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    Sep 26th, 2018 at 23:04:35     -    Nier Automata (PC)

    I continued playing Nier Automata. It's starting to feel more like a traditional RPG now that I've finished any quests and there's a base to go back to. I'm kind of disliking the sheer amount of invisible walls in this game. With the amount of movement mechanics in it, Nier Automata seems like a game that would follow the mold of Mario Odyssey or Breath of the Wild, wherein the player can find multiple ways to enter an area and solve a problem. But Nier Automata seems kind of linear thus far.

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    Sep 25th, 2018 at 23:09:44     -    Nier Automata (PC)

    I played through the first boss battle of Nier Automata. The tutorial seems to make a concerted effort to not try to baby you through the game. It presents challenges that teach you mechanics and practical uses for those mechanics. Generally, I'm a fan of these kinds of tutorials, and in Nier Automata, it certainly is used well sometimes. The way the tutorial uses simple, common minigames to introduce the frequent camera shifting is well executed. But in some cases, the game doesn't tell you all the mechanics available to you, such as certain jumps, attacks etc. The story and world is already compelling. Dystopian steampunk is always interesting and the way the Goliaths are made of already existing human technology makes me really excited to play more. I've yet to encounter any ethical questions.

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    Aug 30th, 2018 at 23:30:07     -    Hitman (Complete First Season) (PC)

    So this site apparently will log you out if you take too long to write the entry, and if you then submit the diary entry, I guess since you're logged out it doesn't record the submission and deletes it instead. So the rest of this entry will be in a rushed, mildly angry tone. Hitman is a good game. I'm usually not a fan of assassination games because I don't like the idea of finishing the mission but then failing to escape. But Hitman is well made enough that the stress of playing it becomes part of the experience.

    Hitman and other assassination games' existences bring new light to the question of whether or not violence in video games results in violent behavior. Typically, most games that heavily feature killing are ultimately not about killing. Killing is merely the narrative tool used to explain the objective of eliminating an opponent. Thus, there is a large disconnect between what the game is showing and what the players are thinking. But in Hitman, this disconnect is less evident. After all, Hitman's objective isn't to rack up points through killing, nor is it to secure an objective that typically requires killing your opponents. The sole objective is to murder a target and get away with it. Even so, it would be a mistake to assume that because murder is the objective, it is also the appeal. The fun in Hitman is not in fantasizing about assassinating powerful figures, it's in solving the problems and overcoming the obstacles that prevent you from doing so. When analyzing how a piece of media affects a person, examining its appeal is just as important as examining its content.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Aug 30th, 2018 at 23:31:21.

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    1Four Last Things (PC)Playing
    2Hitman (Complete First Season) (PC)Playing
    3Nier Automata (PC)Playing


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