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    Jan 14th, 2008 at 01:04:13     -    Resident Evil 4 (GC)


    In the next 50 minutes, more the of the story unfolds and Leon gets injected with an egg. Leon was able to interact with a non-zombie guy which was interesting because I guessed that no one else would be able to survive. I guessed wrong.

    There were more parts where I had to use fast reflexes to dodge or sprint, which I accomplished in a couple of tries. The game definently requires you to learn skills fast because you don't get any hint before things happen. But this is what makes the game exciting and unexpected for me.

    From the non-zombie guy I learned that the President's daughter, Ashely, is in the church. Leon is also introduced to a man that sells things and that you can buy things from. This game is strategy based where you need to sell and buy things according to importance and needs. The climbing, stabbing, and snippering gave me a variety of new techniques to use.


    The level for this game is hard but is a good thing because then it makes it more challenging, forcing the player to learn things quickly. It's better that the game isn't too easy because then the player can defeat it easily, making the game not worth it's money.

    The game challenges the player with traps and sudden attacks. It's important to move slowly when you move around just incase there's traps and fast when the zombies attack. Being careful is important along with reloadin frequently. So, the game requires you to remember what to do at different moments.

    Some innovative elements about the game were the injuries the player can cause to the zombies. For example, if you hit the zombie in the knee, he will fall. Another example, is that the player can blow the zombies head off. Just little things like that makes the game give you chills and the player feels like the zombies are real.

    The cutscenes in this game makes me think of what's going to happen later in the game. They are a bit random but they keep the game interesting. One of the cutscenes was when Leon was injected with an egg. This makes me wonder what will become of him and at the same time, it makes it scary to think of how I will get the egg out.

    The game is good if the player likes to get scared and if the player likes bloody and gruesome kills. So far, I'm really enjoying it, especially because I can interact with my friends on the side that are watching me play.

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    Jan 13th, 2008 at 23:35:15     -    Resident Evil 4 (GC)


    Resident Evil 4 is an RPG horror game that's a part of a series. The main character, Leon, is in search for the President's daughter in a mysterious place where he encounters and has to kill zombies along the way.


    I've started to play this game about a year ago but barely remember any so the game is pretty new to me. The game went over the story but when I first start to play, there was no direction in what I was supposed to do. I basically looked around and learned to do things myself. It was really hard to get used to the controls to shoot, stab, run, reload, and aim. Because I wasn't used to the controls I kept getting killed which made me have to start from the save point.

    Every time a zombie attacked me I panicked and forgot which buttons were which and would get killed. Even though I had to start over after getting killed, I like it because then you HAVE TO learn the controls quickly.

    During the game I'm always on my toes and I have to be ready for any thing that might pop out at me and kill me. Overall, the game is scary and heart-pounding because the zombies jump at you out of no where. I get very scared at sudden movements so this game makes me scream a lot! Even though it's frightening, I enjoy it because it keeps me awake.

    The zombies are super scary especially because they make gross noises that creep me out. Some of them move at a faster pace than other and can throw axes at you. The variety of zombies makes the game more interesting. Even though it's a one-player game, my friends enjoy watching me because I scream a lot and apparently they thing it's funny. :]

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