OLEG's Super Smash Brothers (N64)
[January 31, 2007 05:25:31 PM]
I had to cut my gaming session shorter than the participants would have otherwise wanted. But I have other homework to do, and can't spend all of my time playing video games.
I don't think I've had a bad time playing Super Smash Bros with a group of friends. Whereas with Halo or Goldeneye one could easily get frustrated with losing repeatedly, with Smash Bros, it's all in good fun (apparently). The cartoony nature of the game allows for this (as opposed to a more serious one). While the game rewards combos, on several occasions it was entirely possible for a button masher to emmerge victorious. By its frenetic nature, the game just sometimes invokes chance and luck. I think randomness plays a part in many successful game designs. It certainly does here, sometimes to stupendously comic effect.
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[January 31, 2007 05:21:22 PM]
I was really looking forward to doing an NES game this week, but alas, circumstances have not allowed me to. Oh well. We'll stick with the classic Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo 64. Smash Bros is a three dimensional fighting game that supports up to four players, but only has 2-D cardinality of movement. I think as a design choice that is is fine, because having to negotiate in three dimensions would probably change the dynamic of the smashing characteristics of the attack system. Attacks would have to have a wider area of effect (and this is a game someties of precision attacks), and 3-D movement would also change the tension of falling off the battle platforms. But perhaps the most effective reason that this works is the fact that it would be much more difficult to implement a 3-d world for 4 players in such a game (it would have to split the screen, which games like Halo can do effectively, but such games also present a much much larger world for players to interact in).
As far as the gameplay, Smash Bros rewards familiarity with the controls and the unleashing of devastating combos on your opponents. The graphics were acceptable for the time (1999), but the most influential aspect of Smash Brothers was definitely the frenetic and original gameplay.
I will make some attempt to get many people together and do a log on the multiplayer experience.
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