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    Aug 28th, 2018 at 22:33:00     -    Nier Automata (PS4)

    Today I started playing Nier Automata. I had seen a friend play the beginning bit, and some random parts in the middle, before playing today. First off this is a very fun game! They make sure that things switch up a lot, which continues to keep it interesting. Sometimes you are playing a shooter type game, sometimes an action rpg, etc. The camera also switches views a lot. This was annoying at first, but I didn't mind after about 20 minutes.

    I find the context to be extremely interesting. You play as an android that is being sent to Earth to clear out some machines, so that humans can once again inhabit earth. Androids sentience and memories can be saved, so that if they "die" their bodies can be made anew, and their memories placed into the new body.
    I think this is intriguing. It makes one ask, what is life? To further press this question into the heart, the machines you are sent to kill show signs of intelligence. The NPCs remark that this is unheard of. So are the machines sentient beings as well? You do see them learning, and acting/speaking in a child-like manner. You really are unsure what is right and wrong as you move forward.

    I played for almost 3 hours, because I wanted to know how the narrative moved forward. I was also having a blast.

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      Game Status / Read GameLog
    1A Mortician's Tale (PC)Playing
    2Four Last Things (PC)Playing
    3Nier Automata (PS4)Playing


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