall, I think the 1P mode in Smash Bros is necessary only to unlock the other characters and to learn the ins and outs of the gameplay. Where Smash Bros really shines is its multiplayer mode.

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    Jan 31st, 2007 at 06:27:22     -    Super Smash Brothers (N64)

    Yesterday I played Super Smash Bros. Smash Brothers is a game I can play over and over with my friends and not get tired of it. I think this is one of the greatest qualities of the game. For me, it’s rare to find a game that I actually enjoy playing over and over again without getting bored. I think this is attributed to its emergent properties. The game gives you a simple formula: characters, levels, FIGHT! When playing with friends, the outcome is completely up in the air. For instance, even if two players are equal in skill, the weapons that are randomly generated in the game and how the players use them can determine the victor. I think this is what makes the game so fun and spontaneous. My brother can own me with weapons but without them, I can win easily. I think what makes a good Smash Bros player is learning the ins and outs of your character and how to appropriately use them to your advantage. I also think it’s interesting how the characters’ home levels sync well with the character’s strengths. For instance, for Fox, a strong ground fighter, his home level Sector Z is a very large flat platform. Having a simple level platform allows Fox to fight straight up without having to worry about enemies jumping off other platforms and using air attacks.

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    Jan 19th, 2007 at 01:23:20     -    Goldeneye 007 (N64)

    The second time I played Goldeneye I played with my roommates. It’s been a while since I’ve played multiplayer mode against my friends. In multiplayer mode, I noticed more how the controls annoyed me. Of course these controls were standard at the time the game came out. However, using only one joystick to control movement and the aiming of your gun was quite difficult and much less accurate. However, the game compensates for this by auto aiming. So all I had to do point in my enemy’s general direction and unload clips. Although the controls and graphics maybe old, I still think the gameplay is still very fun especially in multiplayer mode. I also appreciated the classic aspects of the game such as the Facility level that just about everyone knows. This game really does deserve to be called a classic because this game was very innovative and set the bar for new games to come.

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    Jan 19th, 2007 at 01:23:04     -    Goldeneye 007 (N64)

    When I finally played Goldeneye 007 on N64 again after all these years, it was interesting. The first thing I noticed was how much better the graphics have gotten since Goldeneye came out. I remember Goldeneye used to be the “it” game to play with your friends at a party. But when I played it recently, I almost laughed at the graphics, especially how the sniper rifle looks a lot like a super soaker. However, once I got over how I thought I remembered the game, I began to realize why this game gained its popularity back in the day. The levels were designed well and it was easy to see that it was games like this that set the stage for games such as Halo. If you think about it, there are many similarities between the two games, such as the wide array of weapons to the classic PP-7 to the Proximity Mines. I think that this game was very innovative for its time with the scenarios and maps it created. Overall, what this game currently lacks in graphics, it makes up for in gameplay and nostalgia.

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