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    Sep 27th, 2018 at 16:16:35     -    Nier Automata (PC)

    This game is amazing, so far I have poured a couple hours into this game and I have enjoyed every minute of it, I have gotten a couple new weapons and abilities and they are great

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    Sep 27th, 2018 at 16:12:58     -    Nier Automata (PC)

    I've started my play through of this game and what I've seen so far is that the androids you play as are serving their human creators by killing the robots that inhabit earth, I'm enjoying the combat elements as well as how the main characters 9s and 2b act

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    Nkoerner's GameLogs
    Nkoerner has been with GameLog for 6 years, 0 months, and 16 days
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    1Little Nightmares (PC)Playing
    2Nier Automata (PC)Finished playing


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