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    Aug 26th, 2018 at 17:17:19     -    Hitman (PS4)

    I began playing Hitman today. I like it quite a bit so far. I got past the tutorial sections and through the first 2 missions so far. I have been very happy with how much freedom of choice is given to the player in how they accomplish their goals. There are some major and obvious ethical issues in this game in which you play as an assassin. The game does not allow the player to choose not to kill the specific targets in the mission. But the game does allow the player to decide how many other casualties are necessary for completing the mission. Each time you subdue someone there is an option to kill them. You can hide people that were knocked out or killed, and this could reduce your need to kill again to cover your tracks. The main character himself I don't know too much about yet to make any ethical judgement of him aside from him being an assassin. I like that the game tends to punish the sloppy player who would go in and kill freely. This punishment takes the form of enemies flocking to you to kill you, making the game much harder than necessary. There is a general feeling given by the game that the fewer bodies you create, the less trouble you will have when playing.

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    2Little Nightmares (PS4)Playing
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