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    Aug 31st, 2018 at 01:16:55     -    Hatred (PC)

    This game was infamous by acting a serial killer and kill civilians. I only heard this game before but have never played it before. After first half an hour of play. I found the following reason why people think this game is inappropriate.
    1) Kill civilian
    There are a lot of games allowed you to kill civilians, but this game not only encourage you to do so. But also force you to do so. The task for first level is to kill 50 civilian. This might be one of those reason that hatred is more shocking than GTA, Payday etc.
    2) Execution
    This game give you a close direct shot to the execution animation. It’s a bit shocking for the first time.
    To be honest, this game isn’t that interesting. The developer just uses “you can kill civilian in this game” as a hook. They thought it is fun, but the public doesn’t really could accept that.

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