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    Aug 25th, 2018 at 16:08:29     -    This is the Police (PC)

    When beginning the story many elements are hidden away from the player and for obvious reasons. In the hour that I played I didn't feel like I had to make many ethical choices till the end of my play time. The first ethical choice I was put up against was to help your boss/close friend be an inside man for him in the police department. He was involved in the mafia and if you didn't help him his family and himself would die. This made me question either using virtue ethics, because he is a close friend and you should help out friends in bad situations. Or in the kantian case helping out the mafia(or someone who is “bad”) would be inherently wrong. In the same utilitarian vein if I can save my friend and his whole family(6 people) then helping the mafia kill say 3 people would actually make helping the mafia morally right. I made the choice to not help him by my gut reaction, but now in closer reflection it might not have been that simple. I have not seen the aftermath of my actions yet, but it will be interesting to see what the game developers have as a consequence of my action.

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    KalebHogan's GameLogs
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    1Hitman (Complete First Season) (PC)Playing
    2Nier Automata (PC)Playing
    3This is the Police (PC)Playing


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