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    Sep 26th, 2018 at 20:40:01     -    This is the Police (Switch)

    This is the police reminds me a little of the game Paper Please as your continuing to balance many calls of the city and dealing with consequences like cutting down staff, taking the blame in the light of the media reporting on you and gaining and loosing money. However, how you gain the money can be under abuse of power, being corrupt official, or following the law and revealing the corruption of the higher ups. The involvement of doing mafia jobs certainly calls into question if being unlawful is equivalent to being moral. A rather early choice is to supposedly save your friend and his family from being murdered from the mafia, but consequently if you do the mafia is now active in your life as many mafia tasks will come up from now on, but you can still chose to do them or not. Another part of the game is the narrative story of the main cop and his life being affected by certain choices the player makes. This game is certainly bringing into context between what is moral and what is the law because ethically they are not the same.Another interesting point in the game is you want more professional staff however you may not have the grounds to fire them legally which means you can still choose to do so or strategically hire older staff and wait for when the labor market has more professional cops available, but is that necessarily the right thing to do? Also just because it is illegal to fire someone without legal reasons is it morally wrong to do so?

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Sep 26th, 2018 at 20:49:08.

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    Sep 25th, 2018 at 19:40:09     -    This is the Police (Switch)

    I started up the game and was greeted to a comic style narrative. I already enjoy the voice acting for the characters. Once you got a bit of the story the game gives you a press conference with multiple options to respond to the reporters questions. I realize that what I choose to say may affect my gameplay so I already thinking logical and ethical ways to respond and what the consequences could be. Afterwards I begin playing the core gameplay where I send officers to do jobs around town, I am faced with mafia affiliation, and city hall wanted me to fire black officers due to city tensions I of course can choose to participate or not. There are already a lot of hard choices to make when you are given power. I can choose to abuse it or not. My first play run of the game really emphasized racism as with city hall wanting me to fire officers and in the beginning where the mayor is described with white shoes, white polo and white other clothes in a harsh describing tone as if the outfit meant something much harsher. I look forward to seeing how the story plays out with my next play through.

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    Aug 30th, 2018 at 20:23:52     -    Little Nightmares (PS4)

    I'm surprised by finishing the game within a couple sessions, and I'm left with many questions and little answers, but I think the game intended for its audience to have unique speculation about what is happening in this dark world.

    I at first thought the yellow character taking moments to eat were at first just showing a struggle to survive as eating the rat out of desperation, the kind boy throwing his food to the main character and the trap with food, however, the game makes a sharp turning point on what consuming possibly means because after you run and avoid all the people who are trying to eat you there is a moment where you are hungry again. The character comes upon one of the cone shape people who is holding a sausage. As the cone head person is lifting the sausage for you to consume I felt a happy about the generosity and that happy feeling turned into complete shock when the yellow character lunged at the cone head person to eat him instead of the sausage!
    This turning point event escalated to later eating a large woman and possibly eating the souls of the other people towards the end.

    There are so many small details in the game that I doubt I noticed the majority. The game's ending baffled me and I wonder many things such as if the yellow coat character is related to the lady who runs the grotesque eating place or even the man who committed suicide in the beginning. I wonder why were all the small children who slept in beds or sat in cages were being exploited for food, were they the same race as the larger people in the end resulting in twisted cannibalism, child abuse, and murder? What are the cone people suppose to be or represent? The game has a lot of implied or bold content that would make many people uncomfortable and disturbed due to the strong moral topics of suicide, child abuse, cannibalism, and suicide. I have been left with many mixed feelings and would go through the chapters again to find more details to fill the plot holes that lead to the confusing ending.

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    Aug 29th, 2018 at 21:40:46     -    Little Nightmares (PS4)

    I continued forward with the game wondering what terrifying surprises awaited me this session. I found it odd that the character gets hungry, but not in the sense of needing to refill hunger over time instead there is a purpose to eat each time. The food in the trap was needed to continue with the next scene in the game while eating the rat seemed odd for the moment.

    When I am hiding and running away from the long armed man and the twin cooks I feel panic, nervous, and adrenaline. Their appearance gives me the creeps along with creepy audio of scary music, pounding heart beat, and heavy breathing from the cooks set the tone for the tension I experience when crouching under tables in shadows to avoid them.

    I do enjoy the creative way of escaping each room because I have to think about what looks like an escape route as it is not always obvious. There is secrets too from the cone head creatures and the breakable dolls, however, I may need to replay to get them all.

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    1A Mortician's Tale (PC)Playing
    2Little Nightmares (PS4)Playing
    3This is the Police (Switch)Playing


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