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    Nov 10th, 2006 at 11:20:26     -    Contact (DS)

    Wow, need to come back more often!

    Anyway! I have completed Contact as of last week--but I'm not quite done with the game just yet.

    The final area proved itself to be quite brutal, with both extremely powerful enemies and a chain of bosses to finish everything off. There were save points and HP restore items, yes, but that didn't make anything much easier. The game makes it hard for you to deal with multiple enemies at once and sometimes it's impossible to even get by without luring them away to deal with them one by one. It doesn't help matters much that the only way to restore Tech Points is to defeat enemies without using techs on them--one of the flaws of this game.

    As I said somewhere else--I wanted to love this game, I really did. However I couldn't--I merely liked the game. It's a good game, but nagging things and a few battle system flaws kept me from really loving it. The plot towards the end of the game fell flat--I felt nowhere near the captivation I had when I was running around Ft. Eagle and trying to stop the military base. And had it not been for the Professor's letter at the end of the game, I probably wouldn't have liked the ending either.

    Contact defenitely has its quirky benefits, its creativity, and doesn't take itself too seriously at any point. But be weary if you're expecting anything cinematic.

    I believe I'll make another closing statement when I pour through the optional quests later on.

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    Nov 1st, 2006 at 00:11:58     -    Contact (DS)

    Geez! Nearly forgetting to update!

    I've taken down quite a few bosses since, and now the game isn't as hard as it was during my run on Ft. Eagle. Right now I'm trying to build up my magic skills to impress a girl (yes, one thing you can do is impress girls in the game! Build up a stat and bring them certain items and they'll join you on the ship.) The enemies of the game also aren't being massive losers, and with the exception of the sacophages in the desert land Aegis nothing has been severely difficult outside of Ft. Eagle.

    The game is progressing nicely, and on Thursday I'll be able to show off what I've experienced to other fellow gamers! This is a fairly rare title gamers can't afford to miss out!

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    Oct 28th, 2006 at 16:51:46     -    Contact (DS)

    Two more runs through Contact since we last talked.

    This game's faults are growing a bit more apparent, but that makes this game's strengths still shine hard. It's still nowhere near addicting, and I've gotten lost on more than one occasion. As well, although battle is simplistic, some bosses are nasty (I've fought three thus far). Two of them I've had to heal up fully from near death, and one took me two tries.

    The good news about this game though, is the fact that the storyline is defenitely amping up. We've got cosmic terrorists, a massive damage reference, and evil organizations exploiting the masses! You can attack anyone on the game! (but it does you no good because innocent people don't drop anything and it murders your karma stat). I've seen enough MMORPGs to know this game plays rather similarly to one, and a good one at that.

    The suits have their uses, but so far only two seem to be incredibly useful: Mr. Cuisine and Knuckle Moe. Mr. Cuisine allows you to cook food you find and mix them, while Knuckle Joe amps your hp and attack. The other suit (Aqua Shot) seems to serve no purpose other than water element, and there doesn't seem to be many water weak monsters. I still have five other suits to find--maybe they're a bit more useful?

    We'll see as I go on. Perhaps something new will emerge?

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    Oct 27th, 2006 at 18:04:11     -    Contact (DS)

    Contact is something different, to tell you the least.

    Once I booted up the game, I was treated to an eccentric professor who asked me a few things about myself. As soon as I had finished, the alarms blared on his 8 bit screen, and I found him being chased by an enemy ship. Cut to our protagonist Terry (I didn't change his name because he's considered a separate character from me). He's snoozing, only to find a strange radioactive gem. The jolly prof comes in, bringing the gem (and Terry) back with him. Unfortunately, enemy ships chase them, and they crash land on a strange planet.

    It feels strange having a TON of stats rather than just a few in RPG games I usually play like Pokemon and Kingdom Hearts. Terry has a whooping 26 stats, each built up not by levelling up in the traditional sense but by developing those skills to the situation (getting hit increases defense, running around increases speed, etc.) Despite all this the gameplay is simple enough: run around, instruct Terry to pick fights, run away, or collect items by tapping the screen or pressing B (or A, depending on the situation). I got creamed by trying to battle with a creature way ahead of me in strength, but I would've appreciated the tutorial that came up just a little sooner than the professor told me about. Unless getting my butt kicked actually WAS supposed to happen...

    In any case, this game lacks the ability to draw me in to addiction just yet. I'm not hooked, but I'm certainly impressed. I'll be playing this game later tonight to see if anything else changes.

    Also, much love for the soundtrack.

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