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    Feb 9th, 2007 at 19:03:03     -    F.E.A.R. (PC)

    GAME Log Assignment
    Game of your Choice

    Log Entry #1
    FEAR (First Encounter Assault Recon) is an incredibly interesting and unique game featuring twisted and breathtaking storyline, which makes this game unique. This is a kind of Sci Fi game in which you are a super soldier with incredible psychic powers and fighting army of clone soldiers that are controlled by a psychic leader. The story line of this game is so breathtaking, almost as a movie, that doesn’t allow to you stop playing the game.
    In the game you mission is to find a psychic leader who is was a part of one major company’s project that got out of hand. The project was to create an army that could be controlled by means of physic powers. Every time in the end of every level it seems that you are going to catch that psychic leader but somehow he always gets away, which results in you wanting to keep on playing the game and catching him.
    In turn you as a psychic super soldier that have the ability to slow down the time in the game. This slow down time mode allows you to combat the enemy more efficiently by calculating the your next move and shot, also this mode enables head shots to be performed a lot easier. Yet, there is ability to play the game without utilizing this mode if someone likes fat intense game play. But sometimes for me this mode was essential since the enemies are smart and come in by the waves.
    This game if featuring amazing sound effects that go together with the game that will keep you under the pressure at all times. At times you as a psychic have visions or there are ghosts that pop out in front of you followed by a sound effect, which makes you jump up in the chair. Thus I recommend playing this game with a really good sound system 5.1 turned up pretty high or if you do not have a good sound system using head phones. Also it is better to dim the lights that add to the ambience.

    Game Log Entry #2
    As I started working on my second game log session I could happened to notice that the behaviour of the enemies was very unpredictable. Every time the enemy would use a different strategy for combat. Thus I decided to perform an experiment. I have saved the game at a point before an interaction with an enemy and have played the game a few times from that save point and every single time the enemy counteracted with me in different manner. One time they tried flashing me out with a grenade, the other time they just surprisingly all charged at me and sometimes they waited in cover for me. In this game enemies use real teamwork to combat you, for example one will throw a grenade while the other one will charge and fire at you. Also the enemies are very likely to use the smart warfare such as taking cover and retreating, regrouping and then striking again.
    As well this game utilizes wide varieties of weaponry starting form grenades and grenade launchers not limiting to common machine guns, pistols and my personal favorite nail guns. The fun part about the nail gun is that when you counteract an enemy with it the enemy will end up flying across the room and getting stuck to a wall and dangling from it.
    Overall the game designers had done a great job in making FEAR, it is an incredibly interesting game with the twisted storyline and breathtaking game play. That is why I rate this game one of my personal favorites. If I was on FEAR game design team I wouldn’t change anything the game is fun and unique the way it is.

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    Feb 7th, 2007 at 01:02:33     -    Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)

    Second Journal Entry:

    This time playing GTA San Andreas I have found some of the mission ridiculously boring and frustrating. For example, one mission at the beginning of the storyline, in which you have to steal the van with the sound system and deliver it to your friend, OG Loc. Once I got to the place where the van was located, I couldn’t just get into the van and drive it off, but I had to complete some ridiculous dancing competition. And in order to complete this competition you had to press the right buttons on the controller at the right time and sequence. I found this mission incredibly boring and frustrating since I wanted to do some fun missions with a little bit more action and fun that this dancing one. If I was a game designer for GTA San Andreas I would not have put in this type of missions in this game because these missions are incredibly boring and pointless. In fact this mission reminds me some children game that teaches kids alphabet or something. Not to be critical of GTA San Andreas which is a totally a great game but seeing this type of mission in this game just amazes me.

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    Feb 4th, 2007 at 22:46:51     -    Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)

    GTA San Andreas is an incredibly unique game. It has combined all the best characteristics of all the GTA games and added even more great fun features and realism. Unlike in all other GTA games you main character can swim in the water and under the water as well as he can eat, workout and change outfits. As I started playing the game, there were so many fun things to do like drive around, change you characters appearances and just go around have fun by just destroying things. The story line starts out kind of slow and boring, you have to do simple, dirty jobs like killing or protecting someone. Yet, there are so many things that I was tempted to do, like go explore the map and operate different vehicles. But most of these things have been not possible. For example when I tried to go and explore the map some of the roads were closed and if I tried to break through to another territory, let’s say by swimming, I would immediately got five star wanted level and cops would end up killing me. Also, the reason I found the missions boring is because you had to use simple weapons, but I had found the way to make it more entertaining. I just entered the weapon cheat codes and the missions were more fun and went by a lot quicker. As I have mentioned earlier, this game really had done a great job in creating the game realism that everyone always wanted. You were free to go anywhere and do anything; there are no obligations to do the missions. Also there is an new addition to this type of game, you have to feed you character if you do not he will loose weight and muscle mass. In addition to feeding your character you have to go to the gym and work out to gain that muscle mass, which adds to the strengths of you hero. But sometimes this reality can create problems, for example when you are playing the game and in the middle of the mission your character can become hungry and start loosing strength so you have to go and feed him as soon as you are done with the mission. But if you are to feed your character too much he will end up throwing up…

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    Jan 25th, 2007 at 23:15:42     -    Call of Duty 2 (PC)

    Fist Journal Entry:

    Call of Duty 2 is the follow up sequel of awesome hit Call of Duty. This sequel is bit different from its predecessor in a quite a few ways. The main change was in the game realism, and with this change the game play and controls had change quite a bit also.

    In Call of Duty 2 the utilization of the health kits is completely exterminated. There is no health kits or a health bar, so if you get shot up badly your screen will turn red and you will have to duck for cover and wait for a few seconds for you health to restore. This in a way greatly adds to the game intensity and realism since it makes intense non stop game play possible.

    This game is incredibly interactive and has interesting missions. In this game you get to not just a foot soldier but also a tank commander and artillery navigator. The story line is actually historically accurate unlike in some games and it also has real-time video clips from military channel which are part of the story line.

    As well this game had a big breakthrough in the graphics, which makes you feel like you are back in 1940s fighting along side your comrades. For example whenever you are in the tunnel and there is intense shelling going on you can see the sand falling off the ceiling. Also this game has an incredible high detail of WWII weaponry, which I enjoy so much. You can even see the scratches on your gun as well as read the guns serial number.

    Second Journal Entry:

    During my second consecutive game play, I couldn’t happen to notice a great addition to the game realism through your interactions with enemy. Whenever you wound your enemy, they will fall on the ground and when you come into a range they will pull out their hand gun and try to kill you lying on their backs, suffering. Which in my opinion greatly adds to the game realism since this is what generally happens.

    This game is not like most of the FPS games out there, in which you are the only man against armies of enemies. In the single missions you are actually fighting on the battlefield with you comrades that are following you and are fighting beside you. In this sequel of Call of Duty team game play has improved even further, your teammates are not as dumb and they follow you more and lose you less. But there is only one down side to that that I have faced. Sometimes during the battle you comrade will get in your way and you will end up accidentally shooting him, which ends the game play and results in you starting from the last auto save point. I think it would have been better if in the next sequel they would have disabled the friendly fire. But on the other hand this will take away from the game realism.

    I have not quite finished beating this game but I am sure there are a lot more cool things that I can add.

    P.S. Cannot wait for Call of Duty 3

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Jan 30th, 2007 at 04:00:47.

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