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    Jan 22nd, 2016 at 11:22:56     -    This war of mine (PC)

    Log 1 This War of Mine

    Today I played through until day 6. I searched for supplies at many different locations. Some seemed abandoned and others had people in them. I also built some basic things for my living quarters. I built a workbench, stove and heater. I had a few visits from some people who wanted to trade and from some kids looking for medicine for their mom.

    The game is about survival from what I can tell at this point but it also explores some interesting dilemmas. There was one instance where I visited the quiet house. As soon as I opened the door I was confronted by an old man who asked what I was doing there. I knew that the object of the game was to find survival supplies so I ignored him and started looking for loot. The couple ran upstairs and hid in the farthest room. I continued my raid curious as to what would happen if I did. Eventually the old man said that he was going to call for help and I left.

    When I got back home my character seemed very upset about what he had just done. In a way it was nice to see his remorse. I had never seen anything like that in a game before. There seemed to be an emotional consequence for your actions. Not only that the other two characters became sad as well and needed to talk to each other.

    Given the circumstances of the world they are in, is it still ethical to loot for survival? Obviously it seemed wrong to steal from an elderly couple right from under their noses. I wonder if the game can still be played out if all you do is try to barter with your visitors.

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    2This war of mine (PC)Playing
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