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    sjgonzal's mario 64 (N64)

    [February 2, 2007 12:21:43 AM]
    I can see now why Super Mario 64 is considered to be one of the greatest games of all time. I spent nearly an hour on a level just exploring and trying to find as many red coins and hidden mushrooms as I could. It's not so much that the levels are huge, it's the fact that the world is so interactive with the player. this is a game that will easily take weeks to master, even for the most diehard of gameplayers. It was interesting how the professor noted the importance of the camera angle, because that was what I found to be indeed the most frustrating. Especially when it comes to moving platforms. You jump using one camera angle, and then land using another one, all the while, trying to compensate your movement.
    One thing that I totally didn't notice until now, was that there was no load time. the gameplay is so seamless and nowadays, it is customary for your level to have to load. Even the score which is cheesy at some points, still has me humming along to some of the levels.
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    [February 1, 2007 06:11:55 PM]
    Ahhh mario 64, the last great monopoly of a platformer by Nintendo. I remember being amazed at how expansive this game is and it's worlds. Nevertheless, this game was ridiculous in terms of getting used to the 3-D world and the joystick. I think I am used to being able to go super fast in Mario games, so I was a little dissapointed when I kept dying every 2 minutes for not moving the joystick just right. It really is mind-boggling when you see old enemies of Mario in 3 dimensions. What I also loved was how some of the game design were exaggerated just right to make the whole game fun. For example, when you smoosh a goomba, the goomba expands horizontally like it's a marshmellow gettin squished. The graphics arent realistic, but that is overshadowed by the amazing cartoon feel you get from the game, which are inherent in all Mario games. I will have to play more of this to get a better feel for the game.
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    sjgonzal's mario 64 (N64)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 31 January, 2007

    sjgonzal's opinion and rating for this game

    revolutionary game in terms of 3-D movement

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

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    See sjgonzal's page

    See info on mario 64

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