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    Sep 27th, 2018 at 00:57:41     -    This Is the Police (PS4)

    The second playthrough of This is the police had some more interesting dialogue. However at one point you have to choose whether or not to help your deputy "escape" the mafia. Although I think really was the choice if he lives or dies. But after the decision is when the interesting bits happen. You now have the choice to ignore crimes for money or to send people to help them in non police matters. ALl the while getting paid extra for the jobs. Here I have just been playing along with the mafia as it seems with the game that getting money is the ultimate goal and the fact of the matter is that I have not come across any "real" consequences for these actions. Especially when the game's only way of punishing you is telling you that they escaped in one frame and that someone maybe got killed in another. Its all very distancing and I honestly don't feel a lot from this game when it comes to making the choices because of that. Even more so that there is now a mechanic to kill off your officers in fake investigations. But I am still somewhat early I think and will play further to see what happens.

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    Sep 17th, 2018 at 02:47:41     -    This Is the Police (PS4)

    This is the police plays like a movie. Each day comes with its own cutscenes that run for quite some time. Each one giving that much more insight to the life of Jack the Police Chief. The beginning of the game you are given choices that affect the newspapers of the next day. So far I don't understand the significance of the papers but I am only a little bit into the beginning of the game. While the player isn't confronted with many ethical choices at day 5, I can see the story unraveling if just a bit concerning corruption and greed that is in the police force. But at this point in time I can't say much else for the game as far as ethical issues but I can't wait to play more to see the real story unravel.

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    Aug 30th, 2018 at 19:33:23     -    A Mortician's Tale (PC)

    I replayed the game for a few minutes to see if the options would change if you said that you were uncomfortable with the dressing of the suicide victim. However it seems that the option is not something that affect the outcome of the story that much. I did't play all the way through but it didn't seem to change the next emails that you receive. Kind of wish that it did but I can see its not that important to the story.

    The gameplay itself doesn't have that many ethical decisions to make, however the concept of the game as a whole is where it gets interesting. The game makes the player see that death is really not a big of deal as the world makes it out to be. Sure people are sad that thier loved one is gone but its an every day part of life. The only thing that is certain about life is that we all die someday. Death is so stigmatized as a horrible thing that its used as a punishment in most games or just glossed over because you need to progress. A Mortician's Tale really puts it into perspective how mundane death is.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Aug 30th, 2018 at 23:24:37.

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    Aug 30th, 2018 at 02:33:24     -    A Mortician's Tale (PC)

    I finished "A Morticians Tale" today. A bit on the early side as I thought this game was longer. However Immediately after I had quit playing it picked up in the ethical dilemmas. The first one was a dilemma of whether or not to follow the deceased wishes or to cremate him like he wanted. However, it’s not a choice afforded to the Mortician. It comes down to the family and their choices; They give you the chance to say the you are uncomfortable dealing with a suicide case, but my problem was with not respecting the original wishes.
    The other ethical issues I came across is when the local owner has to sell to the cold corporation. It really irked me to hear they are all about sales (as I had a sales job before I understand the positions of the employees). This company takes advantage that people are grieving and uses that to leverage them into spending more money. The manipulation is a miserable way to get people to spend money on something they nor the deceased wanted. The game specifically talks someone out of a home funeral because “It would disrespect her memory” to let her decompose naturally.
    The next was that the company refused to do any Green methods for the deceased and the mortician is subject to talking them out of their decision. Not only is this more manipulation, but it is an affront to the environment. As the game states many times Formaldehyde is bad for the environment and there are ways to avoid it but they refuse to see that route.
    The ethical situatio0ns really come up after the local owner sells her shop. Before it was people working with people in a time of need. After it was all about the numbers and the sales and talking people into things they don’t want or need because they want the extra money for the corporation.

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    1A Mortician's Tale (PC)Finished playing
    2A Mortician's Tale (PC)Playing
    3Nier: Automata (PS4)Playing
    4This Is the Police (PS4)Playing


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