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    Sep 25th, 2012 at 09:18:21     -    Tekken 4 (PS2)

    This week I decided to play Tekken 4 with a few of my friends on my Playstation 2. Tekken is an action/ fighting game whose core mechanic is fighting. The objective of the game is simply to defeat the opponent. The primary player interaction patters in the game are single player vs. game (in story mode) and player vs. player (in multi-player). In order to win a fighting match, the player must win a majority of the fights. (either 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5). There are over 30 characters in the game, each with unique skill sets, fighting styles, and attacks from fighting disciplines such as Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Martial Arts, Jujitsu, and Capoeria. Although every character has the same basic attacks (kicking and punching), it is difficult to master each character's unique combos and moves. This fact is what keeps the game interesting and playable repeatedly. Furthermore, some of the maps or fighting arenas in the game are tailored to help certain characters, sometimes giving players a "home field advantage". The main resources to manage in the game are time and health. In each fight, there is a time limit of 100 secs to defeat the opponent. After this time, each player's health is compared and a winner is determined based on which player has more health. Therefore, players must make sure they inflict as must damage as possible in a timely manner. Time must also be managed when deciding which moves and combos to use. Players have to decide between performing combos that take more time, but inflict more damage or combos that take less time, but inflict less damage. However, health is definetly the most important resource in the game. Players must manage their health effectively by blocking and evading enemy attacks since there are no ways to replenish one's health.

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    Sep 18th, 2012 at 01:53:44     -    Chess (Other)

    Chess is one of the greatest games of all time. Its origin trace back to 1500 B.C. in India. It is classified as a turn-based strategy game, but it has influenced many other genre's as well such as the Tower Defense and RPG genres. For example, if viewed from a defensive prospective, Chess can be seen as a game where the player's objective is to defend his our king from attack by strategically developing and managing their pieces. This is similar to Tower Defense games where players defend their city from attack by strategically placing weapons and towers to attack invading enemies. Also, in Chess each piece has its particular positional drawbacks this is the main feature of RPG games where players have to choose from characters that have certain pros and cons. The main objective of chess is to capture or in other words take or destroy of something of your opponents. Most of the player interaction in Chess is player vc. player, but other types of player interaction such as group chess (multiple player vs. multiple player) and player vs. computers have been increasingly popular in recent years as well. Additionally, many variations to Chess such as Chess 960 or Fischer Random Chess, in which a computer or human randomly arranges the chess pieces' starting location have also become popular. However, the main challenge with Chess is time; Chess Grandmasters and other experts have such a deep theoretical knowledge of the game that if they were given infinite time, they could manage to draw every game. To make the game more exciting and challenging, time handicap rules are in tact. There are 3 game modes that each have different time allotments in Chess: Classical (2 hour time, with 30 min increment at 40 moves), Rapid (25 min with time increments of 5 seconds after each move and a 10 min increment at 40 moves), and Blitz (10 mins or less with 5 sec increment).

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Sep 18th, 2012 at 09:17:17.

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    Sep 11th, 2012 at 08:05:47     -    Counter Strike (PC)

    A great deal of my childhood was spent playing Counterstrike. I consider it to be one of the greatest FPS of all time. Despite its age and relatively outdated graphics, Counterstrike still has a huge online community and is still one of the most played PC games. The reason why this is, is because Counterstrike has amazing game-play and map design. In order to be successful in Counterstrike, players must play as a team and stick together. Map knowledge is extremely important because each map has strategic strong and weak points, which must be utilized for success. The gameplay is great and always filled with action. There are 3 online game modes which are played based on the particular map. There is a bomb plant and defuse scenario, hostage and rescue situation, and a VIP escort game mode. Each of these game modes is sure to get your heart racing because it is very easy to die and you only have one life per round. Another aspect of the game that makes it extremely tense is the buying system. The team who wins the round receives a significantly greater amount of money the following round. This adds pressure on the player to succeed because without money players will be at a significant disadvantage in firepower. It also forces player to budget and make tradeoffs on weapons which adds another strategical aspect of the game. Another great feature of Counterstrike is the guns. The guns are all very powerful and can kill the opponent fairly easily, but they are difficult to master and have a huge learning curve. This makes the game challenging and exciting. One flaw in the game is the fact that the game designers allowed players to choose their own player models. Although, this feature may allow more customization abilities, it has also allowed made cheating and hacking much easier. As a result, the game has been plagued with hackers since its release and constant patches need to be applied to maintain the integrity of the game. However, if you are able to find the right server or play over a LAN you will surely be able to have an enjoyable experience like no other.

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    Sep 4th, 2012 at 00:25:26     -    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PS3)

    The last time I played Call of Duty 4 was probably the Summer of 2009. It has always been one of my favorite first person shooters and it was definitely fun playing it again after such a long hiatus. The hallmark of the game (and the reason why I love it so much) is the multi-player experience. The multi-player game mode is extremely simple (compared to later games in the CoD series) and balanced which results in a generally pleasant experience. Players can be successful with any gun they use primarily because there is no gun that is overpowered or so much better than the rest. For example, in this gaming session I used the M40 A3 sniper rifle and pulled off a great score of 44 kills and 10 deaths against others that used fully automatic rifles and shotguns. Now I do have some "go-to guns" that I prefer using especially when I am playing against good competition, but these guns do not guarantee me an advantage. Furthermore, CoD 4's maps (with the exception of Wet Work and Downpour) are always action packed and offer several flank routes and lines of sight which make the gaming experience unpredictable and exciting. Additionally there are a plethora of multi player game modes, which create unique gaming styles. For example, the Search and Destroy, Team Tactical, and Free for All game modes elicit tactical and meticulous play where as the Domination and Demolition game modes allow for rushing and objective based play. Also, if you are not satisfied with the game's installed game modes, you can create custom games in the private match lobby with friends. Lastly, the reason why I can still pick this game up and enjoy it even this late in its existence is the simple kill streak system. The kill streak system is great because it rewards the player for doing well, but it does not force the player to play a certain way to receive the reward. For example, in CoD4's successor Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2, the Nuke, Chopper Gunner, and AC-130 kill streaks often forced players to "camp" or play overly defensively because they required at least 11 kills to achieve. This hindered the game play experience tremendously because players would enter objective type game modes in order to get a high amount kills and nukes instead of playing the objective. This is seldom the case in CoD4 primarily because each player has the same kill streaks and obtaining kill streaks is a fairly easy task since only 7 kills are required for the highest kill streak reward. There is rarely a need to "camp" because a player is not guaranteed a high amount of kills or a win with the acquisition of a kill streak reward. Rather, players are more inclined to play aggressively and objectively, making the more game action packed and fun. Additionally, with fewer kill streaks gun on gun combat is highlighted, which can ensure that the best players will be distinguished from the rest.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Sep 4th, 2012 at 00:28:01.

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