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    Jan 16th, 2018 at 13:47:16     -    Shadow Of Mordor (PC)

    *Edit* This log was written on the 11th but didn't previously save as intended so I'm resubmitting!

    The first 15 minutes are almost entirely cut scenes, providing an introduction to the characters, world, etc. The antagonist is undeniably evil, and his misdeeds against the player character establish the tone of the game, as well as the moral justification for the inevitable orc murder that follows. Beginning my journey into Mordor, I kill some orcs attempting to stop my progress. This act is arguably in self defense, although I probably could have run past them, perhaps risking minor damage. The game clearly intends they die, encouraging me by flashing controls to fight on screen. Soon after I'm presented with a range of missions to kill for power up rewards, and I carry out the first one in bloody fashion. It's satisfying because the orcs are utterly nasty fairy tale monsters. It feels fair because they are openly hostile to me. Self defense, right? That is, until you kill their leader, which sends the underlings scampering away in fear. With the bow and arrow, I shoot a few of them as they run. Do they deserve to be spared, having hungered for my man flesh only moments before?

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      Game Status / Read GameLog
    1Firewatch (PC)Playing
    2Shadow Of Mordor (PC)Playing
    3This is the Police (PC)Playing


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