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    Mar 5th, 2008 at 12:21:01     -    NFL Blitz (N64)

    ENTRY #2


    Although I have always remembered NFL Blitz fondly, I have to admit that it’s really only fun as a multiplayer game. I really don’t enjoy playing video games for too long or very frequently, so playing NFL Blitz in its one player mode is somewhat boring to me. However the multiplayer mode is a different story. Some games are just better played with others and NFL Blitz in my opinion is definitely one of those games.

    A good feature to NFL Blitz is the set up to multiplayer. You and someone else are able to play against each other or on the same team against either a computer or other people. This means that you can even play with three people, which is a feature I haven’t seen displayed on other football games. Although now that I think about it, I’m sure NFL Blitz isn’t the only game to have this feature. The game also allows you to use cheats such as infinite turbo running, big heads, playing in the rain or on other types of fields, etc… My suggestion, don’t play with cheats that alter the game. NFL Blitz to me is the type of game that’s funner without the cheats. I’d normally elaborate more on the game at this point but I don’t want to get into the design aspect of it in this section of the entry. And that’s somewhat of a problem because not much more can be said about NFL Blitz at this point. That’s the downside to football games of this nature, they’re all somewhat “singular” in their description.


    What I like so much about NFL Blitz is the unique and beneficially simple game design. In some cases, I think game designers add to much complexity to their games and when it comes to football based video games, I think the designers behind NFL Blitz are the only ones who got it right. The game moves quickly and smoothly unlike other football games with add to much realism such as long quarters, flags being called, and complicated plays. NFL Blitz moves quickly and in an intelligent way, simplifies key game features. Most specifically, the controls of the game. Instead of having to learn complex controls and playing strategies, players of NFL Blitz can perform operations such as running, jumping, passing, and catching with ease. Other games design these aspects with more complicated controls and often require more precise and careful executions, which is a feature I find tedious and restricting when it comes to football games.

    For example, the controls in NFL Blitz are more simple and thus it is easier to control more of the game with less attention to picky details. You can change your player easily and passing to computer players is simple. Once you are the quarterback and the ball is in play, all you must do is hit “A” until the passer you want is selected, which shouldn’t take more then a second if you hit “A” fast, and then it will pass to that player. You then take control of that selected player and catching the ball only depends on whether or not you get tackled before completion or not. In other games the catching feature is much more complex and difficult to complete which is a major set back for me.

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    Mar 5th, 2008 at 12:20:36     -    NFL Blitz (N64)

    ENTRY #1


    NFL Blitz is a series of football games which was primarily released for the Nintendo 64. Each NFL Blitz game is named the year it came out. For this game log I chose to play NFL Blitz 2003. In the game you are able to play as any of the 2003 featured football teams which all feature the players and statistics of the time. The 2003 version features different stadiums to play in, cheat codes, tournament modes, and multiplayer modes.

    It is similar in look but not control style to most other football games of the time and the core game mechanics are the same as in most other football games.


    NFL Blitz is the only football game I have ever played which I like, and on a side note, its the only video game my dad likes. The reason I enjoy NFL Blitz and not its similar counterparts all lies within the game design of NFL Blitz. In other football games I find that the quarters take much too long and drag the game on for longer then I care to play. In NFL Blitz the quarters are only two minutes long and there are no long breaks in the game that drag its duration out.

    NFL Blitz also separates itself from other football games by distorting the reality of the game. This is the main feature and reason I like NFL more so then other games. In football games such as Madden, the game feels much to realistic and for me this was always a difficult and less enjoyable experience. Players could get flags called on them for running out of bounds or pass interference. And apart from flag calling, the control of other football games seems too complex for me. The passing and catching in other games seems poorly designed in all other games except NFL Blitz. I understand this perspective is not commonly shared, and I don't know why I can only play NFL Blitz when it comes to football games, but as they say, "to each his own."

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    Feb 15th, 2008 at 16:12:54     -    Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

    ENTRY #2


    What I like about this game so much is its use of "Super Mario Brothers" nostalgia. What I mean by this is that the game features various elements from older Mario games that haven't been used in some time. For example, many old enemies reappear in this game such as gumbas, kupas, and of course, bowser and his kid. But it doesn't end there. The coins and stars look similar to what they used to look like in older games as do the question mark boxes which contain random aids such as coins or mushrooms. Also the game uses nostalgic sounds, such as when you die or get a one-up.

    But perhaps the most enjoyable feature in Super Mario Galaxy is the surprising versatility of the game itself. Mario's playing range is incredibly expanded in this game in comparison with older games, however, super mario sunshine was the first mario game to really expand the playing field. But in Mario Galaxy, not only is Mario himself more versatile, but the levels are as well. The gravity feature adds a lot of depth to the gameplay and the entire game is constructed around this. More example, many levels are designed in strange looking ways but once you play them you realize why. The gravity feature (and distortion of it) allows Mario to travel around levels in various different ways, each way with its own creative elements. For example, some games allow you to switch the gravity in terms of either vertical or horizontal gravity which makes Mario either "fall" upwards or downward, or side to side depending on when you use this feature. All these features are designed around the level goals so the player quickly masters the design and is able to face challenges with more creativity.


    The past entry and some of this one have already commented on design features of the game because based on the style and gameplay of this game, it's difficult to describe said features without elaborating on the game design, so if you'd like to read more about the design of the game, read my previous entry on Super Mario Galaxy.

    The main game design feature in Super Mario Galaxy which separates itself from older Mario games is undoubtedly the gravity feature. Because there are multiple planets in each level, and each planet has its own independent gravity, there is a wide range of gameplay which never seems to tire. Mario is able to transport himself from planet to planet by jumping into what I call launchers, and then you shake the Wii remote to propel Mario to the next planet.

    What I find distinctive in this game in comparison to older mario games (especially the ones from the N64 and older) is that instead of only being able to view specific areas of the level at specific times, is that you can see almost the entire level at all times. (Depending on what level you are in.) Does this technically make this type of Mario game a new platform? What I mean by this is that in the first few mario games you could only go left and right in the levels due to their platform type design. Then a new 3D platform was made for Mario 64, however you could only view a fixed portion of the game as you progresses through it. Then in Super Mario Sunshine and Mario Galaxy (especially the latter) you play in a similar view as Mario 64 however your view of the level is much more broad and you can see almost the entire level no matter where you are in it which gives the game a much larger feel. So what I'm wondering is does this constitute a new platform, or is this the same platform as Mario 64 but just with more advanced graphics?

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    Feb 15th, 2008 at 15:40:33     -    Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

    Entry #1


    Super Mario Galaxy is the new Mario game for the Nintendo Wii. It is the main Mario game for the system following Super Mario Bros (NES), Super Mario World (SNES), Super Mario 64 (N64), and Super Mario Sunshine (Gamecube). Like Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Galaxy is designed in separate worlds which each have separate levels. You must collect stars in this game to restore light and power to Princess Peach's kingdom which has once again been attacked by Bowser.

    You must go through the usual sums of enemies in the previous games and fight bosses to get the stars at the end of each level.


    My room mate just bought Super Mario Galaxy and I've been playing for about an hour now. I notice this game has the same type of level design as the previous two Mario games. Each world contains levels, each level contains missions, each mission gives you a star. You must collect these stars to progress in the game. However there are some obvious changes to the game such as the gravity feature. In this game, one of the most enjoyable features is the gravity simulation. In each level Mario travels from planet to planet which can range in size from very big to very small. Each type of planet has its own independent gravity which in my opinion, makes the gameplay considerably more enjoyable. This feature allows Mario to jump off planets but to fall to his death because the gravity of the planet will pull him back towards it. The camera angles do a great job of allowing this to happen smoothly.

    Another feature about this game which I noticed immediately was the great use of the Wii controller. Instead of over complicating a game like this with detailed controls, the Mario team has done what they do best, great control versatility, with the most simple executions. In the game, you don't use the Wii remote to control Mario. Instead you use the nun-chuck attachment to move him around and the combinations of buttons on both the remote and nun-chuck will enable Mario to do any of his multiple moves. The remote is used mostly for collecting "sprites" which are like stars you can use to shoot at enemies or collect to progress at certain parts of the game. This simple yet versatile control design is what makes the game so appealing and fun to play.

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