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    Feb 9th, 2007 at 02:53:26     -    Call Of Duty 3 (PS3)

    Wow, I truely forgot how great of a game this was. I put all my time into GoW. So anyways these has to be the greatest war game ever created. I doubt that any other company can make a better war game than COD3. The graphics get better and better. It is really scary of how realistic this game is. This produces actually objectives that the real war veterans had to accomplish. After that being said, It did feel a little different from Call of Duty 2. The whole feel of controling your character has slightly changed. I was always the sniper in COD2 and when I tried it out with this one, it was completely different. On a positive note, COD3 offered many new opportunities that the player can do rather than COD2. You get to control a tank, shoot different guns, etc. Before I started to play campaign, I played a lot of multiplayer. I loved playing COD2 online so I gave COD3 a chance online. Players I talked to also felt that the new control change in this game was not good. They claimed "It just didn't feel right". There were some cool types of matched online that were fun to play. Anyways when I started playing campaign which took place at the Battle of Normandy. Its just a great game that gives a close detailed specualation on what the idea is of being behind the lines. I truly believe the back of this game case when it claims: "next generation technology delivers the most authentic and immersive war experience yet" When I started playing, there was no difficulty setting! I started playing but got really inpatient. I rushed towards a group of enemy and ended dying right away. Once I got over myself, I started to succeed in these objectives. There were many characters in the game. Ofcourse granted its a 1st person shooter so you do not get to see the character in which you control, but your friends look good graphically. Its hard to distinguish between character mainly because its war and you can not really tell them apart. I think that this story is so authentic because it's our history! It is the tru story of battle! Thought on the gameplay, like i said before, a little different in comparrison to the 2nd call of duty. Its a different feel to the one I am accustomed to. I do not really like this new feel at all. A cool part to this game is the dialogue between the war heroes. They talk to you and let you know to get cover, or warning there was a gernade thrown, etc.These awesome design elements are the key part in this game. The people who created this game want the players to get a 1st hand feel of what war is like, they did a great job. Level design is really bizarre in good ways and bad. Its kind of granted that a player can cover a lot of land but the game forces you to go one way. The player can't have much freedom in these levels, its basically walk towards the next star on the map which is the next objective. This game creates a lot of conflict. The huge conflict is war and trying to stay alive. You have the enemys that swarm in waves towards you trying to kill you. Anyways it is my time to take a break from gamelog and continue my game.

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    Jan 30th, 2007 at 05:20:16     -    Mario Party (N64)

    For this second entry, I focused more on playing the mini-games. The mini-games in mario party is the basis of the entire game. Anyways I thought the mini-game were entertaining. They were very short, simple, and fun. I think its really smart for the game to offer some sort of monetary value for these game. A player can collect coins and be able to buy new mini-games. This gave me some great ideas for my video game project. I felt that a small mini game such as some of the ones I played can be a very effective and fun game. Each little game had its only uniqueness and I thought that this was what made it interesting to keep playing. It was at that point where I was looking forward to playing a new game I have not seen yet. I didn't have many social interactions but what caught my feeling is that this would be a great game to show to a young one thats starting to learn how to play games. Aside from developing skills of pressing a button repeadly fast, I think that this game would be wonderful to show new gamer only because of the wide variety of the mini games they are able to play. There wasn't that much cutscene, just the bowser or toad transistions onto whats going on but I thought that this game is a very simple, easy to learn, easy to follow game. There isn't much story which gives a positive outcome for this game because you can just play these games and not worry about missing a piece to the storyline. Overall, I feel that this game is always a favorite and I know that this game will continue to grow in the future (as its doing with Mario Party 8). Creaters of this game are able to design many small games that will always be fun to play. I would give this game a 7ish out of 10. Overall pretty good!

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    Jan 30th, 2007 at 03:47:23     -    Mario Party (N64)

    So the reason I played this game from the classics is because of how much fun I remember this game was. I literally put hours into this game on my little cousins 64 and decided to bring back the good memories with this game. I have only played the second and third mario partys and never the original. Anyways I just decided to play with normal settings for a quick game. Overall, I felt was a pretty close game until random award stars were given out at the end so I ended up in 3rd. I can pretty much relate this game to an interactive board game where certain spots are good or bad. This game represented the basic characters in the mario world! Nobody too special! This game really has no story. I think it represents a free from all the basic storylines of mario (mario strives to save princess peach). It's nice just to play this interactive board game with some of your favorite characters. What makes this game so much fun is the wide variety of different mini games you are able to play. I know this is fun for everybody who plays it or else they wouldn't have 7 sequels to this game. By the way, I read a little bit (not much about it) about Mario Party 8 for Wii. Seems like a really fun game to play. Anyways back to the original, this game does represent some conflict. I know that its a game and every player aims to win but its more about a random (slot machine type) strategy game that is really hard to master. I am sure that a player may develop some good skill playing the mini game but that would only get you 10 coins (If you were able to win) but usually its hitting a random number block, then on in your route. Granted you are able to decide which way to go if you it a cross road but it really does suck when you save up all the coins with a next diceblock forcing you to see bowser. Which sucks because he usually takes all the coins. But when you play your cards right, and get all the stars you can afford to get, then victory! I did encounter some conflict with the mini games. A competition in different situations of the mini games between the four players. This mini game idea was the only thing that kept me playing. Its pretty boring playing with yourself and 3 other computer players becasue you have to completely go through what they see as a player (you can't skip them). I was pretty bored with that whole idea. I think the whole award system was ok until we got to the last part until there were stars given away to the players who hit a certain spot the most times or whoever collects the most coins. The most coins award was ok becuase that went to the player who excelled in the mini games but awarding a star to the player who hit the ? mark the most. Thats like giving cash to a person who gets a certain card the most times. Stuff like that, the player doesn't deserve! Anyways I am going to play mini games for my second hour and get back!

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    Jan 19th, 2007 at 03:43:27     -    Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

    So here is my second log entry for Super Mario Bros. 3

    Anyways it was a overall a fun experience. I would have to say (after playing over a few hours) that Mario tends to get a little old. Yeah the first hour or so was pretty exciting but soon its really the same thing over and over again. Thats how I really felt about that experience for this game was overall pretty good. This game can create some conflicts continously. Its really Mario running right, dodging enemies and what not. I think there isn't really much that this game will have to keep me interested. I believe that Super Mario 64 was the best Mario game ever created. If I had to change this game, I would make it into the 64 version. There is just so much more you can do with more of a 3D visual to it. Its frustrating because its there isn't much change in gameplay experience. Its basically a same levels over and over but more importantly, the same boss really. When my friends came in to ask me how far I got, I told them like world 6 or something. I think that this is an important aspect to this game because it can really test your patience and how much time your really dedicated to actually beating this game. Anyways this game is one of my all time favorites and will always be! Till Next Time!

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    1Call Of Duty 3 (PS3)Finished playing
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    4Mario Party (N64)Finished playing
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