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    Feb 8th, 2008 at 03:57:11     -    Donkey Kong 64 (N64)

    Gameplay becomes more expansive as DK and his crew unlock more weapons and abilities. My favorite so far is Diddy Kong's Peanut Pistols, because they fire so fast. The game introduces more things to collect (to torment those poor souls that play for gameworld exhaustion and perfect scores and garbage like that). The world is still incredibly hard to explore given a camera angle that would rather look at DK's buttocks than at anything useful like whats in front of him. Overall, engaging, but not satisfying.

    This game's character design is based off of it's predecessor, Donkey Kong country. The levels are varied, ranging from forest jungle aztec lands to ship graveyards (apparently K. Rool's fleet you sunk in the last game, a nice tie in). The level design is fitting, providing challenges for all the kongs to overcome (DK's gun can't open the door because only Diddy's gun can) and also character specific rewards for revisiting areas that came before the unlock of a character.
    The simplistic control scheme allows for easy familiarity with the controls so that the player can delve straight into the world, which is rather free motion, if devoid of anything to actually do in most of theplaces you can get to that you aren't required to. The battle schemes are basic, so if you aim and hit attack the monster is hit, if you're late, you're late in both senses of the word.
    The story is rather bland, being mostly vengeance and greed driven, despite being glorified as saving your home. DK is really only interested in getting his bananas back (and maybe his friends on the side, as the bird won't let him forget them). It's basically hero saves the world, with some subheros introduced to allow the overcoming of quests designed specifically to force the use of thsoe undercharacters.

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    Feb 8th, 2008 at 02:48:22     -    Donkey Kong 64 (N64)

    In Donkey Kong 64, the player initially controls DK, the title Character. DK has had his hoard of golden bananas, and somewhat less importantly all of his friends, stolen by King K. Rool, a lard of a reptile with a beer belly. DK's father, Cranky, is a mad scientist who fickly awards potions of skill to Donkey whenever Donkey can bribe him with enough bananas. As the game progresses you unlock more playable characters.

    Gameplay in DK64 is platformer-esque with a larger cardinality of gameplay. DK can run in all directions, and jump, but still move from platform to platform, treetop to treetop , ledge to ledge. The control scheme is simple enough: Analog Stick to move, A to jump, B to attack, C-Up to Zoom etc. Combos of these controls exist (Z + C-Left Draws your gun) but are not performed as real time attacks and require no skill to pull off. DK64 is mostly an adventure game, with the quests being collecting hidden items and solving puzzles to unlock advances in the story.

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    Jan 24th, 2008 at 18:27:06     -    Katamari Damacy (PS2)

    Katamari Damacy becomes less aggravating(and by aggravating, i suppose i mean challenging) as the size of things you are able to roll up gets bigger, because the world gets more expansive and there is more room to maneuver. Because the play is so lightweight, this game is excellent for relaxing, almost to the category of Heroine Hero (but you can win this, unlike in Heroine Hero, where you Never Catch the Dragon).
    Over all, an enjoyable experience.

    The characters still creep me out: how whimsical and seemingly blase the King of the Universe is, How submissive the Prince is to all of the king's bullshit... How the prince can put up with the king for so long is beyond me...
    The musical score fits well with the gameplay, its bouncy medium pace sets the stage for the game and keeps up with it well as you progress into bigger levels.
    The control scheme is rather basic, but makes full advantage of the two things it uses. many combos of pushing the analong sticks allow for multiple moves like speed roll, 180 direction change, and spinning. This simplicity allows for an easy to learn, but hard to master control scheme.
    Graphic art is low key in this, presumably to remain simple. The amount of artwork they did do was plenty to make the game world enjoyable with being a waste of time(as the player will just roll it up anyway). I particularly enjoyed the chalk drawings that could be rolled up.

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    Jan 24th, 2008 at 17:20:10     -    Katamari Damacy (PS2)

    Ugghh. Ok, Katamari Damacy follows the Prince of the Universe as he attempts to undo the damage his father the king did to the universe while screwing around. To earn his fathers favor, and dig the king out of a big pile of shit, the prince will roll around a gravitational ball called a katamari, which will absorb any object sufficiently smaller than the katamari, growing the size of the katamari until it is big enough to satisfy the king.

    The gameplay is simplistic in a good way. Only two controls are ever used, the analog sticks. This game makes for a very uncompetitive environment, which can be relaxing for people who don't get pissed off by the fact that the camera is too far in to see anything about the world, expecially on small scale with a big katamari. I have so far found this game aggravating, because I am used to dealing with lots of info at a time, and this game restricts me to so little I feel helpless.

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