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    Jan 31st, 2007 at 21:55:44     -    Super Smash Brothers (N64)

    I played Super Smash Brothers again today, and I was pleased to find out that I was doing much better than I had been doing the other day. I used Link primarily, but I also used Fox and Yoshi.

    I noticed, once again, that this game is pretty well balanced. Most of the characters can compete on par with one another so long as the players are around the same skill level.

    I also remembered how revolutionary this game was when it first came out. It was a four person fighting game where you could pick from any of Nintendo's classic character list. Also, the graphics for the time were great, and there was no better party game than a 4 player fighting game like SSB. Also, the fact that players had a health % instead of a life bar was unheard of.

    In addition, the level design was great. The idea of having 3D characters with a 3D background, but a 2D stage was fantastic.

    Overall, this was, and still is, a great game.

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    Jan 31st, 2007 at 02:16:05     -    Super Smash Brothers (N64)

    For my game I played Super Smash Brothers on the N64. I hadn't played this game in a number of years, so it was nice to play it again. I was hoping I would do as well as I had when I was big on the game; I prided myself on being good. However, when I played the game, I noticed that a lot of my former skill was gone, presumably due to inactivity.

    I play as Link and most of my friends usually play as Fox, Pikachu, or Kirby. I always seem to do good against those players, since my friends back home played as those characters, so it wasn't too hard to adjust to their attacks.

    My biggest problem was switching from the controls of Super Smash Brothers Melee to the controls of the original game. In SSBM, you can do a ground dodge and aerial dodges, whereas in this game you cannot, and since I am fond of both of those dodges in SSBM, it took some time to adjust. Once I did, however, I was playing fairly well, and won most of the games.

    Also, it was fun to play with the items and on the levels that aren't in the second game.

    Overall, while there are some characters clearly better than other, most characters are fairly balanced. It depends more on the player than the character. Obviously, some characters are stronger, so on, but in the hands of a good player, characters like Jigglypuff and Ness can still whoop ass.

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    Jan 19th, 2007 at 05:57:25     -    Melty Blood: Act Cadenza (Arcade)

    Oooh Kyuubi, I haven't met a single person who has even heard of that game lol. I like Tohno Shiki, but I think I like Nanaya more, thanks to his quick slash attack that hits for 8+ times an attack. I also tried Red Akiha, but I like just regular Akiha Tohno more. Just wondering which version do you play? Re-Act? Act Cadenza?

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    Jan 19th, 2007 at 05:52:29     -    Soul Caliber III (PS2)

    This game was just as good today as it was the other day with my friends. Once again, however, I found myself getting bored if there was no one else playing with me. Since I covered most of the gameplay in my last post, I don't feel the need to go into that now. I will, however, say that custom characters are without a doubt my best characters to play as. I found myself playing with my hallmates, and the variety of skill and character useage oftentimes leads to fun and competitive hall matches. I like this game, and while it is not one of my favorite fighters, it is still a great game, and if your looking for a 3-D fighter, Soul Calibur 3 is a great pick.

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    3Melty Blood: Act Cadenza (Arcade)Playing
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