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    Jan 19th, 2017 at 20:17:53     -    The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)

    The Last Of Us, PS4, Game Log January 19th, 5:21-6:07 (46 minutes)

    The Last Of Us was recommended to me by my friend back in 2013 by a close friend. He acclaimed the game because of its rich story and almost cinematic direction. I tried to play a few years ago, but now that I have restarted I feel like this is going to be a game that really gets me thinking. I’ve experienced the beginning before, but now that I am a bit older, it got to me. I started with his daughter and I ended just as the fireflies had attacked the soldiers after the title sequence. The first thing that impressed me about the game was that the daughter was being treated like an adult. I’d assume that the father had a strong relationship with her, because they joked about some adult themes. As news of the infection reaches them, they drive past a family in need of desperate help. They do not stop to help them because they feel they have their own problems to deal with. Why is your family’s lives more important than theirs? Is the little amount of trouble to go through in bringing them worth saving their lives? How would you feel if you were with your brother and little girl and someone just drove past you, left for dead? These were questions that I was keeping in the back of my mind as I continued looking at the ravished landscape. The next ethical problem I had with the game was when the brother (I’m sure his name will be ingrained in me the next few times I play) was driving through the street very fast as other citizens were trying to flee the city. It would have only taken seconds to let some people pass, but the brother still put their lives at risk. How are their lives worth more than the lives of the main characters? Later in the playthrough, the brother was killing these infected people willy nilly. He didn’t understand the virus yet, so why should he be shooting at them? What is human? Where is the line between a live worth saving and a life to be killed? The game has been very careful as to not use the term zombie, perhaps to make the player ponder about killing them. This game is much more than a “shoot em’ up” zombie game, and that is made clear from the get-go. As I had mentioned before, I ended the playthrough as they were in the safe zone. Should the father be in contempt with the government because they killed his daughter, or is he in a position where he can’t make a choice? Why are the fireflies being painted as bad, and the government isn’t if they are both killing healthy and infected? Hopefully many of these questions get answered the further I play, but I also hope that some stuff is open-ended so the player can decide what course of action to take. As far as my thoughts on the narrative of the game go, I would say that so far, this has been very emotionally investing to me. I wanted to do all I could to save the girl, even though it was just a cutscene. I assume that as I play I will be making decisions mostly on emotions, instead of logic, but only time will tell as I delve deeper and deeper into this supposed masterpiece.

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      Game Status / Read GameLog
    1Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (PS4)Playing
    2The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)Playing
    3The Talos Principle (PS4)Playing


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