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    etothe3's Katamari Damacy (PS2)

    [January 31, 2007 11:49:58 PM]
    I finally beat my moon size goal of 130km at 148.35! Hooray! The suspense is so high only because time will feel truly wasted if I do not beat my previous size. Its funny how that works, after a time in certain video games, the suspense comes only from the negative possibility that all your time spent has been for nothing. When doing something the size of the moon, a new strategy comes into play towards the end, and that is the "where is everything" phaze. Its important to stay near the center, however, its important to remember that new items are generated out in the ocean after your katamari reaches a certain size. This time, i was very aware of my position the whole time, and never found myself rolling in a direction without an object infront of me to pick up. Overall, A serious sense of accomplishment comes allong with picking up every item in the world, and after gathering every cloud in the sky, I felt pretty good.
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    [January 31, 2007 08:04:31 PM]
    Ahh, katamari, the playfull hallucination of strategy games. When I started this game, it was pretty dificult to figure out the conrolls. After a while, i realised the two joysticks were two vector-potentials, and they were added together for each joystick position. Soon, the controls became intuitive, and I was able to look at strategy instead of simple movement. My recent play of the game was an attempt to get over 130m for my moon. (moon level, obviously.) Ive come to realise that there are three groupings of item types to get in the game. Items that are placed randomly, those placed in a row or circle, (for a run of one type) or in large bunches, for newfound-size discoveries. Katamari definitely rewards the player for finding places accessible only at certain sizes. Once in these places, a cluster of items just small enough to be picked up exists, usually increasing the players size by 10 to 20 percent. These seem to be the key to quick growth, and once I found the order of these places, beating the levels was very easy.
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    etothe3's Katamari Damacy (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Saturday 1 April, 2006

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