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    Oct 13th, 2006 at 16:10:17     -    Façade (PC)

    My third thirty minute playthrough!

    If there's one thing that makes this game a glaring flaw, it's that nonsensical text still garners no appropriate reaction. I've taken my teacher's challenge and gone through the entire game, only saying one word like a zombie: Brains! Although they react to me strangely at first, eventually I'm flat out ignored in favor of them continuing as normal. As a matter of fact, Grace eventually left just like she did my second time around. What drastic shame! It looks like programming something open-ended such as this is much harder work than one would seemingly imagine.

    Overall, Facade is an amusing experience, but not one I would consider a video game. Had I not heard of this beforehand, I would have been even further frustrated from not seeing the elusive good ending I was told of by saving their marriage. For some strange reason open ended games like these quite simply don't mesh with me well. Much like a few other people on this site, my claim to fame is all about the set goals and reading a story... something as interactive as this doesn't quite tickle my fancy.

    For this game? The average gamer should skip it. Nothing amusing lasts more than five minutes on this one. A person with social graces, however, just might find this game enjoyable.

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    Oct 12th, 2006 at 23:21:41     -    Façade (PC)

    Second round of Facade.

    I fared a little better this time. I managed to NOT get kicked out, but unfortunately I talked to Grace too much. She reached a conclusion and walked out of the house. Ouch.

    jp was right... Facade takes several playthroughs, and no two experiences are alike. Such a shame though, that Facade's atmosphere doesn't seem to suit me. I have to be especially fast just to get a *proper* word in. And even then they didn't understand when I talked to them.

    Something about this game still puts me off. It could be my losing streak, but at the same time that never angered me like it did in PC freeware Cave Story, and adversely never pushed me to try and finish it. Perhaps open-ended games are just not my thing.

    It was also amusing to note that an earlier attempt actually ended my game in EXACTLY 15 seconds... I pushed the elevator button and my game ended. What kind of loser clause was that!?

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    Oct 11th, 2006 at 23:09:23     -    Façade (PC)

    ...Right now I'm totally confused.

    While Facade has some great merit and genius put behind it, it as a game for a gamer... it fails spectacularly. Someone not so into the average gaming scene might benefit from this, but I find the scene spectacularly confusing, perhaps only if I lack the social graces to properly "play" the game.

    For those of you who don't know, Facade has you pick a name and talk with a troubled couple as they degress into an argument. Unfortunately the game is tricky to figure out--the average gamer seeks a certain solution, and this story's open ended-ness seems to confound and confuse me. The situation itself doesn't help--it's way too tense but at the same time less that brilliant... the arguing sounds both too strained and... set up to seem believeable.

    Maybe my poor playthrough might be one of the things that disjointed my game, but another playthrough later might suffice.

    At least it was worth a laugh.

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