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    Feb 1st, 2007 at 23:35:38     -    Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)

    San Andreas has many innovative elements to it. The game uses a sort of "fog" to load and unload areas of the world. by doing this, the game eliminates the need of loading screens, which were present in all of the earlier games using the GTA III graphics engine.

    San Andreas expands on the ability to go inside of buildings, something that was first introduced in Vice City.

    Something that could be greatly improved on in San Andreas is the basics physics of the game. If a realistic physics engine was implemented, the reality of the game would greatly increase, giving the player a much more immersive experience.

    San Andreas adds an entire new social aspect to the GTA series. The main character is meant to come from ghetto areas similar to Compton, and his speach and a limited part of his actions accurately reflect the gangs there during the early 1990s.

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    Feb 1st, 2007 at 21:12:25     -    Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)

    GTA: San Andreas is a continuation of the GTA III games, and as such uses many of the same elements of gameplay. The player is given the freedom to explore a large world, although San Andreas takes this to an entirely new level. The player is capable of exploring three completely separate cities, as well as the land in between them.

    San Andreas keeps the player interested by giving him or her the freedom to do pretty much whatever they want, whenever they want. The mission system is very loosely based, so players have the freedom to play through the games storyline, or just explore the world.

    The game has a very limited amount of cutscenes, and the few that do exist can be easily skipped.

    The game keeps the player, as well as bystanders, interested by giving him the ability to do whatever he or she wants to do. For example, if a mission begins to get boring, the player can simply go on a rampage to blow off some steam.

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    Jan 31st, 2007 at 03:04:23     -    Gears of War (360)

    After playing GoW for a longer period of time, there are several problems that I have with the game. First off, after beating the game for the first time, it becomes apparent how short the campaign is. I could probably beat it again in less than two hours. I believe that this is because although the game utilizes a complex A.I. system, the times and places where enemies appear are very scripted in order to add to the cinematic-like feeling of the game.

    Another problem is that there is a very limited variety of weapons. And nearly all of the enemy units behave in the exact same way as your allies. It makes the game seem more like a shooter taking place between two human armies rather than against aliens.

    In addition, the storyline of Gears of War is very lacking. Even though the game first appears to have a very in depth story, it later occurred to me that it is extremely lacking. For example, the game tells me that I am going to go and stop a train, but never mentions why I am trying to do this. Or that I am going to a house, but doesn’t say what the reason for going there it.

    The level design is relatively linear. That is, there is pretty much only one way to go. However, the game makes up for this by giving the player a choice of paths at several points. The game also utilizes the processing power of the 360 by making objects located even in the far distance appear just as realistic as those right next to the player's character.

    My overall view of GoW is that the game had an incredible potential, but was rushed so that the X-Box 360 could have a strong game to compete against the Playstation 3 with. The game introduces many new aspects to the shooter genre, and probably has the greatest graphics of any game to date, but the rushed feeling it has make the game not as great as it could have been.

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    Jan 31st, 2007 at 03:00:13     -    Gears of War (360)

    The story in Gears of War seems to be pretty in depth. The main character serves as a sort of anti-hero, he was in prison for some reason before being released to help defeat the aliens which have invaded. However, the game has not mentioned yet why there is a war going on, or what exactly it is that I as the player am trying to accomplish.

    Gears of War has many innovative elements. The game introduces an entirely new aspect to the shooter genre. Unlike most shooters, where the best way to win is with gung-ho running in and killing everything, this game takes a much more realistic approach. The game is all about staying covered, and letting the enemy come to you.

    In addition, Gears of War takes into account the fact that in the real world, it is impossible to have perfect aim while running and jumping. In order to be able to target an enemy, your movement speed is cut down by quite a bit.

    This game creates very positive social reactions from bystanders, or at least from male bystanders. The game's extensive use of blood makes it seem very reminiscent of an action movie, making the game very appealing to men. Some examples include the clearly visible headshots, curb-stomping enemies, and the gun with an attached chainsaw. In addition, the use of swear words and the “gritty” feel of the game make it appeal strongly to the same audience that enjoys these sorts of movies.

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