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    Aug 28th, 2018 at 21:51:08     -    Nier Automata (PC)

    Game Log 1: Entry 1

    August 28, 2018

    Nier: Automata

    Main Character: 2B

    Supporting Character (Partner): 9S

    When first playing Nier: Automata the only ethical choice that the player is presented with is kill or be killed, that is, until about 25 minutes in when you’re partner, 9S, radios in and shows a bit of emotion. 2B snaps back at him saying that those feelings are forbidden, and without thinking, 9S shuts them down. After this exchange, the entire opening sequence had new meaning, one with a glaring ethical issue: Was it right for whoever was using these machines as weapons to suppress their emotions and dehumanize them, allowing them to be killed off without second thought? And furthermore, was it right to desensitize these robots, or automata, to the death of their comrades? Just from the emotion that comes out of those two questions, I can see this game holding deep values in equality and what it means to be human and the all-encompassing nature we should all retain.

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    1Little Nightmares (PC)Playing
    2Nier Automata (PC)Playing
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