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    Jan 13th, 2008 at 17:31:20     -    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC)


    Call of Duty 4's eye candy type graphics, its (straight out of the news) storyline and immersive AI in both the enemies and your other soldiers, it allowed me to become fully engulfed in the world of Sgt. Paul Jackson of the USMC and "soap" MacTavish of the British SAS. The perspective changed from the British to the USMC fluidly and the storyline progressed through the use of cut-scences and conversations in-game.

    With an hour more of gameplay i realized though that the game is very straight forward with its levels and dynamics of the game. The first person shooter has some interesting guns to use but unlike a crysis type game, you start off with one weapon and are unable to do anything except with that gun. You can however pick up ammo and guns from downed enemies which allows for some variation in your arsenal.

    Also, the more realistic melee move for all of Call of Duty is the knife stab which provides for a one hit KO while in the midst of enemies in close range. Although these are rarely used in the combat levels, it is quite humiliating and fast in the multiplayer mode. Like the Halo 3 rifle melee it is a fun addition to remind the gamer that COD 4 is still a game.


    The levels variety of settings from a middle eastern town, to a stealthly sniper mission, to ambushing a cargo ship in the bearing straight always keeps the gamer on his toes not expecting what type of setting to be fighting in. I particularly enjoyed the USMC perspective in the middle east which looked stunningly like movie clips out of such movies like Black Hawk Down.

    However one mission in particular was unlike anything I'd ever played. About halfway through the campaign mode, I with my superior capt. price were dropped by helicopter in an unknown Russian location and my objective was to infiltrate to a certain position and take a .50 caliber sniper rifle and assassinate the russian leader of the terrorist movement. This is one of the most dynamic levels I have ever experienced in all First person shooters. The adventure to get to the designated position was an experience in and of itself. However the actual sniper shot required is extremely realistic unprecedented compared to other sniper levels. The shot takes into account temperature, wind, and the coreoulis effect. Definitely one of the most exciting and abstract levels of Call of Duty 4 and definitely the whole FPS genre.

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    Jan 13th, 2008 at 15:16:22     -    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC)


    Call of Duty 4 is Activision's latest first person shooter in the Call of Duty series. The game is different from past Call of Duty's because the setting is now the current time period with updated game play, weapons and an entirely different plot compared to the traditional World War II shooter. The game consists of an intriguing plot in campaign mode that is told from 3 different perspectives. Additionally there are different multi player games to play online ranging from Free-for-All to a capture the flag type game.


    After playing this game for an hour or so, it allowed me to get by the training mission as well as the first two missions. Although the training is somewhat slow compared to the rest of the game, it does allow players to become faster at doing medial tasks (such as throwing grenades). Also it allowed me to become familiar with all of the controls for the PC version. The layout of the training level overall felt very realistic consisting of staged rooms, a shooting range and an obstacle course complete with pop-up wooden soldiers to train for the real thing.

    The training mission was just as I would expect it to be, if I were an SAS agent for Britain. With fluidity, the A.I. soldiers you play with brief you from the training for the mission into the real first mission of the game. The first mission consisted of me (Soap Mctavish) infiltrating a cargo ship in the bearing strait with my superiors (Capt. Price) and other soldiers.

    The lack of DX10 support in this game is hardly noticeable because of Call of Duty's stunning visuals in the very first misson, you'll really think you're on the chopper with rain around you and Capt. Price smoking his cigar before deployment. The rain and wind effects in the game are second to none. With the weather dynmaic affecting the cargo ship, I sometimes found it difficult to aim with the iron sights on the boat because of the constant rocking back and forth. Although this was bothersome throughout the level, it added a level of detail I've yet to see in any other WWII shooter or even any current day shooter.

    Veterans of the FPS genre will feel right at home with the constant action provided in Call of Duty. The "run-n-gun" type of play that some amateurs may have, will prove ineffective very quickly. The AI bots playing the security soldiers on the cargo ship are some of the best i've seen. At harder difficulties the AI adapts to the way that you run around in the mission and they try to flank you constantly always popping out from behind corners. For the hardened FPS players, the hardest difficulty might pose some problems and delay in the game actually causing the player to look for cover and prevent from being blown away by the precise throws of the AI bots.

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