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    Jan 30th, 2007 at 23:20:42     -    Super Smash Brothers (N64)

    The second session of 45 minutes went by very fast. This time we focused on team battles and single player mode. This game has many variables for a fighting game, such as the bonus stages dealing with breaking targets under a timed setting. The games customizable multiplayer setting is quite nice. Being able to change which weapons appear or how often is good for tournaments or adding a random factor to the game. I find that stock is a better way to play then the timed setting, and the team battle is more fun when battling real people. As tough as the computers can be, real people present a better challenge.
    When starting the 1 player campaign, I wasn’t as rusty since I had just played team battle. The enemies are tough in a one on one situation and it is a fun challenge. The bonus stages require you to think outside the box and over come the challenge in a creative way. Break the targets was always a difficult one for me, I also like that strategies change according to what character you chose. There is not anything I can currently think about changing in the main game, because it is al set up challenging and fun. I do think it is odd that the last boss is a hand, which is abstract and was always strange to me.

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    Jan 30th, 2007 at 22:01:18     -    Super Smash Brothers (N64)

    For this weeks game log, I decided to play Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64. I haven’t played this game in some years and I t was a lot of fun. We played the 3 player 4 stock mode for 45 minutes. I tried playing as a different character each game and It was quite fun. The analog joystick of the N64 is quite rough and I think I will have blisters by tomorrow. I played against a veteran player and I believe I was able to hold my own moderately well. I believe this game is great for relieving stress and it was one of the best ideas for Nintendo to come up with. When I play smash brothers I remember the commercials with mascot sized Nintendo characters fighting each other on a field.
    This type of game has the advantages of a free for all game as well as a team based game. I prefer it to arcade style fighting games because of the free movement and the variety and interactivity present in the different stages. This classic game is one of the most fun multi player games to date and I am interested in comparing it to the Game Cube version now that I have refreshed my game experience on the N64.

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    Jan 18th, 2007 at 02:08:30     -    Mario Party (N64)

    After playing for another 45 minutes, I engaged the game with new insight. I lost two of my comrades so we had some computer player opponents. This new setup decreased my competitive nature towards my friend. Instead we teamed up cursing at the computer who was constantly “cheating”.
    We played a different map which was a lot of fun, and turned out to be more challenging than the first one. On the mini games I played much more efficiently and I hardly lost because I was used to it all now.
    The greatest thing about this game is that you can play it over and over as long as you play with your friends. This time around, I was much less patient with the rolling of the dice, so I definitely would change how long that process takes.

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    Jan 18th, 2007 at 00:02:04     -    Mario Party (N64)

    I have just finished playing 1 hour of Mario Party on Nintendo 64. I haven’t played this game in at least 5 years and it was a very fun game experience. I talked my housemates into doing my homework with me, so it was a very sociable and competitive experience. The greatness of this particular game is that Nintendo took the experience of playing a board game and added animation. The mini games after every round keep the game interesting in between waiting for your turn.
    The game board we played on was very small and the star did not move around at all. I feel that it would have been more challenging if things moved around a little more. Also, waiting for people to hit the dice is kind of dull, and it might be more fun if everyone rolled together in the beginning of each turn, then the players could move around quicker.

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