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  •       ...blogs for gamers

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    This is the place to (hopefully) find answers to all the questions you may have.

    1. I found a bug, a mistake or something just doesn't work!
    2. I want to write an entry but my GameLog doesn't appear!
    3. How can I change the status of a GameLog for a game I finished playing?
    4. What is a game?
    5. What is a GameLog?
    6. Can a GameLog have anything else?
    7. What is an "open" GameLog?
    8. What are the different status a GameLog can have?
    9. What does it mean to close a GameLog?
    10. What platforms can I write a GameLog for?
    11. Can I get email notifications?
    12. Where can I change my password?
    13. Where can I change my email?
    1. I found a bug, a mistake or something just doesn't work!
    Uh oh! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you send an email to jpzagal AT gmail DOT com telling me about it? I promise I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.
    2. I want to write an entry but my GameLog doesn't appear!
    It is only possible to write entries for GameLogs whose status is "Playing" or "Played Ocassionally". GameLogs in this status are considered "open". Maybe you changed the status of that GameLog?

    Take a quick look at the Closed GameLogs page (you need to be logged in for the link to work). If your GameLog is on that list, click on the Re-Open button to set the status of that GameLog to "Playing". You should now be able to write new entries without any problems.
    3. How can I change the status of a GameLog for a game I finished playing?
    Once you've finished playing a game and closed that GameLog, you can re-open it from the Closed GameLogs page (you need to be logged in for the link to work). This automatically changes the status of that GameLog to "Playing".
    4. What is a game?

    Well a game is, a game that you may play or purchase. For the purposes of GameLogs it refers to an electronic or videogame that you may play on your computer or videogame console (including handhelds). You can write about non-electronic games if you like, just make sure you select "Other" as platform when you add them to the site.

    Examples of games include: Doom, Everquest, Grand Theft Auto, Super Mario Bros.

    5. What is a GameLog?

    A GameLog is a record of the fact that you have started to play a game. It basically states the date you started to play a game, the name and platform of the game, a short opinion and the status of the game. The status indicates if you are still playing the game or not. If you have stopped playing the game then there is also a date of finish.

    These are examples of GameLogs:

    Name: Legend of Zelda:Oracle of Seasons
    Platform: Gameboy Color
    Game Started On: 2003-06-22
    Status: Playing
    Opinion: No comment, yet.

    Name: Toontown
    Platform: Personal Computer
    Game Started On: 2003-06-15
    Status: Stopped Playing - Got Bored
    Opinion: Not a lot of depth, cute, but not worth more than a few months.

    6. Can a GameLog have anything else?

    Yes! A GameLog also includes a "diary" where you can write about your experiences as you play a particular game. This is what makes a GameLog more like a blog. Basically, for each game you are playing you can, as often as you like, add comments. Let everyone know what you are up to in a game. Share your feelings, makes us weep at your high scores..whatever.

    For a GameLog on Toontown, a diary could be:

    [2003-06-15 10:00am]
    Finally! I just got another gag on the Lure track I'd been working on. Some of the newer missions are really a pain however. It took me more than 4 days to find a 5+ story bossbot building...grrrr.

    [2003-06-10 08:24pm]
    I've spent a few minutes helping out my friend "Choriflay". He really needed in taking out some tough buildings in the Dreamland. The points will come in use and we had a really good team going.
    [2003-06-10 08:24pm]
    And so on and so forth...

    7. What is an open GameLog?
    An open GameLog implies that the author of that GameLog is currently playing that game. You can expect the author to continue writing entries for that game. For many purposes, GameLogs whose status is "Played Occasionally" are also considered open.
    8. What are the different status a GameLog can have?
    A GameLog can have its status set to any of the following: (only the author of a GameLog can change its status)
    1. Finished playing
    2. Played occasionally
    3. Playing
    4. Stopped playing - Got Bored
    5. Stopped playing - Got frustrated
    6. Stopped playing - Something better came along
    7. Stopped playing - Technical problems
    9. What does it mean to close a GameLog?

    Closing a GameLog indicates that you are "done" playing the game for which you opened that log. What that means exactly is up to you. When you close a GameLog you change its status, make sure you pick the one that makes the most sense to you from the list.

    Closing a GameLog can also help unclutter the Open GameLogs page (link only works if logged in). You can see a list of your Closed GameLogs and re-open them if you like. (link works if logged in).

    10. What platforms can I write a GameLog for?
    The following platforms are currently available for writing GameLogs. If there is a platform you'd like to see added, send me an e-mail to jpzagal AT gmail DOT com.
    1. Arcade (Arcade)
    2. Atari 2600 (2600)
    3. Dreamcast (DC)
    4. Gameboy (GB)
    5. Gameboy Advance (GBA)
    6. Gameboy Color (GBC)
    7. Gamecube (GC)
    8. Genesis (GEN)
    9. HTC Vive (Vive)
    10. iPod / iPhone / iPad (iPd)
    11. N-Gage (NGE)
    12. Nintendo 3DS (3DS)
    13. Nintendo 64 (N64)
    14. Nintendo DS (DS)
    15. Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
    16. Oculus Rift (Rift)
    17. Other (Other)
    18. Personal Computer (PC)
    19. Playdate (Pdate)
    20. Playstation (PS)
    21. Playstation 2 (PS2)
    22. Playstation 3 (PS3)
    23. Playstation 4 (PS4)
    24. Playstation 5 (PS5)
    25. Playstation Portable (PSP)
    26. Playstation Vita (VITA)
    27. Saturn (SAT)
    28. Sega Master System (SMS)
    29. Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
    30. Switch (Switch)
    31. Virtual Boy (VB)
    32. Web (Web)
    33. Wii (Wii)
    34. Wii U (WiiU)
    35. Xbox (XBX)
    36. Xbox 360 (360)
    37. Xbox One (XBONE)
    38. Xbox Series X/S (XBX X/S)
    11. Can I get email notifications?
    Yes. When someone writes a comment on any of your GameLogs, you will get an email with a link to that entry.
    12. Where can I change my password?
    Click on "Preferences" in the top-left corner of the site. Obviously, you need to be logged in for this to work.
    13. Where can I change my email?
    Click on "Preferences" in the top-left corner of the site. Obviously, you need to be logged in for this to work. Make sure you use a valid email address because if you forget your password, this is the address we'll use! Also, your email is used to send you a notification when someone writes a comment to a GameLog entry you wrote.


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