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    Sep 3rd, 2012 at 20:35:11     -    Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations (360)

    For the last four years, I've been watching the Naruto TV show very frequently. Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations, however, is this the first game based of the series that I've played. The story is completely based off the story of the TV show, with a few cut scenes added in for extra content. Even though I already knew the entire story through the show, it was still nice seeing it being played out through a different form of media. The game play is very simple yet entertaining at the same time. It is a standard fighting game with combos, special moves, with the goal being to deplete the enemy's health. There are also different items that can be selected for use before a fight, although they don't have much influence over the fight. Two support characters can also be selected before a fight, each of which either supports you through doing damage, defending you, or a balance of the two. These actually play a big role within a fight and could change the tide of a match if used correctly. The actual game play consists of standard hits and throwing weapons, all of which can be enhanced through the use of chakra, which allows the use of special moves. Chakra must be charged up frequently or it will quickly run out, leaving the player with only the option of using normal moves. These simple mechanics allow for an entertaining game as different combos and styles of play are pulled off. In my opinion, the number one factor of this game is the large character roster. There are over 60 characters within the game, and what makes it amazing is how unique each one is in terms of attacks, speed, and special moves. Unlike many standard fighting games that I've played, very few of the characters share the same fighting style. Overall, the number one reason I believe I enjoy this game so much is due to how much I love the Naruto series. I'm sure if it were the same game but with different characters and stories, I wouldn't enjoy it as much. The thought of playing as the characters from the series that I love and being able to replay many dramatic parts of the series through a game is very exciting to me.

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