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    Jan 25th, 2008 at 23:54:03     -    Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

    Gamelog entry #1:
    In Super Mario Brothers 3 you play as the character Mario with the objective to go through all the levels to save the princess. To help the player there are coins one can gain which 100 of them add up to one extra life, and other characters that can kill you or lower you life power. Things such as the whistle allow Mario to skip through levels and a leaf allows it to fly.
    Plying this game again was really exiting because I already knew were one of the whistles was located, making it more fun to play. I really liked the characters because they can either help you or harm you. One example of this is the turtle, if touched by it reduces your life power and if jumped on it can be used a weapon. I liked that the characters served for more than one purpose. I really didn’t pay attention to the story line since it was given to me after the levels were completed so the story didn’t really matter since you didn’t really need to know it to play the game.
    This game was extremely fun for me because it was easy play and challenging at the same time. What made this game interesting was the choice of the levels which varied from a regular life world to a giant world. While playing this game with friends the competitiveness increased. It was fun and interesting to see who made it past the most levels and who found the secret leafs and whistles. As the levels progressed so did the difficulty, hence the more addicting it became for the game to be played.
    Gamelog entry #2:
    The second time playing this game it became an easier play since I had already been playing for a while before. I learned what didn’t work in my last play and what did. This helped me a little to progress in the game more than I had in the first time. Since I am not much of a game player anything seems difficult and irritating to me. Surprisingly enough, this game did not even frustrate me the first time playing it; unlike Halo 2 did the first few times. Both times playing Super Mario Bros 3 were fun and easy to understand.
    The second time playing this game also was more exiting than the first time. I learned precisely where the leaves and the whistles were so I knew were to go and what to do. While playing with others watching my cheats were learned and they too used them in their turn. Because everyone was gaining strategies the competitiveness increased.
    I thought that this game was really interesting yet basic. It did not include the latest graphics nor did it have an extraordinary soundtrack. What I liked most about this game was the originality and the way it was very classic style. Another thing that was interesting about the game was the different worlds. Each world was unique hence me as the player did not get bored while playing because other games have the same graphics for most levels. The one I found to be most interesting was the giant world. This was interesting because of the different sizes that were included; it felt as if I had gotten smaller when in reality everyone else had just gotten bigger.
    This game reminded me how much better games were before all the technology. I want to portray this in the video game that I will be created. I find myself enjoying games that don’t necessarily let you go in different directions other than up, down forward, and back. Games created now create to much confusing and are much more life-like hence for me, defeat the purpose of playing a video game. This is the primary reason as to why Super Mario Bros 3 was really fun to play, it was a simple yet fun to play 2D game.

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    Jan 15th, 2008 at 02:15:15     -    Halo 2 (XBX)

    Gamelog entry #1:


    In Halo 2 the player enters a map with a gun, which can be exchanged or carried along with another gun or in some cases, a sword. The player's goal is to be the first to reach the set number of kills. Everytime the player is killed it is placed at a different place in the map hence it is its job to find his way towards the rest of the players. Sometimes the players join in a team and together earn their kills by killing the other team together.


    While playing Halo for the first time I easily grew irritated because I didn't know how to control the character so I just kept crashing into the walls and very quickly got dizzy with having to look around with one analog stick and walk with the other. After playing it for some time I got used to it and walking around the map got easier. As a first time player, learning the objective was easy but when we switched to the teams knowing who was in what team was difficult because of the same outfits that the rest of the players wear.
    I didn't and to this day, still don't understand the storyline of this game. It begins with a man showing you around and tessting your aim then you are off to kill others. It seems to me that you are just put in a room with other people to kill eachother off. Although I enjoy playing the game with friends, I don't really like the reason as to why we are killing, there seems to be none. Playing this game grows more interesting as you get used to it. When I first played with my friend we both were clueless as how to play so we play to see who has gotten better; making it the game funner when other friends are watching and laughing at who is getting killed more. Once my friend and I got the hang of Halo, we grew less irritated of playing the game with other players who were better than us and we enjoyed it more.

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    1Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (PS2)Playing
    2Halo 2 (XBX)Playing
    3Mortal Combat: Deception (PS2)Playing
    4Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)Playing


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