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    Jan 14th, 2008 at 02:26:58     -    Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne (PC)

    Gameplay: The second time i played the gem tower defence game was alot easier for me. I understood the building system already so i didnt waste time building. I also knew some of the abilities of the towers which helped me kill the enemies faster. I also used a maze this time that made it harder for the enemies to reach the final point. After getting to a higher level i found that the combination towers played a big role in the design of the maze and the amount of damage taken by the enemies. I played until the 34th level where i ran out of lives and was eliminated from the game. I did better but there were other players in the game that were 3-4 levels ahead of me and did not lose any lives yet.

    Design: The design of this tower defense is unique in all of the tower defense games that i have played. This is the only one that had random towers built every round so the player can't repeat the same strategy everytime the game is played. The upgrade and combination of towers was also another thing that was different in this game. Usually upgrading towers is done within the same tower, but in this game the player has to keep the right towers out of the 5 random ones each round in order to create the powerful towers. This game also had a path marked off by checkpoints that the enemies have to reach which makes the mazing aspect of this game very important.

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    Jan 14th, 2008 at 02:13:46     -    Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne (PC)

    Summary: The gem tower defense game is a use map settings game in Warcraft 3. The game is like other td's where the primary objective is to stop the enemies from getting to a certain point. Every player starts off with a builder that can place towers that defend the point which the enemies try to reach.

    Gameplay: When i first played this game it was a different way of building compared to other td games that i have played. In this game the builder places five towers named after gems and you have to select one of the gems each round. There are different abilities for each type of tower and also tower recipes. The recipies are combinations of towers that can be made into one powerful tower. There are also slates that do damage to the enemies that run over it and these slates also have combinaitons that produce more powerful slates. Being the first time i played this game i only reached level 17 before losing my lives by letting to many enemies reach the end point. I was playing on extreme race mode, where the winner is the one who completes all of the levels the fastest.

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    1Super Smash Brothers (N64)Playing
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    3Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne (PC)Playing


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