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    Jan 14th, 2008 at 01:30:06     -    Turbo Pizza (PC)

    Game Play Session 2
    After the first game log I realized how certain aspects of the game were incomplete. I felt very annoyed that after I completed the first set of levels, I had to rebuild my exp. for the next set of levels. I was not allowed to use any of the upgraded items. I’ve also notice that talking to another player while playing the game made everything much more difficult because the game needs all your attention.

    As time past the game became more addictive I also found myself waiting to see the new levels I’d unlock, I’m getting closer to opening a new restaurant. This would have a whole new set of decoration, maybe even different kinds of customers. As a player playing a game that does the same thing over and over again in every level it gets irrelevant to go on. But if you don’t have anything to do and you just need to kill some time. This game can be your best bet ^_^.

    As I continued playing the game I found many good aspects not to mention many bad. The good part about this game is the fact that it does not take much though. There are no puzzles or complicated things to read or solve. Like RPG games or sometimes action games. The most challenging part about this game is not to lose a customer. If you happen to lose a customer its hard to beat the level as I have tried. Even though the game play is very consistent it’s sometimes hard to keep up with the customer’s mood. The addictive part about this game is the reward part; once you pass a level you get new items. It makes the player want to know the ending of the game or what else the player could get.

    Now the bad part about this game; you can only achieve a certain amount of upgrades; then it just starts all over again. It would have been nice to keep the upgraded items and just keep on adding it on; Then the game would have been less challenging and possible more addictive. I believe there are about 50 levels in this game. The music in the game is very simple and happy. After playing this game for a decent amount of time, “I could sure go for a pizza”: P.

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    Jan 13th, 2008 at 19:51:51     -    Turbo Pizza (PC)

    Turbo Pizza is a game that challenges your multitasking skills. The object of the game is to reach a certain amount of currency before time runs out, while serving as many customers as possible. The more money you make the more upgrades, items you can buy, which help you serve more customers. The game is not complex; the control scheme is extremely simple because of the fact your only control is a mouse. This is a fairly easy game to play and understand once you finish the tutorial.

    When playing turbo pizza I became frustrated due to the fact that after I beat the games first few levels, I had to start all over again at the same slow pace. The characters aren’t designed to impress; relying to heavily on character designs used countless times on the internet, basically it was mediocre. I have played several games like turbo pizza but from what I have experienced this is one of the better story plots then the other games, for example dinner dash, and wedding dash. Turbo pizza is a fun game because it can get very addictive. It became addictive because every time I beat a level I wanted to know what the next level would be like.

    Even though turbo pizza is a one player game, I believe it’s quite social in many ways. You could compare with friends, what level they had the most difficulty with; or compete with a friend to see who could bet the game first etc… The game was very consistent, mostly it was always the same multitasking skills repeated, after a while it’s easy to guess what the customer is going to order from the menu. The speed of the game gets faster as you upgrade/purchase the necessary items to improve the pizza place or the character itself.

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