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    Feb 8th, 2008 at 21:02:58     -    Mario Kart (Wii)


    MarioKart 64 the second time around was still just as fun as the first which tells me the game has a lot of lasting value. Since last time I figured out that the multi-player was more fun than single-player I spent most of the hour observing the multi-player characteristics of the game.

    The who race element of the game brought forth a new kind of competition between the people playing. Everyone really got into the game and the spirit of racing each other and trying to win. Basically you know a game is good if the people playing start screaming and yelling at each other while playing.

    I also noticed during gameplay that it doesn't matter how much of a skill level you are to start playing. Someone who just started has almost the same chance as someone who has been playing for a while. The learning curve for the game isn't very steep at all. They have basically made it so anyone for any skill level can win.

    Also, while playing the game, it almost doesn't matter what place you are in until the very end. The items they have given have made it possible to get ahead very easily, and the distribution makes it even more possible. i.e. the farther back you are the better items you receive.

    Basically the gameplay consisted of a full on battle race frenzy between eight people who all have chances of winning.


    The design of this game was a very successful variation of the classic racing game. Although some may argue it was a lot like Crazy Taxi for Playstation, this game brought a new kind of cartoony feel to it, making it more fun for the players. They also used the classic Mario cast making the loyal fans even more tempted to enjoy the game even more.

    The items used were interesting to see. There were defensive items and offensive items. Also there were items that made it possible for last place to suddenly get first such as the time clock or the lightning bolt. Some items such as the shells could be used to defend yourself from other items, or to shoot at others offensively.

    The gameworld tone also adds on to the amount of fun the player is going to have. When you see these cartoons racing and blowing the crap out of each other it is almost comical where-as if they were realistic the game might be more serious making less people want to play.

    Another interesting design feature I noticed was the level design. Each race course had a distinct characteristic about it that made it fun every time you played. Things such as smashing blocks and lava in the bowser level and random obstacles in other levels make the level design unique for each one. Also there were usually secret paths in each level making the more experienced player have a slight advantage, but still not too much of one.

    Overall, the design for this mario version of a racing game was very unique and fun to play over and over again, engaging the player with all of the different levels and items.

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    Jan 25th, 2008 at 23:07:49     -    James Bond Goldeneye 007 (N64)


    This time around, since I knew that the multi player was more fun I just got some friends and played. It was basically an hour of comparing this game to a more recent FPS, Halo.

    The most evident flaw was that you could not aim and move at the same time. This was a problem to most people because it trivialized the whole FPS ideal.

    For many beginners, this would be a good thing because this shooter, with its auto aim is a lot easier than halo. However, because of my experience with more recent FPS games the gameplay was not desirable.

    Another flaw was the lack of variety in the guns and the levels. Compared to Halo, everything was just more simple, including graphics. I remember that back in the day, this games graphics were one of the best, but now it is just not as fun to play.


    All in all, the design of the game for its time was great. It brought out a new genre of gaming and being the first, of course had to have flaws.

    One basic design flaw was the fact that you cannot jump off of a level. The only way to get down is using the stairs. The programmers did not leave any freedom of movement, like the games of today.

    The levels in the game are also extremely basic. They do have secret passages and areas but all in all, the level design was very simple. It is also very difficult to aim in this game, which is why the auto-aim is useful. However this makes it almost too easy.

    The game even in its lack of graphics and gameplay was still able to hustle up some conflict. There is still the usual "smack talking" and excitement that takes place in most FPS games. This is probably because that genre of gaming is able to engage any player because of the idea that you are shooting someone down.

    Personally I would not change this game much if I was alive back when it was made, but now I would definitely improve the graphics, and improve all the flaws that the programmers did not think of back then.

    All in all, a fun game of its time, but thats about it.

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    Jan 25th, 2008 at 21:13:37     -    James Bond Goldeneye 007 (N64)


    Golden Eye 007 is basically the first true FPS game, with James Bond characters.


    This game was definitely a classic because of the graphics and FPS capabilities.

    There is a single player and a multi player mode both of which were very entertaining.

    The biggest thing that I noticed while playing was that even though the game was so great back then, compared the FPS games that are out right now, this game is basically nothing. There is only one degree of motion, meaning you cannot move and aim at the same time. Luckily the game was programmed with an auto-aim option so this wasn't as big a problem.

    The single player game was engaging and well made to keep the player enticed until the very last second. Once beaten however, like many games, I don't see myself ever playing it again.

    The multi player was addicting, but once again because of the other alternatives right now, I don't see myself playing anytime soon. I remember back when I did play the game that it was the game of the time, and you could play with friends for hours and hours. However, now I played with my friends for an hour, and everyone just became angry at the game and basically pointed out all of the flaws.

    All in all, a very great game at the time, but it has become obsolete.

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    Jan 25th, 2008 at 20:53:47     -    Mario Kart (Wii)


    Mario Kart 64, is basically another racing game with characters from previous Mario games. The premise is to race in different cups, and get first place and beat all of the levels. The basic difference between this and other racers is the items that you can collect to slow down your teammates and win the race.


    Mario Kart is one of those games that you can play over and over again as long as you have other people to play with.

    The basic gameplay is to go through races and win using the items. There are many items you can use to disable your opponent such as red shells, green shells, the time clock, as well as some to help you go faster such as a boost or the invincibility.

    The game has three basic modes: single player, multiplayer, and battle mode.

    In my experience with the single player mode, the races get redundant and it is really easy to win races against the computers. The multi player, however, is basically the same game with the cup races, but now you are playing against humans who can think and use their items the same way you can. This is when the emotions of playing the game come out. People generally feel happier when they win against fellow friends rather than against a computer.

    The battle mode takes the item element of the game and removes the race. You basically have to defeat your opponents and get rid of their three lives to win. This mode in my opinion doesn't have the same lasting value as the racing, but is still fun for a while. This may be because there is not that much skill involved at all during the battles.

    Mario Kart 64 is a quick and fun multi player game that I truly enjoyed.

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    1Defence of the Ancients (PC)Playing
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