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    Dec 6th, 2012 at 16:29:26     -    Sonic Unleashed (360)

    Sonic Unleashed is half an amazing game that truly shows off the speed and fast paced action of what a Sonic game should be, while the other half is a dull, slow, and uninteresting hack and slash style gameplay. The story is not very engaging, as it seems like nothing really happens between the first few and cutscenes and when you get towards the end of the game. The ending of the game is phenomenal, however, the middle portion of the game seems pointless and the player does not really keep up to date on why Sonic is doing what he is doing. The daytime game play featuring the regular Sonic is amazing. Its fast paced and keeps the player always on his or her toes. Fast reactions are necessary and there are branching pathways in each level. As a result, the player will keep on replaying levels until he or she knows how to react at each moment and the best pathways, which result in the reward of getting a high rank. The ranking features makes players strive to keep on playing levels until they know them perfectly so they can get high ranks on every level, which can act as a huge source of pride for them. The nighttime stages are the inverse of the daytime stages. As Sonic the Werehog, the player moves very slowly and defeats a never ending amount of enemies by button smashing. There is no skill required for these stages, and they are just plain boring. The stages are also very long, sometimes around twenty minutes, so players will never want to replay it. Its misleading to put gameplay like this in a Sonic the Hedgehog title. In conclusion, this game is half a perfect game and half a very flawed and unnecessary game.

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    Dec 6th, 2012 at 16:13:02     -    Halo 4 (360)

    Halo 4 is, by far, one of the greatest first person shooter games that I have ever played. The main core mechanic of this game is shooting your enemies. In both single and multiplayer, you need to use the variety of weapons that you are given access to so that you may defeat your enemies and survive. The objective of the single player mode is to reach the end of the level, whereas the objective of multiplayer mode has a variety of objectives, depending on the game type. This can range from killing as much as possible, to holding down a territory for a period of time, and capturing the enemy flag while defending your own. Each starting weapons has its own advantages or disadvantages, for example, the DMR is very good at long range but bad at short range, while the BR is good at long range but ineffective at short range. The Light Rifle is good at all ranges but has a very slow rate of fire. This is the first Halo game to give players a large amount of customization opportunities. The player may select both his or her starting and secondary weapons, an armor ability, and two perks. Nothing is overpowered, so no single weapon, perk, or armor ability is used much more than any other in multiplayer. Each has its own effective advantages in particular situations. The game also has Spartan Ops, which are special missions that are delivered to players weekly by 343 industries. This is a good method to keep people coming back to the game, as each mission provides a very engaging story that will keep the players waiting for the next mission. Overall, this game is amazing as it keeps on engaging players through its amazing campaign, fun and balanced multiplayer, and engaging Spartan Ops.

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    Oct 22nd, 2012 at 21:47:31     -    Assassin's Creed Revelations (360)

    This week, I have been playing Assassin's Creed: Revelations for the Xbox 360. This game continues the adventures of assassin Ezio Auditore as he attempts to stop the Templars from carrying out their plans. The protagonists of this game are the assassins and the antagonists are the Templars. This game is of the action and adventure genre. The core mechanic of this game is running and climbing. Using Ezio's climbing abilities, players are given a wide variety of locations to explore if they so desire. The setting of this game is 16th century Byzantine Empire. This immersion in historic times really gives players a taste of what life was back in the time. It is also amazing how perfectly and smoothly the assassin vs. templar theme is implemented into the historic time. The combat is well implemented so very rarely will something unfair happens. It is also really easy, in fact, due to the counter system, a player will rarely ever die due to enemies. However, it is pretty repetitive, as almost every enemy can be killed easily due to counter strikes, which are very easy to pull of consistently. The pistol and crossbow are also very unbalanced, as they kill almost all enemies in one shot and ammo is really easy to come by. The climbing and traversing is also very smooth. The controls will rarely have players accidently jumping off buildings that they have spent a long time climbing. The way this game rewards players for going on in the story is through frequent plot twists and revelations that appear through cut scenes experienced as the player goes through completing the single player missions. This game overall, although somewhat repetitive, has very fun and exciting game play, coupled with a very engaging story, leaving players entertained throughout the whole single player experience.

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    Oct 15th, 2012 at 22:54:02     -    Shadow the Hedgehog (GC)

    This week, I have been playing Shadow the Hedgehog for the Nintendo GameCube. This game is unique within the Sonic the Hedgehog series due to the fact that it allows players to ally themselves with either the side of good, evil, or just Shadow himself. Each level has three missions, one hero, one dark, and one neutral. These then determine what levels the player plays next and how the story will eventually end. There are ten possible endings, however, the only canon one is the pure hero ending, as the final story follows the end of the pure hero story. Seeing all ten possible endings encourage replay of the game. Due to the main theme of Shadow having amnesia and his goal being to find out about his past, the player will feel a great sense of purpose in Shadow's goals, making him a very effective character story wise. The game play is very good. It has the speed and intensity that the games of the series are known to have. One concept that they added are weapons, which aren't needed much during the first few set of levels, but as enemies become more challenging, the weapons will become more of a valuable resource. The game does have a few frustrating moments due to technical glitches, but these are few. The most rewarding part of this game is Expert Mode, which is unlocked after finishing all the missions at the highest possible rank. It requires the player to go through each level in a row, and a game over means he or she will have to start over again. This makes lives a very valuable resource. After completing Expert Mode, the player will feel a great sense of personal satisfaction.

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