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    Dec 9th, 2012 at 15:44:19     -    Sonic and The Secret Rings (Wii)

    Sonic and the Secret Rings is an on-rails action adventure that is very unique because it uses the Wii remote to determine whether Sonic moves to the right or the left. The story of the game involves Sonic the Hedgehog being transported to the world of the Arabian Nights, where he must team up with a good genie to defeat an evil genie who strives to destroy the book and be freed into the real world. Although it is not a very engaging story, it is unique how they incorporate Sonic into a well known work of western literature. Each of Sonic's friends appear with their original personalities as a character of the Arabian Nights. Each of the stages are very vibrant with color. Each of the seven stages has a large numbers of missions, with each one being ranked. The large number of stages and the players desire to achieve the highest rank possible will greatly increase the replayability of this game. The actual gameplay is very fun and engaging, as its very amusing to run at fast speeds and pull of quick reactions to upcoming obstacles such as enemies and environmental hazards. The style of the game does lead to some frustration though. Sometimes when Sonic is moving too fast, it is almost impossible to pull of the necessary reactions unless the player memorizes the timing. It helps that the game doesn't use lives so the player can retry a section as many times as he or she wants. Moving backwards is also a pain as players can't turn the camera angle to see what is behind. Despite some issues, Sonic and the Secret Rings is an amazing, fast paced, and replayable game that uses the ability of the Wii remote very well.

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    Dec 9th, 2012 at 14:05:12     -    Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (360)

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 has an epic single player experience and an addictive multiplayer experience. The core mechanic of this game is shooting, and the objective is to kill all the enemies that stand in your way. The single player has an engaging story mode that follows Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2's story and will keep players interested until the end. The mysterious main character, Yuri, starts out as seeming like a random nobody, but eventually, it is revealed that he has a unique and engaging back-story. The actual single player gameplay is no different than any other first person shooter, just kill as much enemies as possible and get to the end of the level. Although it is not a very unique experience, it is still entertaining and players won't get bored of it. The multiplayer is the same as all the Call of Duty games before it. Player make their own loadouts through the Create a Class system. They have a large variety of weapons, attachments, and perks to use. This system of choice is still one of the great features of the Call of Duty series. The actual game play is very addictive. The objectives can range from just killing people, capturing and defending flags, and holding down territories or headquarters. With all the different options in this game with the Create a Class system and the different gametypes, there is always something for everyone. The game rewards players who play frequently the chance to prestige, which helps them show off to the world how experienced they are at the game. Overall, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is a great package with an engaging single player mode and an addictive multiplayer mode.

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    Dec 9th, 2012 at 13:41:48     -    Battlefield 3 (Arcade)

    Battlefield 3 has a very unique multiplayer as it emphasizes teamwork by giving each player a role that he or she must follow in order to lead the team to victory. When a player starts a game of multiplayer, he or she is given the option to choose from four different classes, assault, engineer, recon, and support. Each class has its own role to play within the team. Assaults do most of the running in and recover wounded teammates, engineers have heavy firepower to destroy enemy vehicles and tools to recover damaged friendly vehicles, supports use suppressing fire to keep the enemies down and recover the ammo of their teammates, and recons stay in the background and snipe enemies and give their spot them so their teammates know where they are. The most satisfying part about this game is when everyone on the team does his or her role and the team is able to completely dominate their opponents through teamwork strategies. This is what makes this game so different than the Call of Duty games, as one does not have to be an excellent shooter or have amazing reactions in order to be good. Vehicles are also an integral part of the game, as tanks and jets can be seen as very useful resources that, if used correctly, can lead the team to victory. This game is good about rewarding teamwork by giving points to those who assist their team and satisfy their roles. As a result, even those who don't get many kills can still receive a large number of points and level up quickly. It is this emphasis on satisfying ones role and teamwork that makes Battlefield 3 such a unique and amazing first person shooter.

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    Dec 6th, 2012 at 16:55:07     -    Yu-Gi-Oh (Other)

    Yu-Gi-Oh is a collectible trading card game that pits players against each other with their trading cards. There are three sorts of cards, Monsters, which are the main method of defeating your opponent, spells, which are used to enhance your monsters and give you an advantage in strength, and traps, which are used to stop your opponent from dealing damage to you and defeating his or her powerful cards. The player must create a balance of monsters, spells, and traps in his or her deck so that he or she has the greatest chance of defeating his or her opponents. The objective of this game is to defeat reduce the opponents 8000 life points to 0 life points. The biggest challenge of this game is the building of the deck. Players need to select cards that are balanced, work very well together, and will be able to work in as many situations as possible. This is a game that requires a large amount of strategy and intellect. If one has no strategy or balance within his or her deck of cards, there is no way he or she will be able to defeat an opponent who does. This is a great example of a game that psychologically keeps on getting players to buy its products. The game keeps on getting updated booster packs and sets that it current players do not buy, they will fall greatly behind to those who do have the new cards. As a result, the company that develops these cards keeps on making large amounts of money. This is a great social, as well as competitive game. It appeals to all sorts of players of different goals and ages. There are Yu-Gi-Oh players who want to be professional as well as players who want to just have fun. Either way, it is a great game that requires strategic thought processes.

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