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    Oct 8th, 2012 at 21:52:59     -    Super Smash Brothers Brawl (Wii)

    This week, me and a couple friends have been playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii together. This game is of the fighter genre. We usually have a four player free for all. The core mechanic of this game is combat against other players. The main objective of the player is to be the last one to remain standing due to each of the other players not having any lives left. There are numerous resources in this game due to the very large variety of randomly appearing items. There are so many playable characters in this game, giving each player the goal of finding characters that he or she enjoys the best and striving to become better with that character. Almost every character, excluding a few, have unique move sets, preventing the player from feeling that more characters were added just for the purpose of having new characters. There are many different possibilities of strategies that can be made to accustom each character and player. One issue with this game is that many people have found and consistently use dominating strategies, which gives them a huge advantage over other players who aren't using such strategy. Due to the large amounts of possibilities, this game has very high replay value, even if it is just being played in single player mode. There is also a story mode, even though it doesn't serve much purpose and players will spend very few hours on it. This is an amazing social game as a group of friends can sit around and play this game for hours. In fact, that is most likely the purpose this game was created for, to be a fun social game.

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    Sep 24th, 2012 at 23:42:00     -    Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (GC)

    This week, I replayed through Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for the Nintendo GameCube. Although this game is more than ten years old, it is still in my opinion one of the best video games out there. The single player mode offers a variety of game modes that keep from getting bored too quickly. The speed stages featuring Sonic and Shadow are my favorite, as the speed mechanic always keeps the tension high and forces me to be able to react quickly the obstacles that suddenly appear. The shooting stages of Tails and Dr. Eggman are my least favorite of the game. They go slowly, contrary to what a Sonic the Hedgehog game should be doing. They also feature the most frustrating challenges, which require perfect timing or I will die and have to start the stage over again if I am going for a high score. The treasure hunting stages featuring Knuckles and Rouge are very well done, other than the fact that the radar could be made to be more effective in helping to find the emeralds. They are fast paced but require more careful movements rather than the quick reaction times required in the speed stages. The mechanics used in the actual finding of the emeralds could be improved in small ways such as allowing the player the freedom to search for anyone he or she wants to first rather than having to find them in a specific order. The ranking system in this game is phenomenal, and drives me to keep on playing in order to keep on getting higher scores until I get A ranks in all the missions. The emblems also make me want to play more to the point that I collect them all. Because of the rankings and the emblems, I enjoy playing stages over and over till I have found everything and have completed everything perfectly. It is this and the amazing game mechanics that make this one of my favorite games ever.

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    Sep 17th, 2012 at 22:03:00     -    Halo Reach (360)

    A game that I have been playing a lot for the last two years has been Halo Reach for the Xbox 360. This game is one of my favorites for many reasons. It is a scientific fiction first person shooter game that plays very differently from the standard first person shooter. First of all, the game doesn't rely on as much twitch control due to the amount of damage a player can take. A player can take shots for a good amount of time, and therefore has the opportunity to win a fight even if he or she is the first one hit, unlike other first person shooters like Call of Duty when it only takes three or four bullets to kill someone. The wide variety of maps, weapons, vehicles, and game types prevent this game from getting boring quickly. The campaign is also fun, and I can play the missions a few times over before getting bored of it. Firefight is a good way to fight Covenant enemies outside of the campaign. It is a mode where infinite waves of enemies are sent at you until you die. This mode doesn't gets boring due to the large variety of ways to customize the enemy and player traits, allowing me to create crazy ways to fight enemies. If shooting in general gets boring, I can go into forge mode, a mode that allows players to create their own unique maps. This is so much fun as it allows me to express my imagination through making all sorts of different maps and game types. However, there are a few times where the forge mode's physics and controls can get a little bit annoying. Halo Reach is a unique first person shooter that, in my opinion, requires a lot more skill than other shooters, and therefore, is much more fun to play than other shooters.

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    Sep 9th, 2012 at 17:10:02     -    Sonic the Hedgehog (360)

    Sonic the Hedgehog has been a series that I have been playing since my childhood. Recently, I began playing again Sonic the Hedgehog for the Xbox 360, a famous game in the series due to its numerous glitches and bugs. This is a standard 3D Sonic game with both free roaming aspects and linear levels. The free roaming aspect is very unexciting due to there not being actually anything to explore or find other than medals that give you an achievement when you find all of them. That reward is hardly worth mine or anyone else's time to get. I believe the game could've been made much better if the developers didn't spend so much wasted time on the free roaming. The linear levels, while a lot more enjoyable, have many bugs and glitches that can lead to frustrating deaths that aren't really the player's fault. This is especially annoying when I'm trying to obtain an S rank on a mission, which means completing it without dying and with a high number on points. It is very frustrating when I'm at the end of a mission, about to get the S rank, and then I die due to a bug or a glitch in the level design forcing me to fall through a floor. It makes me want to stop playing on numerous occasions. The boss battles are also bland, with almost each one of them being very uncomplicated and similar to beat. My favorite part of this game is the story, which is actually very complex and dark compared to many other games of the series. The music is also very well done and gets stuck in my head even after I finish playing the game. Overall, the game play could've been made much better with improvements to the level design and fixing of the bugs and glitches. This is a very mediocre Sonic the Hedgehog game compared to other ones of the series.

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