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    Jan 18th, 2007 at 21:12:02     -    Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

    Wow internet can really suck, I spent about 20 minutes typing this blog and lost it. Anyways here it is again. I really forgot about how fun Super Mario Bros. 3 really was. I pulled this game out of a box and looked at the label and thought about how much time and fun I had with this game. Anyways I started playing Mario and noticed that he has the basic control options: Run and Jump. Thats basically it but then again thats all you really need. I know with a few games with the 360, there is another joystick for looking around the charatcer which is important and the controller having about 8 more buttons! Anyways back to Mario, I started playing through some of the worlds and came across many different types of levels. He got to run around the simple outdoor world, underwater world, desert world, a snow world, some ships and some castles. Some of the details of some of these levels are very basic. In the desert, there are a few of quick sand pits, along with some randoms enemies. The Underwater world, there were a few fishes and some underwater plants. This game is very simple and didn't need that much appearance work on the levels to make it fun. What I think makes this game very fun is all the little mini games that were throughout the game play. Some of them are based of a simple slot machine type (but you got to control when they stopped and where they stopped which is why this was fun but sometimes challenging). The simple flip card game where you are supposed to remember where the cards were or the random box where you get to keep the item in one of the three boxes. I realized that you can't save your gameplay progree when my game froze and had to start all over. Anyways this game represents a basic 2D graphic gameplay. He can only go right and sometimes left. Nice and Simple. I played for a few more hours and can't wait to keep playing and write my second blog.

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    Jan 11th, 2007 at 21:01:43     -    Gears of War (360)

    Act 2, Nightfall - Tick Tick Boom is now in effect. I am granted to have the tac/com system which is a priveledge to command my team by telling them to attack, cease fire (they duck cover when this happens), and regroup. I thought that was very interesting part of this game. This new act gets me frustrated as I repeatedly attempt this part in the Ephyra Streets. As I bust the door open, I find myself outside the building struggling. I find number locusts everywhere with Lancers which is a much more effect weapon. They are even able to use the chainsaw bayonet. So outside this building contains two sniping locust from the buildings, a boomer, and a locust behind a gunner along with many other massive killing locusts running around. Not to mention my team yelling at me saying that this wasn't a good idea to go this way! It took me a good 30-40 minutes beating this on hardcore but I finally got it accomplished. Wow awesome feeling!!! Through the course of all this action, I became very familier with a few strategies....I got pretty good at covering while blind firing at the enemies. I became more effective with the active reload feature (which allows me to reload at about half the time!) I can't wait to show this game for demonstration in class!!!

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    Jan 11th, 2007 at 00:53:03     -    Gears of War (360)

    I have just finished my first Act to Gears of War! After about 3 or 4 weeks of just playing online, I figured that I would finally play campaign mode. After gaining skill through the online mode, I figure I would test the waters by playing hardcore and just skip casual. It was quiet the new experience of gears of war! As I played Ashes, Marcus Fenix experienced many different types of Locusts: Drone, Sniper, Wretch, Dark Wretch, Seeder, and at last Bersherker. I was introduced to all sorts of the guns that were offered: Lancer, Gnasher, Hammer of Dawn, Snub Pistol, Boltok Pistol, and the Frag Gernades. After playing that hardest campaign playable, I find that the parts of Embry Square get pretty tough. At the Fork In The Road, I find a locust at the gunner, a locusts on the second story, and a few locusts running around. After killing all, a few emergence holes open where locusts crawl out of. After attempting this part in Embry Square many times, I proceed to the House of Sovereigns. Here I find another difficult part where I have to gain access to the entrance of the house of sovereigns. Pretty soon, I was ready to experience the last enemy of this Act...."The Berserker" I found that beating this locust was one of the most amazing experiences. First you have to lure him outside but shooting him to get his attention. As he starts to bolt towards you, you figure that you should be next to the door to the next room so he runs into it breaking the door open. After hes outside, I get to a safe distance and whoop his ass with the hammer of dawn! I dominated him and that was the end of Act One!!!!!

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    1Call Of Duty 3 (PS3)Finished playing
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